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Moment of the week?

Bird Care
"You sly dog, you."
"That is some Keyser Soze shit, dude."
"Elliot called me up out of the blue"
"Nice going, Keyser-"
"Dude, shut UP"
"YOU told him to tell me?"
Close up on the hands.
"Anyway, wanna go dancing this friday?"
"...and for SOME REASON, you're SAD ABOUT THIS."
"I don't know how to dance!"
"Well well, look who it is."
"For your INFORMATION, some of us have BETTER THINGS TO DO than just play VIDEO GAMES all the-"
"What have you done to me"

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)  (Read 198446 times)


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #350 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:05 »

... ... persume.
Most. Awesome. Word. In the thread.  :-D

Its her first epiphany, everybody should cut her some slack.

Awesome! Yeah, like that, only darker from the inside. They need to be highly reflective on the outside and still safe for use in front of the face on the inside.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #351 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:11 »

Another strip where Jeph hits facial expressions out of the park

You don't hit people's faces out of the park. No excuse.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #352 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:18 »

Either I misread Marigold's shirt, or I don't get it:
(save ends)
(as an excuse, English isn't my first language, nor do I live in the US)


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #353 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:35 »

Is Marigold's face clearing up? I see less bumps  :lol:


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #354 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:43 »

Another strip where Jeph hits facial expressions out of the park

Quite. Unfortunately it looks like Dale can only advance by stealing a base or three. Or may be on an unforced error?
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #355 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:46 »

TinPenguin, you win comment of the week. Well played.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #356 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:53 »

I'm sure it's on purpose that the first three dances in the poll are Waltz, Tango and Foxtrott...


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #357 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:58 »

I'm sure it's on purpose that the first three dances in the poll are Waltz, Tango and Foxtrott...
So its either romantic kissing, wild/hot kissing or standart kissing? Hm...
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #358 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:01 »

People in the past have speculated about the possibility of romance between Marigold and Dale. I didn't see it then, I still don't see it now. I can imagine him having an attraction to Mari, but I don't see her returningi it even slightly. It is possible his competitive posturing is simply the best way he can think of to approach Mari, so I can imagine him having a thing.... but it's very much one-sided.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #359 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:10 »

In my mind Marigold has never even considered the possibility. Her social ineptitude prevents her from reading between the lines the way other people would. I've just been waiting for the comic where Dale asks her out and she gets totally blindsided by it. I can see a deer in the headlights look, then her running away, leaving him very confused, only to find out later that she just had no idea what to think, 'cause the possibility never entered her mind. I don't see them ever getting involved romantically though, but what do I know?

I totally see Dale as having a thing for Marigold though, and competitive WoW banter is the best way he can think of to connect with her. He seems more socially adjusted than Marigold (having a job that requires him to interact with people helps I'm sure), but probably just as lost when it comes to love as our dear protagonist.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #360 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:26 »

I'm sorry you were confused about what I said.
Nice non-apology-apology  :-).  I am not the slightest bit confused about what you said:

Nice backhanded compliment to my obvious non-apology apology.  See, I can link to articles too.  It is quite annoying

You seem to be somewhat confused though, otherwise we wouldn't still be talking about this.

If any of my friends would hit me I would hit them back much harder, then question why I am friends with them.  You don't hit people, especially in the head.  No excuse.  Period.
Note particularly: "You don't hit people. No excuse. Period."  You did not say "You don't hit friends", but generalised it to "people".  Nor did you say "No excuse. Except for self-defence", but simply "No excuse. Period." These are the words you chose to convey your meaning, and for which you are responsible.

"You did not say "You don't hit friends", but generalised it to "people"."  Do you realize how silly you're being?  exaggeration  The point was you should not hit people.  I do not go around hitting people.  However, yes, you are right, there are exceptions, as with all things in life. Saying "You don't hit people, except for 497 possible exceptions" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.  I was making the point that I take hitting very seriously.  When someone does hit me though, then I will hit back.  It changes the situation from a non-confrontational hit to a self-defense hit, which are two different situations.

By the way, I don't know what you're even saying here about 'friends' and 'people' because of "generalised".  I also don't know what 'self-defence' is. These are not legitimate words so your statements make no sense.  These are the words you chose to convey your meaning, and for which you are responsible.   Do you see how annoying/demeaning this is?  Please don't do that.

