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And the moment of the week is....?

YB and
- 5 (8.9%)
How's the wine? "It's - It's very good."
- 0 (0%)
That's good. Everyone has been thrilled to see you again. Especially me.
- 0 (0%)
In fact, I was hoping I could convince you to stay. (M-more wine? Glugglugglug)
- 0 (0%)
I miss you, Hannelore.
- 0 (0%)
Your mind was the greatest puzzle I was ever presented with...
- 0 (0%)
...a sparkling intellect, a kind heart, and a boundless capacity for joy.
- 2 (3.6%)
...a friend, a sister, a daughter. I grew to love you.
- 0 (0%)
But I never considered the possibility that you'd stay (on Earth) forever...
- 0 (0%)
So the only solution was to ask you if you could find it in your heart to return... And stay.
- 0 (0%)
I don't like remembering my childhood...
- 0 (0%)
You're the one good thing I have from back then...
- 0 (0%)
...You're the reason I have friends, and a job, and a LIFE.
- 0 (0%)
But that's just it - I have a life. And it's down there, on Earth.
- 6 (10.7%)
I love you too, Station. But I can't stay. I'm sorry.
- 4 (7.1%)
...That's pretty much the answer I was expecting. (I'm sorry.)
- 0 (0%)
Is it really so great, down there?
- 0 (0%)
It's big and loud and dirty and scary, but... it's full of wonderful people and amazing things.
- 4 (7.1%)
As long as I know you're happy down thre, that will be enough.
- 0 (0%)
Shall we stay here and watch the world go by for a while? (I'd love to.)
- 1 (1.8%)
WHUMP! "I'm okay! I'm okay!"
- 34 (60.7%)

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2156-60 (2-6 April 2012) Questionable Content Discussion  (Read 64154 times)


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So... what would happen if Jeph decided to keep Hannelore up on the station?

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Angry mobs of fans in front of his house with pitchforks and torches?


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The e-mail, Twitter and Tumblr equivalent, more likely. Shebly and a couple TopatoCo hunter-killer droids could handle the ones who do show up. Might need to take Shebly to the conventions.
"We are who we pretend to be. So we had better be careful who we pretend to be."  -- Kurt Vonnegut.

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I'm 100% one of the regulars predicted this would happen, but given how long the space arc has dragged on, I can't tell you who it was. Probably one of the wise old sages.

I think J^2 aims to provide more details to Hanners' backstory before he disarms the tactical nuke he set up. It'd be a massive undertaking to successfully write Hanners out of the story for the foreseeable future, and I think he only writes someone out when he has nothing interesting for them to do. That's what happened to Raven, who then popped back up for the quantum dino before she once again faded away, still available for physics jokes.

Of course, the possibility remains that I'm so wrong I accidentally destroyed an advanced civilization on the other side of the galaxy. If so.... my bad.


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So... what would happen if Jeph decided to keep Hannelore up on the station?

Alternative A: a spin-off webcomic

Alternative B: forum meltdown (in addition to the mob storming Jeph's house and/or his inbox)


So this is what the "date" is about. I just wonder whether Station is acting on his own, or whether he has discussed it with HannerDad.

Hannelore doesn't seem to notice that her left thumb is in the flame of the candle. Doesn't look like a holocandle to me.

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I'm 100% one of the regulars predicted this would happen, but given how long the space arc has dragged on, I can't tell you who it was. Probably one of the wise old sages.

I think J^2 aims to provide more details to Hanners' backstory before he disarms the tactical nuke he set up. It'd be a massive undertaking to successfully write Hanners out of the story for the foreseeable future, and I think he only writes someone out when he has nothing interesting for them to do. That's what happened to Raven, who then popped back up for the quantum dino before she once again faded away, still available for physics jokes.

Of course, the possibility remains that I'm so wrong I accidentally destroyed an advanced civilization on the other side of the galaxy. If so.... my bad.

Look at Hanners reaction. She is NOT going to stay on the station.

@ Skewbrow: I think the comic just lacks depth. Her thumb is a few inches from the candle, we just can't tell due to the view.


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[I think the comic just lacks depth.

I totally took his the wrong way for a second...
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@ Skewbrow: I think the comic just lacks depth. Her thumb is a few inches from the candle, we just can't tell due to the view.
Possibly. On second thought I get perspective dizziness from trying to figure it out. The bases of the candle and the hologlass are next to each other on the tablecloth, so they are at the same distance from the camera. Unless Hannelore is twisting her forearm into an unnatural position, her hand should be further away (than the hologlass) from the camera. Meaning that her hand should be behind the candle.

OMG. I think that I just proved myself GUILTY of nitpicking :oops:
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this strip reminds me of something which always bugged me with ST: VOY.

