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Dora having a successful first therapy session and not realizing it
"We've, ah, run into each other a couple times."
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Author Topic: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)  (Read 123737 times)


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #100 on: 14 Mar 2011, 16:29 »

*imagines Tai and Dora make out*

*not getting a boner*

Yeah, I'm convinced: don't do it Dora!


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #101 on: 14 Mar 2011, 16:44 »

I'll start working on sourcing my references to previous threads when people start making it clear that they haven't read the discussions up to whatever the current point is and ask for some sort of summary relative to their perception of things. Otherwise, if they aren't going to put forth the effort, they kind of deserve the frustration of not knowing where my posts are coming from (they all work and make perfect sense if you use the correct context of "wait, did we discuss this within the last few days on these very forums? Woah!").

OK, time to call you on your  bullshit.  This is not  about references, or other people not following the discussion - this is about you

Unwritten man code* - You don't just go and try to ask out a friend's ex-girlfriend. You talk to your friend first, see if they are alright with the idea, and then you go develop butterflies in your stomach.

Fuck that bullshit, your friend doesn't own their exes. The only reason to not ask out a friend's ex if you find them attractive and they act like they're interested is if you're not single, yourself.

If your friend can't handle their ex dating someone else, that is their problem, not yours.

Your first post on the topic.  As others pointed out, you're not being much of a friend, but that's not my point...

Two - Common courtesy, which apparently isn't that common, just means taking the time to know if someone is alright with the idea of an ex dating. No one owns anybody jackass.
Two - I already addressed this, if a friend isn't okay with the idea of an ex dating, that is their problem and not yours (who their ex is dating is irrelevant, it literally never matters in the context of them having a problem with the ex dating someone else).
Three - You need therapy if you genuinely believe you have to get your friend's approval before dating one of their exes. Adults don't have to ask their friend's permission, at any rate, what with not being in middle school anymore. See #2.

Second post (excerpted, obviously.  The other points were irrelevant to my point).  TheEvilDog never said anything about approval or permission.  You accuse others of not reading your posts, but really now, who needs to read more carefully?  Asking if your friend is "alright with it" is just considerations of another's feelings - are they really over it?  Would you be doing something hurtful to a friend?  Of course, it's may just be a way to express your concern for your friend, because while asking if they're alright, you're also telling your friend that you're interested in the ex.  Unless you're able to do it subtly (look it up, I'm pretty sure it's not a word you're familiar with). 

Adults don't have to ask their friend's permission,

But adults will also consider their friend's feelings.

That works both ways: If they're an adult friend, they aren't going to get all pissy because one of their friends is dating one of their exes. This really isn't that difficult to understand, is it?

Third post, and we finally get a little insight into what you were actually thinking.  Not much, really, but of course it also uses the offensive defense; you were misunderstood, you know  you were, yet you try to make the readers be at fault. 

That works both ways

Are you seriously saying that you consider it adult behaviour to rely on your friends being adult enough to indulge your pissing on their feelings?

Are you intentionally misreading everything that doesn't agree with you?

I'm saying an adult friend is going to move on from past relationships with their exes and it should not ever be a problem for their friends to date one of their exes. If the friend seriously has a problem with their Ex dating one of their friends, they have deeper issues with letting go and all that other nasty stuff that goes along with clingy, creepy people than you can help them with (and as I said earlier, it wouldn't matter if the EX is dating a friend or not, the simple fact that they are bothered by the ex dating anybody is indicative of serious mental problems).

Fourth post, and finally, finally, you explain your thoughts.  It's full of absolutes (never say... never mind) and assumptions about others that may well not be true.  BTW, no one misread anything - we just read what you wrote, curt as it was.  You need to try and see it from the point of view of another, we're not in your head (there isn't room for all of us ...)

I don't know you, I only see what you write on this board.  But from what you've written, it seems you'd have a hard time understanding what it means to be a friend.  Do you really treat your friends the way you advocate in here?  That's your business, of course, but I can't imagine they appreciate it. 

Of course, you probably wouldn't care, either.  At least, if your posts are to be believed, that's how it seems. 

As another person said, it's pretty damn sad. 
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2011, 17:20 by Carl-E »
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #102 on: 14 Mar 2011, 16:47 »

Even though Dora gives off some pretty strong bisexual vibes, I can't seriously see her hooking up with a chick. Just doesn't seem right.

She has in the past, at least once... the DJ, remember?