Are you suggesting I should curl in a ball and get hit over and over because I never want to hit someone?
I'm not suggesting anything. My original posting on this subject was simply intended to draw attention to the contradiction between "If any of my friends would hit me I would hit them back much harder", an understandable if disproportionate response, and "You don't hit people, especially in the head.  No excuse.  Period."  I take the principle of non-violence seriously as a very difficult one to fit into a violent world, so I took you seriously.

There are less aggressive ways to draw attention to statements.  If you actually took that principle seriously you would have gone about this another way.

Another strip where Jeph hits facial expressions out of the park

You don't hit people's faces out of the park. No excuse.

Yes, let's all be dicks.  Everyone should make a "no excuse" joke!


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #361 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:32 »

I object to the way Stout is using the word "hitting".

It's one of those words that can mean a variety of different things and it seems to me Stout is equivocating between two of them. Any sort of physical collision between two objects can be described as them "hitting". And then there's the sense in which one uses the word to, say, accuse someone of hitting their spouse - when it means something far more specific, an abusive act with the purpose or effect of causing pain. Stout is taking something that only fits the first definition, but using the word in a way designed to provoke the sorts of emotional reaction associated with the second. I'm not saying it is or isn't intentional, but either way, it's not a tactic conducive to keeping the conversation friendly.

How so? When Marten got hit there was pain.  Correcting someone with a slap is abusive.  It's not on par with hitting your spouse, but it still is abusive and painful.  It just didn't need to happen.  Or, rather, it did based on the majority reaction.  I am in the minority on this.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #362 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:49 »

All you have to do is /who 'char's name' and you can find them wherever they are without having to go anywhere.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #363 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:55 »

Guys, it's called slapstick. The smack to the back of the head is one of the oldest things in the book. But this wouldn't be the QC forum if not everything would be over analyzed by some. Don't change, it's entertaining.

The poll: I was hoping for the Dinosaur to show up but then I chose the Time Warp instead.

Today's comic: I love how Dale is in constant Gendo Hikari mode.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #364 on: 14 Oct 2011, 06:05 »

All you have to do is /who 'char's name' and you can find them wherever they are without having to go anywhere.
/who doesn't work on people of the opposite faction. He'd have to have created a Horde character in order to do this.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #365 on: 14 Oct 2011, 06:07 »

All you have to do is /who 'char's name' and you can find them wherever they are without having to go anywhere.
/who doesn't work on people of the opposite faction. He'd have to have created a Horde character in order to do this.

...Which he wouldn't be able to, since they clearly are on a PvP server, and he's already got an Alliance character. Pretty sure RealID would still work, though.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #366 on: 14 Oct 2011, 06:33 »

Dale's hair's been looking less kempt with each appearance... this one was damn near bed-head!

Stop gaming, and get a trim, willya?  [/GOM]

The problem seems to be he has has a trim since he had an almost-fro in his first appearance.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #367 on: 14 Oct 2011, 06:33 »

That head-slapping-nonsense must be a cultural thing. The way the comic was told, the arrangement of panels and such, was funny, though.

Today was just as funny although it doesn't make sense, I think. But I like it that I find many of the latest comics to just carry a nice joke rather than contributing something logical for the story.

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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #368 on: 14 Oct 2011, 06:41 »

I feel like Monsieur Jacques CB'd me. I mean, it's a funny comic and all, but I wanted to see more of the Padma story line, not a sudden juxtaposition to Marigold.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #369 on: 14 Oct 2011, 06:45 »

By the way, I don't know what you're even saying here about 'friends' and 'people' because of "generalised".  I also don't know what 'self-defence' is. These are not legitimate words so your statements make no sense.  These are the words you chose to convey your meaning, and for which you are responsible.   Do you see how annoying/demeaning this is?  Please don't do that.

Please tell me that you know those are real words, and yes, real English words. They aren't spelled the same as we spell them in America, but they are in fact real words which fit the meaning of Akima's context as I understand it quite well.

I've been trying to stay out of this debate, and I'm hoping perhaps I just misunderstood, but if that's to be taken the way it appears, then that's one of the most ignorant arguments I've seen. You don't seem like an ignorant person, so again, I'm hoping that I misunderstood, and asking for clarification, continuing to give you the benefit of the doubt until I have confirmation one way or the other.

