I'm late to the party (I've been away) but as an exercise in expressing emotion through drawing, Thursday's and Friday's strips were lovely. The body-language, expressions etc. work so well with the story-line. And yes, Hanners is adorable, but we've had quite enough "daww"-ing already, so I'll move on.
What I'm wondering, is how Hanners' satellite-phone works. How does the ear-piece attach to her ear? I suppose it is large enough for an ear-hook to be hidden behind the circular body, but that would be no fun at all. Some sort of local adhesion field, perhaps? Also, if JE-C can pack all the "works" needed to phone a space-station in Earth orbit into that little gadget, he's definitely way ahead of the otherwise mundane communications technology in the QC-verse, so it could just be a wireless headset for a larger unit somewhere else.
There really isn't all that much to discuss, unless you want to get into the subject of how all of the characters were brought up in abusive and/or traumatizing environments and are now having to learn how to cope as adults.
True of the characters, but actually also true of
everyone. Possibly what makes QC so fascinating.
I don't understand the preoccupation with "ranking" QC characters. QC is storytelling, and why would anyone
expect all the characters in a story to have "equal time"?
Edit: Fixed stupid spelling mistake.