However, Tai seems like a bad idea on a couple levels.  Fortunately, I doubt she'll do it - when she said she didn't go for butch girls, it's possible she was just making fun of Ellen, but her general habit of treating Tai like a puppy seems genuine enough, so I really don't think she's in a state of mind to sexualize her.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #103 on: 14 Mar 2011, 17:19 »

Two - I already addressed this, if a friend isn't okay with the idea of an ex dating, that is their problem and not yours (who their ex is dating is irrelevant, it literally never matters in the context of them having a problem with the ex dating anyone someone else).
The "Don't date a friend's ex without their permission" thing is part of the (mostly bullshit) "girl code" too. I don't think the issue  here is whether the friend has a problem with the ex dating anyone else at all ever. That would indeed be an unhealthy vengeful and controlling attitude. But someone could have legitimate issues with one of their friends dating an ex, especially if the relationship ended badly. Sharing the same social circle is likely to be very uncomfortable at least if you have to keep meeting the person who stole from you, cheated on you, gave you an STD etc. Personal autonomy is all well and good, but it shouldn't lead people into social autism.

Almost the definition of a friend is someone for whom you care enough to sacrifice some personal autonomy. If you care about someone, you at least think twice before doing something that will cause them discomfort or distress. If someone's feeling about a person is "I'm going to do what I want to do, and if they don't like it that's their problem", I'd suggest that their relationship with them is not friendship. Or at least that the word "friend" means something very different to them than to me. After all, any random person on the street is entitled to some consideration from me as part of my duty of a citizen, and surely a friend is entitled to more?
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #104 on: 14 Mar 2011, 18:11 »

How about this for a compromise.  If you want to date a friend's ex, you tell your friend your intentions.  Not to ask for permission, since that is not theirs to give, but to ask if they are ok with that.  If not, then ask why.  Not out of any obligation to an outdated "code" or because of any fucked up concept of ownership.  If anything, it's done so your friend can find out from you, rather than finding out from a third party.
They call me Mr. Madness.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #105 on: 14 Mar 2011, 18:18 »

Also, no one has brought this up yet, so I guess I'll be the one to stir the pot...Dora sure didn't wait before Faye was done moving on from Marten, did she? I mean, I agree that "the heart wants what it wants", but while we're on the subject of whether it's appropriate to date a friend's ex immediately or not, it seems that there's a precedent in this group of friends. Marten and Faye were practically "exes" after the talk, for all the emotional baggage there was, and Dora waited "TWO FRIGGIN' DAYS?!" (in the words of Faye) before snatching him up. Granted, she felt bad about it, but actions speak louder than words.

That being said, I don't think that Marten would have a right to be upset if Tai and Dora became involved with each other. It's been pretty clear for a while that Tai is interested in Dora ("Basically, my ideal is you, only single").

Also....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I've always thought that Tai and Dora would make a good couple, far better than Dora and Marten.

The difference in terms of the first paragraph is that Martin and Faye never dated and Faye always made it clear that nothing was likely to happen between them. Therefore when Dora and Martin hooked up, it was a slightly different thing. Additionally, on the night it did happen, Martin felt honour bound to wake Faye up to tell her as it was felt she had a right to know. Plus Dora had often asked Faye what was the deal between her and Martin and Faye had often teased Dora about her attraction to Martin.

I think where Martin would have a right to be upset is the fact they basically broke up due to Dora's insecurities despite their attraction towards each other - for Dora to 'move on' within a month could be taken as an insult to him. The insult is based upon the fact she moved on very quickly - more so as they broke up still having feelings and the whole "I love you but I have issues that stop this relationship working" angle. The fact Tai is female may also cause further upset. Although Dora has expressed the fact she is also attracted to women, her moving onto a woman would hit his male ego in another way. Martin might well wonder if their relationship was a lie and that Dora preferred women but saw him as a short term shag. Slightly irrational thinking? Maybe, but Sven (I think it was) revealed that in the past Dora would sleep with people for the attention and the feeling of being loved etc even if the guy was bad for her. As readers of the comic, we know that wouldn't be Dora's motivation, but in a real life situation, that might well hit Martin hard at a time he is probably emotionally less stable.

Saying that, if anything does happen between Dora and Tai, I suspect that Dora and Tai will be chatting where there is booze, Dora will reveal she is lonely and Rai will make a move. Partly as a result of alcohol and feeling sorry for herself, I'd expect Dora to respond but stop before any clothes are removed. And I expect Dora to be horrified by it. Tai will take offence or realise making a move was a bad idea and Martin will ask her what is wrong at work......


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #106 on: 14 Mar 2011, 18:24 »

OK, time to call you on your  bullshit.  This is not  about references, or other people not following the discussion - this is about you.