Since I jumped in though, physical contact is not always a bad thing, and our definitions of pain might be different. I would imagine what Marten felt was more surprise than pain. I mean yes, he felt the hand hit the back of his head, but I doubt there was any pain. Then again I believe that things like that are very open to the "victim's" perception.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #370 on: 14 Oct 2011, 07:06 »

You can draw parallels between Hannelore's and Marigold's character development.   They both met the other characters by happenstance.  They're both characters who have problems interacting with others.  They both have obsessive elements to their personalities.  And as the comic has progressed they've both slowly expanded their boundaries, developing friendships and becoming more involved with the outside world.  It's probably not surprising they developed a friendship.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #371 on: 14 Oct 2011, 07:26 »

Yes, let's all be dicks.  Everyone should make a "no excuse" joke!

If your first reaction to some mild ribbing is to call me a dick, I'm not really surprised that you don't understand a bit of horseplay between friends.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #372 on: 14 Oct 2011, 07:35 »

TinPenguin, you are my new hero. :-D
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #373 on: 14 Oct 2011, 07:51 »

Please, let's keep away from making personal remarks in either direction.  It has not yet reached disciplinary levels, but I'm watching...
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #374 on: 14 Oct 2011, 07:56 »

Yes, let's all be dicks.  Everyone should make a "no excuse" joke!

If your first reaction to some mild ribbing is to call me a dick, I'm not really surprised that you don't understand a bit of horseplay between friends.

I'm surprised you think horseplay is one guy doing the hitting and the other guy taking it.  Considering Marten isn't laughing/slapping back, it is unlikely he enjoyed being hit.

Friends can banter with mild ribbing.  All you did was personally insult me for no reason.  Call an insult whatever you want but it's still an insult.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #375 on: 14 Oct 2011, 08:01 »

Wait a second. Is that poster the Punisher symbol?


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #376 on: 14 Oct 2011, 08:14 »

I'm surprised you think horseplay is one guy doing the hitting and the other guy taking it.  Considering Marten isn't laughing/slapping back, it is unlikely he enjoyed being hit.

The cartoon encapsulates only an instant in time, so we cannot know more of Marten's response.  In any case, I think it's clear that everyone here now knows your feelings on the matter, and so there is no need to labour the point any further.

Equally, the other view has been put several times, and there is no need to continue on the subject. 

If the subject of Steve hitting or cuffing Marten comes up again, I shall consider (if appropriate) giving people temporary posting bans until Monday's comic appears.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #377 on: 14 Oct 2011, 08:19 »

Man, am I the only one that is SUPER creeped out by Dale?

I liked him at first, he seemed a nice foil and a good potential match for Marigold, even through the competitive smack talk, but now it's like every time he comes by the conversation boils down to "I'm watching you...."  I understand that he's got some serious social awkwardness issues, most of the cast does to some degree or another, but Dale is less "endearing quirk that leads to romance" storyline and more "one of these days he's going to drag Marigold into the alley and she's not coming back out" storyline.

I dunno, I just feel the need to take a shower after I read a comic about Dale now.

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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #378 on: 14 Oct 2011, 08:42 »

Also I wonder what HE does besides playing WoW.

It's a good question what else he does for fun, but with the three jobs he may not have enough free time to do anything other that WoW.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #379 on: 14 Oct 2011, 09:59 »

Yeah, I'm getting the slightly creepy vibe from Dale too.  Especially if he's managed to get around the WoW mechanics of Alliance/Horde on a pvp server (although Jeph has said he's not quite sure how it works). 

Social awkwardness aside, he can't figure out a friendlier way to approach Marigold? Something like "Hey, I haven't seen your character in a couple of days, wanna duel sometime?" rather than the third-grade-level 'my paladin can beat up your shaman'. What's next, pulling on her ponytail? 



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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #380 on: 14 Oct 2011, 10:27 »

Especially if he's managed to get around the WoW mechanics of Alliance/Horde on a pvp server (although Jeph has said he's not quite sure how it works).
Well (let's out ourselves as WoW players) by now you can create characters of both factions even on a PvP server, or use a second, trial account, which have no time limit anymore, so he could have a Horde character on Warsong to stalk her - that, or they became RealID friends to always be able to pounce on each other, as well as taunt the loser of a fight. Well, er, or Jeph's simply not that familiar with WoW. *goes back to an activity that is honestly totally not related to WoW*

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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #381 on: 14 Oct 2011, 10:50 »

pre-post edit: beaten on the wow stalking bit
Regarding Dale tracking Marigold's in game movements...

