Hokay, here's my list of vices:
► Questionable Content - Slice-of-Life comic about a semi-humanoid robot, the hapless dude who lives with him, and butts.
► Dr. McNinja - He's a doctor, and a ninja. At the same time. What more do you people want?!
● Penny Arcade - Put in a penny, play a game. Put in another penny, this comic will tell you why that game is terrible.
● Ctrl-Alt-Del - A comic that was once about a madman...now it's about vidya games.
● XKCD - Math, humorified.
► Megatokyo - Two white guys get stuck in Japan. Hilarity ensues.
■ Whomp - A comic about a comic artist, who draws a comic. Also, McNuggets.
► Blaster Nation - Shenanigans.
► Go Get a Roomie - Casual-sex shenanigans.
● Cyanide & Happiness - Every politically incorrect thought you've ever had, and some you haven't.
● Endless Origami - Sometimes funny, sometimes downright weird.
► Looking For Group - Imagine you've been transported to a D&D-esque world of magic, dragons, and the occasional troll.
► Pulse - Superheroes. And fanservice. LOTS of fanservice.
■ Oglaf (NSFW) - Every politically incorrect porn-related thought you've ever had, and some you haven't.
► - Comic has Continuity
■ - Comic has some elements of continuity, some one-shot strips.
● - All or most of comic is one-shot strips.
I may have inadvertently left some out...I'll think of them eventually, if I think of them.

And for those of you who were dumb enough to click the QC link, you deserve what you got.