*posting about what you're failing to counter with your argument
(this latest argument being the exception)
*more words about the argument you're trying to say I'm making badly*

Fourth post, and finally, finally, you explain your thoughts.  It's full of absolutes (never say... never mind) and assumptions about others that may well not be true.  BTW, no one misread anything - we just read what you wrote, curt as it was.  You need to try and see it from the point of view of another, we're not in your head (there isn't room for all of us ...)

It took four posts for me to spell out something that should be patently obvious to everyone that has ever had any lasting relationships at any point in their life, does that mean I'm terrible at explaining things or that people aren't willing to expend near the critical thinking on this tangent as they are on whether or not Jeph is going to Rule #34 us with Tai and Dora?

I don't know you, I only see what you write on this board.  But from what you've written, it seems you'd have a hard time understanding what it means to be a friend.  Do you really treat your friends the way you advocate in here?  That's your business, of course, but I can't imagine they appreciate it.

I treat my friends the way they've treated me, yes. You act as if this kind of behavior would make us all monsters, but to me, people that act like you and other posters on here seem to believe you should act are the monsters.

We've all been friends since Kindergarten, why would that stop just because more than one of us dates the same girl at any point in our collective life times? It is pretty much a given that this will happen occasionally, nobody that has grown up into a well-adjusted adult has a problem with it and you have to be pretty fucked up in the head to have a problem with one of your friends dating one of your exes (or even anybody else dating one of your exes, you have to accept that they're going to be dating other people after all--what kind of fucked up mind seriously puts those kinds of limitations on their friends regarding relationships that are over?).

Moving on:

How about this for a compromise.  If you want to date a friend's ex, you tell your friend your intentions.  Not to ask for permission, since that is not theirs to give, but to ask if they are ok with that.  If not, then ask why.  Not out of any obligation to an outdated "code" or because of any fucked up concept of ownership.  If anything, it's done so your friend can find out from you, rather than finding out from a third party.

How about this: If you want to date someone, you date them and anyone that has a problem with who you are dating can just Deal With It.  8-)

In regards to the break-up: a common rule of thumb I've heard many times is that it takes half the time you were in a relationship to fully "be over it".

Do I have to give actual examples for why this rule is stupid, or can people figure this one out on their own?

EDIT: Here is a freebie - Someone that gets divorced after a five year marriage should not have to wait two and a half years before they can start dating again without being scrutinized.
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2011, 18:31 by Odin »


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #107 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:01 »

Rather than a long drawn out post that will somehow ramble off on a tangent halfway through, I'm just going to kinda list out the points I agree and disagree with;
  • People do need time to get over a relationship, and that time can't really be dictated by others.
  • Talking to a friend, and letting them know that you might be interested in going out with an ex, just to make things clear and get them out into the open, rather than them finding out third hand or by "walking in" as it were.
  • There is no such thing as asking permission to go out with someone, no one has any claim to another person. It ties in with the above point, you aren't asking permission from someone, just giving them a heads up

  • This stuff about waiting half as long as the relationship lasted. Honestly, think about it, and how impractical it would be after a significant period of time, say three years, or four years. Its too impractical to wait 2 years before saying "Well, I'm better, off I go." I do believe that everyone recovers at their own pace, but there is a limit to how long someone can mope around. Quick example, if a relationship lasted 3 years before it broke up, I'd expect to be understanding for either friend for three months, possibly four, but after that, I'm going to try and get them off their ass and do something rather than vegetate. If they persist or insist or wallowing in self pity after that, I will drag them out the back and hose them down, and I'll walk away. I will be there for my friends, I would like to believe I'll be there when they need my help. But as a friend I will not put up with they're whiny crap for 18 bloody months.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #108 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:11 »

OK, time to call you on your  bullshit.  This is not  about references, or other people not following the discussion - this is about you.

*posting about what you're failing to counter with your argument
(this latest argument being the exception)
*more words about the argument you're trying to say I'm making badly*

Fourth post, and finally, finally, you explain your thoughts.  It's full of absolutes (never say... never mind) and assumptions about others that may well not be true.  BTW, no one misread anything - we just read what you wrote, curt as it was.  You need to try and see it from the point of view of another, we're not in your head (there isn't room for all of us ...)

It took four posts for me to spell out something that should be patently obvious to everyone that has ever had any lasting relationships at any point in their life, does that mean I'm terrible at explaining things or that people aren't willing to expend near the critical thinking on this tangent as they are on whether or not Jeph is going to Rule #34 us with Tai and Dora?

I don't know you, I only see what you write on this board.  But from what you've written, it seems you'd have a hard time understanding what it means to be a friend.  Do you really treat your friends the way you advocate in here?  That's your business, of course, but I can't imagine they appreciate it.