RealID wouldn't work unless both parties consented to being RealID friends, and I doubt Marigold would do that.  Blizzard lifted faction restrictions on PVP servers back in 2009 so they could offer faction transfers for existing characters and charge for it.  So /who marigoldfamer on his Horde alt would work, but he probably doesn't even need that.  If Marigold is still in her raiding guild, she's probably going to be moving back and forth from Firelands and her city of choice (almost certainly Orgrimmar).  Almost the entire 'world' has been made obsolete with some of the features and guild leveling perks Blizzard has added in the last two years, so unless Marigold has a resource gathering profession on her warrior (hardly the optimal choice for a min/maxer), there's virtually no opportunity for Dale to gank her. 

Regarding everything else...

As someone who had their sense of rhythm surgically removed in early childhood, I understand Marten's reaction in Thursday's comic perfectly.  I'm wondering if his lack of dancing prowess is a holdover from his days of skipping prom to play D&D and identifying against the prom-going, dance party people in school.

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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #382 on: 14 Oct 2011, 11:29 »

Still not sure it was D&D, that was a Khorne Space Marine mini he was holding....
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #383 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:22 »

What's next, pulling on her ponytail? 

I was gonna say, "dipping it in the inkwell", but even I'm not that  old.  Right, pwhodges?  celticgeek?  Anybody...?

Wait a second. Is that poster the Punisher symbol?

Maybe, but no teeth - I think it's just a random skull-on-black, reflecting Dora's goth roots.  After all, it is  Coffee of DOOM!

Yes, let's all be dicks.  Everyone should make a "no excuse" joke!

If your first reaction to some mild ribbing is to call me a dick, I'm not really surprised that you don't understand a bit of horseplay between friends.

...Friends can banter with mild ribbing.  All you did was personally insult me for no reason.  Call an insult whatever you want but it's still an insult.

Wait, what?  Who's insulting whom? 

I'm so confused...   :-P
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #384 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:23 »

I barely ever laugh when I read the WCDT anymore.. whyyyy sssooooo seriouuuusss? Dale is a creep, Steve is an asshole, Faye is a bitch, Marten is a fucking loser, Marigold is too passive aggressive, Dora is also a bitch and Pintsize is no longer just a funny robot sidekick but we must go to the extent of discussing whether he can love or not and what his religious preferences might be. I mean. I mean. I dunno what I mean, but it's a comic in four squares a day where the last one is intended to be funn-ayh. Not a description of Jeph's ideal world where everyone makes the most ideal choices all the time. I'm not saying stuff can't be discussed in a serious way but at least realize that a joke is a joke is a joke. Not something to insult strangers over the internet over.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #385 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:37 »

It is a comic, but it's also a work of fiction, an invitation to suspend disbelief and treat the characters as real for the sake of enjoying the story.

Your other point, that the enjoyment isn't showing up much, is well taken.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #386 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:40 »

I was gonna say, "dipping it in the inkwell", but even I'm not that  old.  Right, pwhodges?  celticgeek?  Anybody...?

I was taught from 1955 to 1959 using a dip pen with relief nibs like these:

Only blue-black permanent ink - none of this washable royal blue rubbish.  We had little china inkwells that fitted into a socket on the desk.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #387 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:49 »

By the way, I don't know what you're even saying here about 'friends' and 'people' because of "generalised".  I also don't know what 'self-defence' is. These are not legitimate words so your statements make no sense.  These are the words you chose to convey your meaning, and for which you are responsible.   Do you see how annoying/demeaning this is?  Please don't do that.

Please tell me that you know those are real words, and yes, real English words. They aren't spelled the same as we spell them in America, but they are in fact real words which fit the meaning of Akima's context as I understand it quite well.

I've been trying to stay out of this debate, and I'm hoping perhaps I just misunderstood, but if that's to be taken the way it appears, then that's one of the most ignorant arguments I've seen. You don't seem like an ignorant person, so again, I'm hoping that I misunderstood, and asking for clarification, continuing to give you the benefit of the doubt until I have confirmation one way or the other.

