Greetings and salutaitions one and all from your friendly neighbourhood Kiwi Kugai.

My real name is James (duh) and I live down here in Middle Earth - better known as Wellington, New Zealand in the wonderful Hutt Valley.
I'm 51 currently and have been since May (hehe). Love Cats, but I don't have one at the moment having recently - five months or so ago - lost my boy Garfield (he went missing). Spent nearly 20 odd years as my mothers caregiver up until around '08 - part time between '90 and '02, then full time after that until she went into a home towards the end of '07 - beginning of '08 when she finally had to go into a Home. She passed away three years later.
For the past three or so years I've had eyesight issues, and flirted with being declared Legally Blind for a while, but things are somewhat stable, but I still have enough of a problem with it that I've been on what is called the Invalids Benefit for the last three years and am under regular Hospital Care for it. And to top it all off, it looks like I may be developing Cataracts - Oh joy!
Asthmatic, but I've had that since puberty, and it's well under control.
Live on my own, but have a great circle of friends and, despite the eyesight issues, have worked part time as counter staff at a now defunct local bookshop, doing about two - three hours a day there, which enabled me to earn a little extra cash-in-the-hand. Miss the job - don't miss the boss.
Get out a bit, and enjoy walking as an exercise - which is why I'm looking forward to summer finally kicking in properly down here.

That's about all the general info. Did, I think, Post a fairly recent Pic of me here at one stage, but I'll Post it again if it's no longer floating around or has vanished into the void.