I treat my friends the way they've treated me, yes. You act as if this kind of behavior would make us all monsters, but to me, people that act like you and other posters on here seem to believe you should act are the monsters.

We've all been friends since Kindergarten, why would that stop just because more than one of us dates the same girl at any point in our collective life times? It is pretty much a given that this will happen occasionally, nobody that has grown up into a well-adjusted adult has a problem with it and you have to be pretty fucked up in the head to have a problem with one of your friends dating one of your exes (or even anybody else dating one of your exes, you have to accept that they're going to be dating other people after all--what kind of fucked up mind seriously puts those kinds of limitations on their friends regarding relationships that are over?).

Moving on:

How about this for a compromise.  If you want to date a friend's ex, you tell your friend your intentions.  Not to ask for permission, since that is not theirs to give, but to ask if they are ok with that.  If not, then ask why.  Not out of any obligation to an outdated "code" or because of any fucked up concept of ownership.  If anything, it's done so your friend can find out from you, rather than finding out from a third party.

How about this: If you want to date someone, you date them and anyone that has a problem with who you are dating can just Deal With It.  8-)

In regards to the break-up: a common rule of thumb I've heard many times is that it takes half the time you were in a relationship to fully "be over it".

Do I have to give actual examples for why this rule is stupid, or can people figure this one out on their own?

EDIT: Here is a freebie - Someone that gets divorced after a five year marriage should not have to wait two and a half years before they can start dating again without being scrutinized.

Things well-adjusted people don't do: consider other people's feelings

Things well-adjusted people do: Dump piles of words on the internet calling people fucked up in the head for considering other people's feelings

I mean I just wanna make sure I'm clear how this all works now.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #109 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:29 »

I can't help but feel all of this is leading up to a really long post about Ayn Rand


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #110 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:30 »

So, I finally got around to making an account on this forum. I may be on occasionally during the day if I get bored at work. I've been reading this comic for ages now, and I decided to make a forum account.

My first question, what does WCDT actually stand for? I have no clue, so I'm quite curious. Ooh. Just noticed the poll at the top. Still have no clue what WCDT means.

Also, I do feel like this could lead to some trouble later on down the road, but I don't really see Tai trying to actively make Dora swoon so close to the breakup. Especially while Marten is still at the library. That could lead to a lot of drama, and I don't think Tai really wants to piss everyone off. I also don't think Dora would jump on her so quickly either.

Now for the drama I see on these forums (everything QC related is dramatic man)

Odin, I understand what you're trying to say about how a mature friend should just get over it. And while I agree with that, it's still a considerate thing to do to at least tell your friend about it. Dora and Marten were together for a long time in this context, more than 6 months as someone mentioned earlier. It was clearly a long term stuff, but wounds don't heal that quickly for a deep relationship.

It took four posts for me to spell out something that should be patently obvious to everyone that has ever had any lasting relationships at any point in their life, does that mean I'm terrible at explaining things or that people aren't willing to expend near the critical thinking on this tangent as they are on whether or not Jeph is going to Rule #34 us with Tai and Dora?

Here's the thing, I've had a lasting relationship before. It fell apart for reasons very similar to Dora's and Marten's (which kinda struck a chord with me when I was reading the rage at Dora threads and felt bad for her too). If a good friend of mine told me that he wanted to date my ex-girlfriend within a few weeks, I'd be a little shocked. But I'd appreciate the gesture of what they did. I'd warn them about what's about to happen, and probably say that I don't know if my ex would be ready at the time for another relationship. I got over it in a matter of weeks, but that's just how I am. I move on pretty damn quickly from anything. If someone asked me now? I'd be perfectly okay with it. I'd laugh a little on the inside (and outside too) because I can't really imagine any of my friends doing that, but hey, I got over it. It takes time for things to heal and after a breakup, you're trying (or at least supposed to try) to be nice because it's just not a good experience for anyone.

Another thing you might not realize is how you sound to others on a forum. Sadly, we aren't your friends. None of us know you in person. I can be a pretty sarcastic person in real life and say some mean things because I think they're funny at the time, which sometimes turns out to be true. I would never say things I say in real life on a forum simply because it's a different medium and things are harder to pick up.

Now, when you say things like "it should be obvious", it comes off as rude and presumptuous. I don't think you're trying to be a prick, but that's how you come off as. It's not that we don't read your posts, it's that we are that causes the problem.  I don't think the half the time thing is a great stick to measure by either, but I'm not going to instantly say it's stupid. That helps no one in the long run, and only makes people think you look like more of jerk. Is it silly? Yes. Do I think the author of that post meant the post is the
absolute authority on relationships either? Probably not. More of a guide, a rule of thumb if you will.