Since I jumped in though, physical contact is not always a bad thing, and our definitions of pain might be different. I would imagine what Marten felt was more surprise than pain. I mean yes, he felt the hand hit the back of his head, but I doubt there was any pain. Then again I believe that things like that are very open to the "victim's" perception.

No, I haven't seen the words spelled like that in so long I just thought they were typos.  My bad there.  Anyways, the point I was trying to make was that jumping on little things for the sake of argument to derail a conversation is demeaning/annoying.  However, I'm not allowed to talk about that anymore per the mods rules.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #388 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:51 »

I'm not saying stuff can't be discussed in a serious way but at least realize that a joke is a joke is a joke. Not something to insult strangers over the internet over.

There is nothing to prevent you or anyone ignoring any angsty parts of the discussion and talking about the things you enjoy instead; indeed, this might help to preserve balance.
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #389 on: 14 Oct 2011, 12:52 »

Gendo Dale will now have to restratigise.

Dwww, ain't that cute - MariBear is actually maturing.  Hanners, you've a lot to answer for!!    :-D    ;)
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #390 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:01 »

Padma's going to leave a vacancy at The Secret Bakery,

I can't think of a current character who might fill it.

Which means .. new character!
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #391 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:02 »

I think we can all basically agree that stoutfiles would absolutely hate the show NCIS. Cause I mean, the Gibbs head slap happens at least once in every episode.

Other than that, I think Steve is kind of a douche, but not so much of one that I hate him. I loved the comic with Marigold and Dale. I love that Marigold is finally coming out of her shell and has had a bit of an epiphany about actually being outside her room.  :-D

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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #392 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:06 »

Padma's going to leave a vacancy at The Secret Bakery,

I can't think of a current character who might fill it.

Which means .. new character!

Only if the new character is Mystery-TSB-Flannel-Person.

EDIT: This is what made me think Marten may have been 'anti-dancing' in high school.
« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2011, 13:16 by Daniel Patrick Moynihan »


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #393 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:28 »

Padma's going to leave a vacancy at The Secret Bakery,

I can't think of a current character who might fill it.

Which means .. new character!

I still think the bakery gang disappearing after Padma does is more likely.  After all Marten's main interaction has been with Padma and Elliot, with half of that revolving around Elliot's infatuation with her.  Renee has had at most a half dozen lines, while Mystery Scar Dude has had one line in one appearance, and hasn't met Marten at all.  So I wouldn't be at all surprised if they join a bunch of the previous supporting cast in plot limbo.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #394 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:29 »

Padma's going to leave a vacancy at The Secret Bakery,

I can't think of a current character who might fill it.

Which means .. new character!

Who could do it? I don't think that either Elliot or Renee is up to the task. The same applies to the junior CoD employees.
Dora could do it no sweat, but obviously won't. Faye has probably picked up a few things as Dora's most senior and trusted helper. She probably wouldn't ruin the operation in a week, but would she really want to leave CoD?
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #395 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:32 »

There's an unresolved story element about Dora and Jim that might keep The Secret Bakery in the picture.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #396 on: 14 Oct 2011, 13:47 »

Dale's glasses completely reflect light, no matter the direction he is facing in relation to the nearest light source.

I think he just has LED's on the rims of his glasses, and turns them on just before walking up to Marigold, just to seem creepier.
I had something witty to put down here but.....

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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #397 on: 14 Oct 2011, 14:38 »

I couldn't help but notice absent from the poll was the Charleston.  Another dance is also conspicuously absent ^_^
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #398 on: 14 Oct 2011, 14:53 »

What's next, pulling on her ponytail? 

I was gonna say, "dipping it in the inkwell", but even I'm not that  old.  Right, pwhodges?  celticgeek?  Anybody...?

I, too, remember inkwells in our desks, although I, personally, never dipped anyone's pigtails in them (even though there were several girls with LONG pigtails). 
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Re: WCDT: 2031-2035 (10-14 October 2011)
« Reply #399 on: 14 Oct 2011, 15:40 »

So, should we consider \Dale as having an "unhealthy" state of mind if he's stalking Marigold like that?
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