advanced military AI Pintsizes running intel operations
When I read this, I got an image of an army of anthrPCs beating up jihadis with laser dildos
(I hope that is the right term, I suck at grammar/political correctness)
I think, that in the long run, equilibrium is reached. Over a centuries ago, we enslaved and abused africans. It took a century of fighting for their rights t be fully guaranteed and recognized, but now we have an african-american in the white house.
I believe, that the QCverse has or will establish equal rights for most AIs. That is once they see the similarities.
All organisms, have functions inscribed in their DNA. The prime function for all life is reproduction. Once that function is accomplished, the organism then goes on to ensure a better life for its offspring through acquiring territory.
Now the difference in humans is that our brains allow us to interpret and accomplish our prime functions in ways that are more civilized. We also have empathy. This is why we fight in the middle east, why we give t charity. It defies ur prime function, as we are taking resources that our own clan could use and are giving it to another. However, this capability of charity follows logic along the line that we all have a connection to each other in the similarity in our genes. Again, brain structure bringing a mre civilized look at prime biological functions.
Now why do I mention this?
Well, to me, it seems that AIs have two prime functions: Emulation and Logic
Since we created them, and we are the dominant intelligence on this planet, it makes sense that they would emulate us. Perhaps, the reason they emulate us is because we are the only frame of reference for intelligence they have. Or, maybe, it is because the scientists that made them mimick humanity. In any case, emulation for AIs is the reciprocation of actions done by humans, results of our prime functions. AIs do not understand why we act so, so their reasoning for it will likely be completely different.
On the other hand, logic is using their cld hard computer parts to analyze their world and not giving a damn about humans since we are irrational. I guess you could say that their functions are primitive like most animals, but they cntain comprehension of why we do these things, and they can give reasons why we are idiots. This is classic case f robots not understanding love and ther emotions. To them emotions seem useless, they do not accomplish humanity's prime function.
Well, before I go off into insane tangents I think I should stop for now. I hope my tirade makes sense.