Hi Guys,
I guess I should start with the fact that I only started reading QC about a month ago and completely fell in love. I went through 1,990 strips over the course of about six days. (There wasn't a lot to do at work that week!) Anyways, I guess I was spoiled because I'm getting anxious only being able to read one a day. That being said, I guess the best way to deal with the withdrawals is discussion!
My question is this: What's with the drama between Marten and Elliot? I won't say "it's obvious that..." because nothing in Questionable Content ever seems as obvious as Jeph makes it out to be, but it seems very likely that both Marten and Elliot are into Padma and that Elliot is jealous of how Padma's has taken to Marten so quickly, but Padma's leaving so what does it really matter? Does Elliot really need to have some jealousy freak out on Marten when Padma won't be around long enough for it to make a difference?
If only Elliot knew how great a guy Marten really is, but that never seems to matter to jealous freaks = (