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Author Topic: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?  (Read 7160 times)


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Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« on: 07 Apr 2011, 08:00 »

People must remember the comic where Tai expresses her condolences to Dora about the breakup with Marten. After she leaves, she has butterflies in her tummy.

My question is, why? When I first read that comic (before reading through the archives) I thought Tai was a shy person. Was I ever wrong! She showed Dora her piercing, said "Marten says I can have sex with you!" and admitted to Dora that she was crushing on her big time.

So why is Tai suddenly getting butterflies in her tummy? That's not the Tai I've come to know. Heh. I guess this is a silly question, but maybe it will become clear in time.
« Last Edit: 08 Apr 2011, 20:31 by questionablecontentfan »
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #1 on: 07 Apr 2011, 08:23 »

Don't think it's shy.
It's more nerves.

Like when you want to ask someone out,, but you're not sure you should, but you want to, but you don't want to fuck it up and ruin your chances...


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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #2 on: 07 Apr 2011, 08:26 »

Exactly.  There's a huge difference between joking with someone who's not available and actually asking them out when they are!  Tai know's Dora's monogamous, something she's beed yearning after for years.  Any new territory broached will leave you unsure and nervous! 
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #3 on: 07 Apr 2011, 08:29 »'re right! It's probably more nervousness than shyness. But still, she seemed a bit shy talking to Dora inside Coffee of Doom.

I guess she is a bit nervous now that Dora's single and it could actually happen. She also probably wonders if she should since it's so soon after the breakup.

Hmm...I am very curious to see how this will play out.
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #4 on: 07 Apr 2011, 14:30 »

The way I'd put it (though the substance is the same as what everyone else has said) is that Tai's nervous because this time it's real. Her previous relationships seem to have been physical, and not deep even when she got dramatic (cf. Bailey).

EDIT: this is a good question and (moderator)good for the forum(/moderator)! Welcome, new person.
« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2011, 14:35 by Is it cold in here? »
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #5 on: 07 Apr 2011, 15:18 »

When I read the comic at first without context, I imagined that Tai had had this crush on Dora for the longest time and had kept it a secret (ha!). I didn't even know that she was Marten's boss then, and friends with Marten.

I definitely see potential for drama/awkwardness were Dora and Tai to date each other. Marten might feel betrayed/angry, and he might not be able to work with Tai anymore. Then again, drama is what makes the comic world go round... :)

I am curious to see what happens. It could have just been to tease fans, but maybe there is something going on there...
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #6 on: 07 Apr 2011, 15:53 »

Tai has had a crush on Dora for quite a while and, despite her sometimes verbal and verbose denials, she's wanted to be able to ask her out.  She steered clear (somewhat :D ) while she was hooked up with Marten, but now she sees the field clear to ask her out.  Of course, this is Dora we're dealing with here so of course she's gonna be nervous.  ;)
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #7 on: 07 Apr 2011, 16:03 »

Yeah. I had thought the feeling was mutual, but now I'm not so sure. I somehow remember Dora making a reference to having a crush on Tai too, but maybe that was me misinterpreting.

Dora could reject Tai, leading to inevitable drama. But maybe she could tell Tai it's too soon, blah blah and pull a Faye. But that's not really Dora's style.

I could speculate about this forever, I guess I (and everyone else) just have to wait and see...
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #8 on: 07 Apr 2011, 17:27 »

Tai and Dora dating with Marten working for Tai would be an interesting juxtaposition to when Dora and Marten where dating and Faye worked fora Dora.

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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #9 on: 07 Apr 2011, 18:36 »

Yes, definitely a case for pushpins and colored string.
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #10 on: 07 Apr 2011, 20:02 »

Here's another vote for: Tai suddenly realizes something that was "forbidden" is now possible. Cue proto-Hanners' bathroom speech.
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #11 on: 07 Apr 2011, 21:00 »

Yeah, though if Tai ends up kissing and telling I could easily imagine Marten snapping depending on how far Tai goes on it.
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #12 on: 07 Apr 2011, 22:08 »

Not likely, all Marten has to do if she starts talking details is tell details of his own.

Tai isn't really comfortable with, well, anything involving a penis.
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Re: Why is Tai shy now?
« Reply #13 on: 08 Apr 2011, 15:10 »

People must remember the comic where Tai expresses her condolences to Dora about the breakup with Marten. After she leaves, she has butterflies in her tummy.

My question is, why is Tai suddenly shy? When I first read that comic (before reading through the archives) I thought Tai was a shy person. Was I ever wrong! She showed Dora her piercing, said "Marten says I can have sex with you!" and admitted to Dora that she was crushing on her big time.

So why is Tai suddenly so shy, getting butterflies in her tummy? That's not the Tai I've come to know. Heh. I guess this is a silly question, but maybe it will become clear in time.

She's not getting butterflies because she's bashful; she's getting them because she's attracted. She's not refraining from action because she's timid; she's not acting because she has a conscience. Butterflies are a normal sensation to have after being around someone you have a crush on even if you aren't a shy person.


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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #14 on: 08 Apr 2011, 20:33 »

I guess my question was more about the butterflies. I used the wrong word, shy is definitely not how I would describe Tai. But before she's boldly told Dora she was crushing, how she's got butterflies and I wondered about the change.

I think Dora likes her too but is probably not looking to get involved with anyone right now.
« Last Edit: 08 Apr 2011, 20:35 by questionablecontentfan »
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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #15 on: 05 May 2011, 11:16 »


Comics 1915 & 1916.

Less butterfiles and MUCH MORE awkwardness!
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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #16 on: 05 May 2011, 12:34 »

To be precise, exactly one fewer butterfly.
Unless that's a moth.
If that's a subtle reference to Tai's butterflies, then nicely done, sir.
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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #17 on: 05 May 2011, 13:30 »

Can't find the strip (gurrr)....

 But Tai was getting between Martin and Dora before they split. Remember the bathroom scene where she ruined their morning "moment" in the shower. I think Tia liked to poke fun as she didn't think she would have a chance. But it is an entirely different kettle of fish now.
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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #18 on: 05 May 2011, 13:41 »

This one:  1694
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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #19 on: 05 May 2011, 15:00 »

Actually I think that that one was sheer coincidence.

I don't think Tai was really fully awake and mentally firing on all cylinders when she walked into the bathroom that morning.
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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #20 on: 06 May 2011, 04:33 »

Thanks celticgeek :D  was so tired yesterday... just couldn't find it.

I concurr Kugai. I don't think it was a deliberate attempt but it still ruined the moment.

I know people who are all bravado and vocal about flrting but when they actually mean it, it's diffrent. Maybe that's the case with Tai. Thus causing the change in behaviour and a desription of a physical reaction.

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Re: Why is Tai getting butterflies now?
« Reply #21 on: 06 May 2011, 10:50 »

It did  seem that way with the strip about getting butterflies.  But in the recent strips, she seems to have gotten past that. 

Not that it's an improvement, mind you...  but her actions may be reactions to the butterflies, overcompensating a bit. 

I'd say she needs to calm down and be herself, but I'm not sure een she  knows what that would entail.  I know I don't! 
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