Today's random elemental chaos comes to you today by:
Bearsball, the bearsiest sport in the, er, woods.
(Baseball? seriously? does anyone even get that game? But on the other hand, it is only slightly less ridiculous than playing a game wherein when half the team loses the ball, they sit on the sidelines in a huff until the other half of the team gets the ball back, at which point they all cheer and hi-5 and go out and play until they lose the ball again. Not to mention the 26" of padding, and helmets Nascar would be proud of...)
Sorry, but Australian Football kinda puts gridiron into the 'pussysport' category.
Now, where was I...
oh, yeah. Steve is looking kinda... yeah. Dude don't look right! And I get the suspicion that the mystery red-head is mere cameo; altho it wouldn't surprise me to see her pop up again sometime.