Holy wall of text batman. No one's getting a tl:dr on it either. We're all literate if we're on a forum I assume. Also Ayn Rand.
Haters gonna hate.


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #111 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:39 »

I'm not a big fan of arbitrary limits, like the 50% of time together- you should know your friends well enough to gauge when they're actually over a previous relationship. For everyone else, you shouldn't assume anything. If you really need a guideline, though, I guess you could do worse. Like Marten's mom did.

As far as dating the ex of a friend? No, your friend doesn't 'own' that person, but it's entirely possible for them to feel very protective or still have feelings for that ex. If you don't make at least a basic attempt to find that out before starting a relationship with their ex, you're setting yourself up for failure. Personally, I'd stay clear of that particular boundary. First off, it does come off as being a vulture or otherwise casting doubt on the essential nature of the friendship, and secondly, your friend presumably either broke up with that particular guy/gal for a damn good reason, or was dumped. Neither says a lot for your chances of happiness with their ex.

Regarding the comic per se-

I think Tai and Dora would be a fairly interesting pairing, assuming Dora is able to be less crazy than she was with Marten. The fact that she's almost half again Tai's age might cause some social issues, but nothing insurmountable.

Marten's as close to being over it as he's ever going to be. We already know he retains feelings for women he dated in the past, and this is unlikely to be any different. But he's already looking for another girl to be in a relationship with. I hope it's not Padma, and not because I don't like her. Marten and she have no chemistry from what we've seen, at best he wants to sleep with her and she simply doesn't care all that much about Marten.

Having to fight an adult deinonychus with a sharp rock is extremely scary. Granted, I only know this from dreams, but it makes complete sense.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #112 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:39 »

Weekly Comic Discussion Thread.

As for Odin, I'm kind of disappointed in his response to my post, since it didn't seem like he actually read it.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #113 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:41 »

Weekly Comic Discussion Thread.

As for Odin, I'm kind of disappointed in his response to my post, since it didn't seem like he actually read it.

Thank you. Today I learned...
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #114 on: 14 Mar 2011, 19:47 »

Weekly Comic Discussion Thread.

As for Odin, I'm kind of disappointed in his response to my post, since it didn't seem like he actually read it.

At least he responded to yours.  My post mocking his 'over it in a month or you're a creepy loser who probably stalks her' outlook was completely ignored.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #115 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:03 »

(moderator)The odds are seriously against a discussion of another poster leading to anything good. Meantime it's a distraction from talking about the comic.(/moderator)
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #116 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:06 »

My money is that Dora's gonna shoot her down either way.

Why? She's seen what Tai's like when she's drunk/high/wasted/whatever.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #117 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:07 »

Will Marten have waffles in the tSB tomorrow?
Will Tai see her breakfast again very soon?
Will Wil be in the Horrible Revelation this week?

Find out same Jeph time, same Jacques channel...

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #118 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:12 »

(moderator)The odds are seriously against a discussion of another poster leading to anything good. Meantime it's a distraction from talking about the comic.(/moderator)
Well you're no fun.  Which isn't to say you're not completely right.

So onto the comic.  Dora seemed rather excited to see Tai, and to enjoy talking to her.  Maybe this is not a one way street?  But I hope tomorrow's (tonight's?) comic takes place at the Bakery that is Secret.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #119 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:14 »

How about this for a compromise.  If you want to date a friend's ex, you tell your friend your intentions.  Not to ask for permission, since that is not theirs to give, but to ask if they are ok with that.  If not, then ask why.  Not out of any obligation to an outdated "code" or because of any fucked up concept of ownership.  If anything, it's done so your friend can find out from you, rather than finding out from a third party.

I word.

(is "word" still a thing?)

(lots of discussion that I don't want to quote for space's sake)

Things well-adjusted people don't do: consider other people's feelings

Things well-adjusted people do: Dump piles of words on the internet calling people fucked up in the head for considering other people's feelings

I mean I just wanna make sure I'm clear how this all works now.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #120 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:22 »

(moderator)The odds are seriously against a discussion of another poster leading to anything good. Meantime it's a distraction from talking about the comic.(/moderator)
Well you're no fun.  Which isn't to say you're not completely right.

So onto the comic.  Dora seemed rather excited to see Tai, and to enjoy talking to her.  Maybe this is not a one way street?  But I hope tomorrow's (tonight's?) comic takes place at the Bakery that is Secret.

I don't think Dora has ever expressed interest in Tai though. Mainly because she was with Marten at the time, but I have a feeling that this crush in rather unrequited. I will say it makes Tai look rather adorable with the blushing.

