I knew there was a reason why you were called $1MBS.
And our Moment Of The Week?Let's see if you qualify for our "discount program." (Obtuse metaphor use!) 7 (13.7%)
Well it's my headcanon and you should respect that. 4 (7.8%)
How do you monitor my aaaAAAAAAGH 1 (2%)
Gordon the ArachnoPC! "Don't be nervous! There are no wrong answers!" 11 (21.6%) The biometrics look good to me! (please get off my head) 1 (2%)
I should probably go over our return procedure. And criminal liability agreement. And insurance policies. 5 (9.8%)
My head please get off it 6 (11.8%)
...Then they brought out Pintsize. I took him home, and the rest is history. 1 (2%)
But... but that is all wrong! You were frightened of Gordon! That would have completely thrown off your biometrics! 1 (2%)
Well, it worked out all right in the end, so YOU MEAN I COULDA BEEN WITH A HOT CHICK THIS WHOLE TIME?! 1 (2%)
...So it turns out I shouldn't have ended up with Pintsize after all. 1 (2%)
He does make me look like a better roommate by comparison. 1 (2%)
Still, I wonder what kinda robot you were supposed to end up with. I guess we'll never know. 1 (2%)
THE ROBOT WHALE! (CetaPC?) 9 (17.6%)
Total Members Voted: 51