This is a nifty thread

Thanks for starting it, Gareth.
And nice to re-meet everyone!
I'm lepetitfromage aka Kim. 27, living in Poughkeepsie, NY. Don't exactly remember how I came up with this name, but I know I started using it to sign artwork before it turned into my online moniker. Plus, I just needed something a little less....cutesy (my prior screen name was abstractangel). I played around with bravelittletoasterstrudel for a while, but it was a bit too long IMO. Currently working at a crappy office job (been here for 4 years....ugh), dreaming of a career in art education and doin' crafty stuff in the meantime to maintain my sanity. I'm engaged to Nick- my goofy nerd, my rock, really. He knows me better than anyone else and manages to not only handle my Crazy but help me come to terms with it as well

We live with out cat (Fuzz) and our guinea pig (Rocko). Rocko's buddy Spunky passed away in October. RIP little dude

Started posting in the forums roughly 2 years ago (my two year anniversary is in a couple weeks! whaaaaat). I was reading the comic for about a year, started lurking around and then finally signed up when I got a feel for how things work around here. I started posting in the WCDT but eventually made my way into the Chatter section and now I generally stay down here. Much less snark and bickering (although the mods do indeed do a fabulous job making sure it doesn't escalate to more than that- good job, mods!). It's a tad amusing to me that people are more emotionally charged when speaking about fictional characters than they are about their own lives.
I typically hang out in the blog thread, the foodie thread and the P&D thread. I post a lot about my brain and how it works because A) It's fascinating to me and B) I think talking about mental health stuff is healing, helpful and a great release. I like to feel that I'm doing my part to break down the stigma of mental illness while helping others battle their own brains as well. Sometimes I worry that my posts come off as self-centered because I talk about myself a lot but then most of the people here knock some sense into me. Because, y'know....that whole thing with relating to other people through experiences and such. Forums are pretty good for that. I've posted on a few others before but it was a loooooooong time ago and they were never interesting enough to hold my attention for very long. The people in this forum have really been wonderful and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have "met" you guys. I never imagined that I would find a place like this amongst the sea of idiots on the interweb. I'm very grateful for all of the things that I've gotten through with the help of the forumites and I sincerely hope that some of the advice I've given has helped some of you as well. I've learned so much about each of you and in turn, have learned quite a bit about myself as well.'re all a LOT of fun.

Blah, blah, blah, more mushy love-y, hippie stuff.....I'll not bore you any longer hahaha. Have some photos instead!
I wish I had some newer photos but these'll have to do.

Nick and I at....I'm not sure. I think this was a Valentine's Day dinner a few years ago.

Me at a friend's wedding last year

In the city with a big ass drink. NOM.

This one is an oldie but a goodie. Used to model for fun and extra dough when I lived in NYC. I think I was....19 here?

Me with a few friends at the Summerland tour in Bethel this past July. I'm the weirdo on the right.

The Fuzz!
Now I'm having too much fun with my Flickr to the Art & Photo threads!