Also, to Razgriz, cool name. I loved the Acecombat series, so when I saw the name, my opinion of you rose quite dramatically.
Haters gonna hate.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #121 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:39 »

Dora may have been kidding in 1400, and 776 was more about being cute than being attractive.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #122 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:40 »

Duke, word's still a thing, but I don't know if it's been verbed.  As for 1400, my good mod, it doesn't apply, since the hypothetical if/then statement involved Marten dumping Dora as the if, while we all know the reverse happened.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #123 on: 14 Mar 2011, 20:56 »

I have this feeling that this thread is going to decrease exponentially in quality as it increases in length.

Jeph meanwhile will be sitting in the front of the blinged-out QC bus with all the charabros as sunglasses of ironic quality drop onto all their faces at the same time and the plotline tells the readers to DEAL WITH IT.

I am kind of excited for this.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #124 on: 14 Mar 2011, 21:35 »

Wait, Tai's a Lesbian. So, should I rule out Hermaphrodites and She-Males from the rampant theory speculation mix?

Also, Tai, why the sudden change of face?
More realistic comics have thrown them in since. I wouldn't rule anything out. >_>


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #125 on: 14 Mar 2011, 21:37 »

I have this feeling that this thread is going to decrease exponentially in quality as it increases in length.

When have they ever not done that?
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #126 on: 14 Mar 2011, 21:43 »

I don't think it so much has to do with "is it a dick move to date someone else's ex?" When two people are seriously involved for a year (which is how long Jeph said it was, can't find the link but if anyone wants to back me up...), and they break up, there are a series of events involved, not just one. This is why people constantly ask how their ex is doing, particularly if they're the one who got dumped. In a way, they want them to hurt. As long as they're not complete dicks, they don't want their ex to be miserable, but they do want him or her to have a sore spot in their psyche from the breakup. It seems like a really selfish sentiment but if you examine it it's not. When someone breaks up with you, they're rejecting you, one way or another. When you hear that they're still hurting inside, it means that they really did love you and even though they're rejecting you, they're not doing it out of an unfavourable opinion of you or because they latently hate your guts. It means that you were something so special to them that they haven't been able to rationalize the idea of making their life alright without you. When they start dating someone else, the metaphorical boom is dropped. They've done it. They've come up with a way to be content without you. It's an entirely new experience, because the way our society is built, we're taught to believe that true love is forever, meaning the love you thought you shared wasn't really "true love". I genuinely have no idea if I believe that or not, but there's at least some grain of truth to it. There's a lot of layers to it, most notably the uncertainty that comes from having to believe that you weren't able to tell that your love wasn't real, and wondering if you'll ever know for sure since you just turned out to be so wrong when you were so certain.

This is why I do believe that you should ask permission to date a friend's ex, only if you'd be the first one to date them since your friend. You're not just asking for permission to be with a person, you're asking for permission to be the one to shatter your friend's perception of what the relationship they had was. You're asking permission to be the one to send them into that period of doubt and what's almost the second breakup. It has nothing to do with being possessive over a person, it has everything to do with the consequences of being the one to force your friend to come to terms with something they may not be ready to do yet. Sure they'll have to eventually, but if it was someone else, they could put the face of their anger and dejection on a complete stranger. Instead, they're putting it on a friend.

Odin, we're already in an argument in another thread, so I don't want to seem like I'm dogging you personally and deliberately, but I think I can shine some light into this situation. Personally, I'm not offended by the fact that you don't think it's inappropriate behaviour to ask out a friend's ex because clearly, in your social circle, it isn't. Maybe you guys are just less sensitive than the people arguing with you, and that's not a bad thing or a good thing. It all has to do with how much value you place in the concepts of love, friendship, possession, and so on and also in how you deal with a breakup. There's nothing wrong with that. No one gets too deeply involved, no one gets hurt. My issue is that my social circle doesn't work that way. And while I would never want to inflict my standards on you or your friends, I do take issue to you saying that I and mine are immature and childlike because that's not how we do things. You can say I'm immature and possessive, and I can argue that you're shallow and don't feel emotions as strongly as normal people, but at the end of the day we're just standing on opposite sides of the shoreline screaming "My completely subjective standards are better than your completely subjective standards!" I've been studying philosophy for a very long time and I've been searching for any kind of framework to state that one person's socially-related emotional makeup is objectively better than another person's, and it just isn't there. What you're doing is assigning psychological characteristics to people to explain how they allowed themselves to be wrong when you haven't actually explained why they're wrong, and you're not going to. Unless you can poke a tangible hole in my mindset, leave me to it, and we'll leave you to yours.

As far as I'm concerned, the argument as it pertains to the comic is whether or not it's a dick move in the QC social circle. Based on the fact that even Tai seems to think it is, I think it's safe to say it is.


