Okay, he didn't
change servers, exactly... For those of you who are irritable about it. He started a new character on a server he normally doesn't play on. It is not even remotely a big deal to have a character on a different server than your usual one; in fact, it is
normal, because you can have 50 characters spread across however many servers you like, and each server only allows for 11 characters at a time (a
very recent upgrade from the former limit of 10). This doesn't make it right that he's stalking her in-game, but it doesn't mean that he's done some grand gesture to do so. He's probably playing on his other toons (another word to refer to your characters, for those of you who haven't heard the term) now that his rogue is (probably) max level (I say that he's probably at max because he most likely wouldn't be going after Mar-Bear if he weren't).
Teabagging? Marigold, you're better than that!
So, we can see from this example, that she likely plays either Call of Duty or Halo. Considering this is Marigold, that actually makes complete sense. She doesn't have a prepubescent voice, so she isn't a squeaker... Most mysterious.
Actually, this has become a moderately common practice in WoW, regardless of other gaming habits.
And Akima, I don't think she's better than that... when it comes to Dale. It's probably not common practice for her, but for him, she's willing to stoop.
Doesn't make it right, but it's probably the reason.
As for Dale and Marigold and the conversation regarding jerks: They're both being poo-heads, plain and simple. They both seem to have varying levels of attraction to each other but have no idea how to express it in any other way. In any case, Dale antagonizes her. She reacts viciously. They're both at fault in every situation they've been in together.
As for today's comic: Dale totally had it coming.
And I love that she's named/renamed(?) her character to MarBear. <33 I also look forward to seeing how Dale will regroup and try again. I hope even more to see them run into each other IRL before their characters meet again.