Where are Doctor's or in this case Station's eyes.  Does he see through his holographic eyes or does he have cameras in every corner, scanning every molecule in the room giving him image of everything.

I wondering because the second option means that he can see upskirt and that is just awesome.


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@dreed: Yellow card on the banhammer.

Or, if you wanna take it to that extreme, he probably can surreptitiously do an MRI of her gall bladder. HAWT.


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Might need to take Shebly to the conventions.
Angry fans would pet Shebly and then forget why they were angry because dogs are fuzzy.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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What?  Noooooooo!  Don't take Hanners from us!
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No worries. I'll be shocked if Hannelore actually decides to stay. It's simply that Hilarity Will Ensue while Hanners figures out how to let station down gently.

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I'm wondering if Station tried to hook up with Hannelore before - was it Station, or her father, who sent her the "robo boyfriend"? Was it going to be animated by Station's AI perhaps?


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I guess I'll be told I'm talking crazy, but no one seems to have considered that maybe, just maybe, Station just would like his friend Hannelore to stay around, without any further intention. It's only a date "in a manner of speaking" (I remember someone pointing it out last week).
“Oh yes, it hurts at times to be alone among the stars. But it hurts a lot more to be alone at a party. A lot more.” - George R. R. Martin


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10. @dreed... Station probably has cameras and scanners all over the station, though peeking upskirts or through bras is probably far less enticing when you can scan down to the molecular level :wink: .  And as Throg pointed out, internal organs &/or molecular lattices are not exactly "hurr-hurr" material for most people ("most"...).  As for The Doctor of ST: Voyager, it was generally assumed that The Doctor could only view things from his humanoid perspective (for simpler mechanics).  If you really want to know, you can probably consult Memory Alpha.

11. @JohnTheWysard...  Professor Ellicot-Chatnam sent the prototype robo-boyfriend, waaay back at #1010.

Archive Jockey, vanish!  *smoke bombs away*

12. If Jeph removed Hannelore from the mainstream QC continuity...

*angry mob approaches*

[Jeph]: Oh god, here they come...  Shelby!  Protect me!

[Jeph]: No, Shelby!  Don't sniff them!  No...NO, Shelby!  Don't lick their hands and faces!  Shelby, you stop giving them happy-wags and -pants at being petted!

[Jeph]: Shelby, no!  Don't roll over on your back for belly-scritches!  Bad girl!  Bad- Okay you know what?  Forget it, I'm getting Chiyo and the fat bunnies instead...
« Last Edit: 03 Apr 2012, 15:15 by pendrake »

Is it cold in here?

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I don't see Hannelore disappearing, but it would be a bold move that would avoid the danger of a rut and allow more airtime for the rest of the ensemble.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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I don't see Hannelore disappearing, but it would be a bold move that would avoid the danger of a rut and allow more airtime for the rest of the ensemble.
A weak, wimpy move would be OK too: writing her mostly out of a few story arcs.

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While we deal with the Dora wedding arc.

Or is it the weeding arc for Dora's new garden and Jeph just could read his notes...
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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Might need to take Shebly to the conventions.
Angry fans would pet Shebly and then forget why they were angry because dogs are fuzzy.

That would work, too, though Jeph has described Shebly as a ravening juggernaut protector who will ravage and rend anyone who appears to threaten Jeph or Mrs. Jeph. Likes the kitten, though.
"We are who we pretend to be. So we had better be careful who we pretend to be."  -- Kurt Vonnegut.


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I think Akima might have some art for that.
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I'm interested to see what Hanners will say. I highly doubt she would stay on the ship, even temporarily. Hearing her reasons would be interesting though.


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We're coming back to Earth (after a YB strip) to what?

Dora really IS getting married.    3 (4.2%)
Faye has decided to move in with Angus.    5 (7%)
Tai has quit school and moved to San Francisco.    1 (1.4%)
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Something something, something somethings.    10 (14.1%)
(I had a bad weekend, sue me.)    5 (7%)
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Yelling Bird strips - five days a week!    7 (9.9%)
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I'm wondering...Station had to at the very least have known about BF bot.  Did he approve or even encourage?


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But the use of acronyms, like FYP, was established usage in email and on bulletin boards (as forums were once called) well before texting even came along.  (Also note what I've done to the acronym using BBCode.)
IMHO Westrim is just a GOM. WRT texting, tweeting and other low-bandwidth systems, English is just so verbose, though many other languages are worse.

I think Akima might have some art for that.
DSL probably means this.