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #127 on: 14 Mar 2011, 21:51 »

I really hope Jeph surprises me and doesn't do what I think he's going to do. I'd be fairly disgusted if he did.



What do you think he is going to do??? :P

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #128 on: 14 Mar 2011, 21:52 »

I have this feeling that this thread is going to decrease exponentially in quality as it increases in length.

When have they ever not done that?

Well true all the threads in here decay like they're radioactive, but this thread is going to have the worst half-life in a while I think, some real seaborgium shit

Especially if Jeph pursues a hookup storyline over the course of the week

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #129 on: 14 Mar 2011, 22:04 »

Where was the thread that went to forty page before getting locked at right before that Tuesday's comic came out?
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #130 on: 14 Mar 2011, 22:16 »

:P I'm not trying to claim it's that bad yet, but I remember LE SHITSTORM and I can see it happening again. Got the old ache in my bones, don'cha know.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #131 on: 14 Mar 2011, 22:22 »

Might want to check and make sure your Turkey's saddle still fits.

Never know when we'll have to ride!
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #132 on: 14 Mar 2011, 22:43 »

Better get the brooms out of storage, while we're at it.     :roll:

[skip to the bit about the comic]

As far as I'm concerned, the argument as it pertains to the comic is whether or not it's a dick move in the QC social circle. Based on the fact that even Tai seems to think it is, I think it's safe to say it is.

That's what I was thinking, too.  The source of her butterflies is definitely not just the nervous flush of a new infatuation, but seems to be partly based on a sense of impending dooooooom

Or maybe the muffins were "less fresh". 

Wait, did she buy anything  at the shop?  Not even a coffee...?
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #133 on: 14 Mar 2011, 22:48 »

Better get the brooms out of storage, while we're at it.     :roll:

[skip to the bit about the comic]

As far as I'm concerned, the argument as it pertains to the comic is whether or not it's a dick move in the QC social circle. Based on the fact that even Tai seems to think it is, I think it's safe to say it is.

That's what I was thinking, too.  The source of her butterflies is definitely not just the nervous flush of a new infatuation, but seems to be partly based on a sense of impending dooooooom

Or maybe the muffins were "less fresh". 

Wait, did she buy anything  at the shop?  Not even a coffee...?

Maybe she had cunnilingus before she went to the shop with a cute goth chick that always seems to dress like a slutty schoolgirl?


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #134 on: 14 Mar 2011, 23:34 »

Finally got around to making an account, so I think I should avoid the infamous  :psyduck: discussions for a while. If not forever.

Although, I'm not getting the "Marten changing his social circle rather than getting over it" bits. We've seen him with everyone he would have been hanging with (not counting Jimbo, obviously).


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #135 on: 15 Mar 2011, 00:36 »

Well you see Dust you're not actually seeing that, you're seeing the effects of Marten's becoming disconnected from space-time at a quantum level. Those are all different Martens, from various doomed timelines created by unstable loops. We still haven't seen the Alpha Marten.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #136 on: 15 Mar 2011, 00:39 »

We've seen Marten change his coffee shop, which is drastic enough.

EDIT: I like the experimental camera angle too. And considering what can happen at CoD, for once Hannelore isn't being overprepared.
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2011, 00:48 by Is it cold in here? »
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #137 on: 15 Mar 2011, 00:48 »

Damnit, Jeph, adorable explosive sauropod espresso machines are not conducive to the forum exploding into rage and horseshit

I am disappoint  :x
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #138 on: 15 Mar 2011, 00:48 »

Man 15 psi is not something that tolerates poor build quality :psyduck:

I love Faye's expression of confidence in her work in the second panel.

why did hanners put her helmet on after the explosion? It isn't Fukushima
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #139 on: 15 Mar 2011, 00:49 »


Q would definitely  be proud of that.  I wonder if Faye would consider working for the CIA's equivalent of Q Branch?

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #140 on: 15 Mar 2011, 00:53 »

Not too surprising the quality's slipping a little....Faye's been a bit...distracted  lately  :wink:
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #141 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:03 »

And considering what can happen at CoD, for once Hannelore isn't being overprepared.

Well, Cosette works there, so...

