[quoteNope, the character's hair aren't done in 3D - it's a custom Photoshop brush Jeph uses that just makes it look that way, using shades and tints of the base hair color. If you can ever catch the livestreams of the comic, you can see it in action ][/quote]
Oh, thank you, I didn't know that. I'm still fairly new to QC, I only started reading little over a month ago, so I guess I haven't been around to notice/know this. If I may ask, is there any schedule to when Jeph streams? I know he writes/draws comic just about every day but I don't think he streams every time. It would be really interesting to see QC being created. I presume he draws the entire comic in front of the camera?
As for today's strip, that's quite a revealing top Fay's got going on, other than those bright yellow bloomers and one time she was in panties (presumably, at least while talking to Dora) this has to be among the more revealing outfits. I guess that means she has overcome the emotional distress first with Sven, now with Angus has dealt with her issues.
It seems that not every character will get strip (or two) of arrival, which is good if we want to get this party started (literally) before winter, not that there is anything wrong with gag strips. Though, from today's comic, it seems that Steve is coming with Cosette (in more ways than one) and that Tai is driving Claire. That still leaves Dora as a question mark. She does have a car so she isn't dependant but still.
QC has grown quite a bit since it's beginnings, with today's enormous cast of character it would be nigh impossible to place them all at the same location in any arc. But, I am still hoping that, maybe for comic's tenth anniversary next year, we will get a massive wallpaper with every named character in the strip that has appeared since beginning. I think that would be epic and a nice way to bring everyone together.
And, finally, I found a picture which I think would perfectly suit Hanner's sensibilities. All credit goes to "compactpussycat" on reddit, whether or not is this his/hers picture or a repost I don't know or care.