Strip 2157 (trying to work out if it is yesterday's or today's in everybody's timezone is too hard) is awesome. It is just packed with little visual gags and Hanners' shock-face is excellent. The wine pours like some sort of thick oil though.
« Last Edit: 03 Apr 2012, 21:03 by Akima »
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Twitchy-eyed Hanners is creeped. the. fuck. out.


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(blinks @ Akima's post)

How, exactly, do you DO that????


Ohhhhh. NM.
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I always thought it was either "in regard to" or "with respect to", not "with regard to".

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Interesting that instead of a "yes" or a "no" Hannelore went for being flustered.

But then, we don't really know all her reasons for moving to Earth.

Hanners when flustered has traditionally gone red in the face (at least, in the past). No, I believe that's her 'no way in hell' face, while trying to change the topic of conversation. As I recall, she wasn't happy at all living on the station before, which would explain why she would be loathe to return to it for more than a temporary basis.


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I always thought it was either "in regard to" or "with respect to", not "with regard to".

In order of my preference:
   with regard to
   with reference to
   with respect to

Other similar usages:
   in respect of
   in regard to
   as regards
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I wanted a "Stay" option that didn't involve Hanners being written out of the strip. Couldn't QC check up on her? I love the idea of an OCD chick getting into a relationship with a nice, clean hologram. It's never been done! (Has it? Have The Simpsons already done it? *sigh*)


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Alternative A: a spin-off webcomic


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I'm still not sure what DSL and IOK are.
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Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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I'm not sure either.
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Oooooooooh, people were talking about acronyms, didn't even see your quoted post, assumed "DSL" was defined in that linked...yeah, it's just easier to call me stupid.

(What are IOK and WRT, though?)
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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aaand I'm still glad this wasn't a Friday strip.


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Cue two weeks of Words & Feelings & More Words.

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Well that settles the whole therapist/professor dilemma. He loves her, but like a family member.

Also, I...I think there's some space dust in the room...
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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So ... you folks who were creeped out: Are you maybe a little less creeped out?

Unless this turns into "The Wreck of The River Of Stars," which also featured a smitten ship's AI.
« Last Edit: 04 Apr 2012, 07:09 by DSL »
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No, I'm no longer creeped. Now I'm too busy dying of cute looking at little Hanners.

But seriously I see it's not creepy now.  :-)
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I just realized. I think Station might have convinced Hannerdad to have a party entirely because of this.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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This explains a LOT.

Station was the reason.

Hm. Wow.

I just realized. I think Station might have convinced Hannerdad to have a party entirely because of this.

And I'd be willing to bet you're right.
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Do Isaac Asimov's laws of robotics apply in QC?
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In the words of Michael garabaldi

"This could get real ugly, real fast."
James The Kugai 

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Do Isaac Asimov's laws of robotics apply in QC?

I wanna say "no", because I swear Jeph said something to that effect...
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Regardless of what Jeph said, I'm pretty sure Station's openly disobeyed the Lieutenant, thus violating the Second Law.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Regardless of what Jeph said, I'm pretty sure Station's openly disobeyed the Lieutenant, thus violating the Second Law.

Would Pintsize be, well, Pintsize if those laws were actually in effect? He must have broken rule 2 on several occasions.


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Station is still kind of a creeper in my opinion? I dunno. He still seems...skeevy and irresponsible, especially given his ascendant status. Or at least in regards to his own interpersonal relations.

Like...I dunno. His backstory with Hanners here was sweet? But he seems too fawning. Too eager to get back to when she depended on him, despite professing to approve of her independence.

On the other hand, if Jeph wrote Hanners out of the strip I would feast on the schadenfreude for months. It would be delicious. That and no more Hannershipping. No more Hannershipping can you IMAGINE.

So I guess I'm in favor of leaving her there but I don't entirely trust Station? I am the worst, my viewpoint sucks. ._.

EDIT: edited for detail/clarity bluh bluh
« Last Edit: 04 Apr 2012, 01:02 by Dr. ROFLPWN »
Fuckin' pain in the ass.


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Awwwwwwww young Hanners is so freaking adorable!  :laugh: Jeph needs to draw her like that more, for real.

I hope that Hanners doesn't stay. I don't think she will, but Jeph's done crazier things in the past...


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Regardless of what Jeph said, I'm pretty sure Station's openly disobeyed the Lieutenant, thus violating the Second Law.

Would Pintsize be, well, Pintsize if those laws were actually in effect? He must have broken rule 2 on several occasions.

I feel Pintsize is the epitomy of all that can go wrong with the Zeroth Law.

Hi, everyone. Just made a profile. It was my reward for reading every strip in the past few days. The missus introduced me to the series.
I can't think of anything cheeky but appropriate. This will have to suffice.
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