It isn't Fukushima

I have mixed feelings about this. Magnitude 9 quake followed by a tsunami is about the worst imaginable thing our dear planet can throw at a construction, so I have been impressed with the way the reactors (presumably the oldest designs at this site) are holding up. Perhaps we should buy our next one from Japan? I like to think that most of the reactors in the world have been built/designed with that kind of redundancy upon redundancy principle, but that is probably an optimistic view.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #142 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:05 »

  • This stuff about waiting half as long as the relationship lasted. Honestly, think about it, and how impractical it would be after a significant period of time, say three years, or four years. Its too impractical to wait 2 years before saying "Well, I'm better, off I go." I do believe that everyone recovers at their own pace, but there is a limit to how long someone can mope around. Quick example, if a relationship lasted 3 years before it broke up, I'd expect to be understanding for either friend for three months, possibly four, but after that, I'm going to try and get them off their ass and do something rather than vegetate. If they persist or insist or wallowing in self pity after that, I will drag them out the back and hose them down, and I'll walk away. I will be there for my friends, I would like to believe I'll be there when they need my help. But as a friend I will not put up with they're whiny crap for 18 bloody months.

Wow, I didn't think that comment would create this much discussion! I just wanted to clarify what I meant by that.
I did not mean that, if a relationship lasted 2 years, after a break-up it's fine it the person whines and mopes and is a general sad sack for a year.

I did mean that it's possible for it to take a year for a person to fully go through the grieving process of losing the relationship. That means that maybe for the first month or two the person may be sad and mopey, and want to be isolated, then maybe for another month the person would be angry, and then for another month or two the person might be thinking about ways to fix the relationship and get back into it, and then maybe there's another sad/wistful month or so and eventually the person accepts the break-up and is able to move on, a hopefully better person for it. Depending on how much was invested by the person into the relationship, it could take only a month to get over a 2 year relationship, or possibly that full year to be totally accepting of it.

I see it more as, if the person continues to be sad, or to not really accept the fact that the relationship is over past that half mark, then there is probably good reason to be concerned. But before that, it's just the person going through the stages of grief. And I think there are a lot of factors that influence how quickly a person does that. And naturally, not every person is the same, and naturally, it's not saying that if a person dates or gets involved in another relationship it's going to be the end of the world (after all, how common are rebound relationships?) but most of what people do seems to be with the effort of recovering and moving on from that break-up (again, how many rebounds last?). Some people may need more prodding from friends, given personalities and all, but most people seem to be able to handle getting over a relationship in a reasonable about of time. I think all that half of the time rule is trying to say is, anything over this is not reasonable, especially if the person is still in that sad and isolated stage of grief.

I don't know if that makes it better or worse, but that's more what I meant by that. :)

Meanwhile, today's comic!
I don't think Dora is as affected by Tai as Tai was by Dora. This is all based on the fact that Dora is back to business as usual.


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #143 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:09 »

I think a 6 month period after a breakup is in order.

Or a full year, depending upon the person.

Anyway, I really wonder why Hanners would own a helmet. After all, thats something that does NOT help against bacteria and stuff.

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #144 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:11 »

I like the experimental camera angle too. And considering what can happen at CoD, for once Hannelore isn't being overprepared.
The camera angle is very dynamic and cinematic. Jeph is mostly fairly conventional in his placing of the fourth wall, and it's nice to see something different.

Possibly Faye's in the wrong line of business. A contract to develop grenade-launchers might be more up her street.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #145 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:13 »

The Pugnacious Peach being distracted reminds me of a story about a French restaurant. A diner made so bold as to complain that the soup was too salty, only to be steamrollered by the waiter's superciliousness, until he finally persuaded the waiter to taste the soup. The waiter's expression turned blank, he headed back to the kitchen without a word, then came back and said

"Monsieur, we crave your pardon, the soup is indeed too salty, but please try to understand: the cook, he is in love".

EDIT: Hannelore has used a helmet for cleaning. She says you can't be too careful.
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2011, 01:14 by Is it cold in here? »
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #146 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:14 »

And... It's a field goal! The crowd goes wild! The unnonamericans wonder what the heck I'm talking about!
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2011, 01:16 by westrim »


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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #147 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:22 »


Can't you get wikipedia outside the United States?

I know that's what I did when everybody was carrying on about World Cup and what not...
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon

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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #148 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:48 »

Espressosaurus may have enough history at this point to justify a wiki article, but what category to use? He's not really a robot.
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Re: WCDT 14 Mar-18 Mar 2011 (1881-1885)
« Reply #149 on: 15 Mar 2011, 01:49 »

:P I'm not trying to claim it's that bad yet, but I remember LE SHITSTORM and I can see it happening again.

No, it won't.  In any case there isn't any hint here of what made that so bad.

Vigorous discussion is fine so long as it sticks within the rules; in particular, keep to argument about ideas and avoid any kind of personal attacks.  Of course, if the same points just get reiterated repeatedly, it can become tedious; in the present case, it seems to me that both sides of the issue of starting to date a friend's ex have been well-enough aired, and further discussion is unlikely to change anyone's view.
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