which reminds me
my grandmother used to spend $50 on each of her (two dozen or so) grandchildren for Christmas
she asked me what I wanted, but what I needed was, say, $50, and I asked for that
"but you can't wrap money," she protested, "why don't I buy you a gift card? I can wrap that!"
(no, don't bother trying to wrap your mind around my grandmother's logic; I love her to pieces but she is a silly old bat)
I told her I needed money, she insisted on a gift card, to which I responded, "no look here's what you can do: you can buy me a wallet. I need a wallet. buy me a wallet and put the rest of the money in the wallet, wrap the wallet, and give that to me"
she pondered on it
"I know! I can put the gift card in your wallet!"