I'm sorry you were confused about what I said.
Nice non-apology-apology
. I am not the slightest bit confused about what you said:
backhanded compliment to my obvious non-apology apology. See, I can link to articles too. It is quite
You seem to be somewhat confused though, otherwise we wouldn't still be talking about this.
If any of my friends would hit me I would hit them back much harder, then question why I am friends with them. You don't hit people, especially in the head. No excuse. Period.
Note particularly: "You don't hit people. No excuse. Period." You did not say "You don't hit friends", but generalised it to "people". Nor did you say "No excuse. Except for self-defence", but simply "No excuse. Period." These are the words you chose to convey your meaning, and for which you are responsible.
"You did not say "You don't hit friends", but generalised it to "people"." Do you realize how silly you're being?
exaggeration The point was you should not hit people. I do not go around hitting people. However, yes, you are right, there are exceptions, as with all things in life. Saying "You don't hit people, except for 497 possible exceptions" doesn't quite have the same ring to it. I was making the point that I take hitting very seriously. When someone does hit me though, then I will hit back. It changes the situation from a non-confrontational hit to a self-defense hit, which are two different situations.
By the way, I don't know what you're even saying here about 'friends' and 'people' because of "generalised". I also don't know what 'self-defence' is. These are not legitimate words so your statements make no sense. These are the words
you chose to convey your meaning, and for which you are responsible. Do you see how annoying/demeaning this is? Please don't do that.
Are you suggesting I should curl in a ball and get hit over and over because I never want to hit someone?
I'm not suggesting anything. My original posting on this subject was simply intended to draw attention to the contradiction between "If any of my friends would hit me I would hit them back much harder", an understandable if disproportionate response, and "You don't hit people, especially in the head. No excuse. Period." I take the principle of non-violence seriously as a very difficult one to fit into a violent world, so I took you seriously.
There are less aggressive ways to draw attention to statements. If you actually took that principle seriously you would have gone about this another way.
Another strip where Jeph hits facial expressions out of the park
You don't hit people's faces out of the park. No excuse.
Yes, let's all be dicks. Everyone should make a "no excuse" joke!