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Which version did you like best?

- 13 (13.1%)
(Throw in something about being an amazing lover)
- 9 (9.1%)
Love can be a complicated thing.
- 1 (1%)
There was bitterness. Recrinimiation. Pain. But love was still there.
- 10 (10.1%)
Sorry for going off-script.
- 4 (4%)
Does he still get to flip the table?
- 25 (25.3%)
I'm waiting for Marten's speech.
- 5 (5.1%)
Claire REALLY has to wonder about Marten's parents.
- 13 (13.1%)
- 19 (19.2%)

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2401-2405 (11-15 March, 2013) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 89346 times)


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On one of my Archive re-readings I discovered, that Tai apparently really is a great fan. In comic 962 she's seen wearing a BPitch Control shirt, which is the record label founded by Ellen Allien.
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He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.

Is it cold in here?

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Zoe, on the color coding, what's being measured on the scale of 0-6?
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Claire is definitely growing as a character.  Over the course of this weekend, she has shared a room with Marten, met and accepted his family, (attempted to) fix his clothing, and is now ribbing him like it's old hat.  By the end of this arc, she will have either agreed to go on a date with Marten or will have permanently and irrevocably earned her stripes in his circle of friends.  There is no "Claire the Intern" after The Wedding.
I agree with your point that there's no more treating her as just "Claire the Intern", but that's been going on for a while. At least since she decided to share a personal secret with Marten. I really don't see a date in their future though. I've not noticed anything that I could characterize as signs of attraction on Marten's part, and nothing on Claire's part that isn't a stretch.


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I remember reading somewhere quite some time ago that lesbians tend to have more "male" structured brains, something to do with the release of testosterone during a key point in fetal gestation, but I don't know how much truth there is to that and I can't recall where I read it.
Same thing causes Transsexuality, just at a different "Golden Moment", and different parts of the brain are involved. The foetus ends up more or less Androphillic/Gynephillic, and Male/Female identifying. Usally male genitaliais associated with male gender identity and gynephillia, but there are exceptions (ie gays exist, trans men exist, trans women exist, intersex people exist...)

fMRI Scan of Homosexual/Heterosexual Men/Women

Cool, thanks , that does look familiar. It makes me wonder if there are different degrees of "maleness" and "femaleness" of various brains and if this in any way affects predispositions to particular behavioral patterns. Obviously people exist on a variety of spectra, but I am curious as to exactly how much influence brain structure has on where they fall on them. For example, I am a fairly androgynous woman, I prefer styles of clothing that are more traditionally masculine and I am extremely uncomfortable in anything feminine (dresses are right out). I am also told that my behavioral patterns when it comes to sex and relationships are rather male. However, despite all that I very much identify as a woman. There is no question in my mind that I am a woman, but how I express it is somewhat atypical. I'd be interesting to know how much of this is rooted in basic brain structures. As always I am interested in the dynamic between innate characteristics (or at least predispositions) and learned behavior and the biofeedback loop between brain structure and behavior/experience. Our brain structure effects our behavior and our behavior and experiences in turn effect the structure of our brains.
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That is the most stoked I've ever seen Marten, Dora boobs are back!

edit: also the title is painfully correct, bad metal horns Marten...
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2013, 17:25 by riccostar »
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Interestingly, my sense of smell kicked in in high school.  I was at an all boys' school, but for choir at the end of the day we shipped in sopranos and altos from the girl's school up the street.  We'd be in the choir room, and they'd troop in... and the air changed.  Noticeably. 

It was my favorite time of day, even though after a few breaths I had trouble hiding the pitched tent with my music folder. 

OK, maybe that needed to go into the TMI thread.  Sorry.

Story time!

My ex-girlfriend (who was at least bi-curious at the time) had this one female friend M, who eventually started taking the birth control pill at some point. A few weeks after, her best friend, who had been totally straight up to this point, came out to her with "being in love with her", which reportedly completely caught M offguard. A few weeks after that, M kind-of-cheated on her boyfriend with another guy from my then-GF circle of acquaintances (ie they made out during a sleepover, said guy promised to tell no living soul and proceeded to spill the beans the next morning to me and my then-GF. Being the hormonally-driven teenagers that we were and being both attracted to M, the reaction of both of us was, regrettably, mostly "Luuuucky".) Then-GF and me reasoned that maybe the pill made her somehow more attractive to everybody around her, including girls and boys alike, possibly either through odor or subtle changes in behavior.

Edit: I just saw that Linds was among the people who responded to my thread about it back then. I should apologize to her for killing her in the first round of Mafia 5. Sorry Linds!
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2013, 16:58 by Loki »
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Someone is getting extra stack duty when he comes back.


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Zoe, on the color coding, what's being measured on the scale of 0-6?
Blood flow under certain stimuli. A pretty crude metric for the brain activity that's happening, but the best we have. The pictures are composites of about 15 people in each category.
Akima wrote thus : " Besides which, forgiving other people is something you do for yourself, not for them. "


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I think that that Cellphone was on Vibrate

Nice going Marten, way to spoil the mood between Dora and Tai.
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...and he probably has NO idea he did that.
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Zoe, on the color coding, what's being measured on the scale of 0-6?
Blood flow under certain stimuli. A pretty crude metric for the brain activity that's happening, but the best we have. The pictures are composites of about 15 people in each category.

The first thing I thought of when I saw a 0-6 scale was "Kinsey"...and then I thought of Liam Neeson, because that movie was BIZARRE.
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It makes me wonder if there are different degrees of "maleness" and "femaleness" of various brains and if this in any way affects predispositions to particular behavioral patterns.
You got it. Well expressed too, this isn't binary, different parts of the brain conform more or less to a male/female average or stereotype, no-one is 100% M or 100% F in all respects.

Obviously people exist on a variety of spectra, but I am curious as to exactly how much influence brain structure has on where they fall on them.
Quite a lot. However many parts of the brain are plastic to some degree, so there's feedback involved.

As a general rule, when it comes to "Gendered behaviour", most of it has no biological basis. Most - but perhaps 20% or so does, and this 20% is quite important. While it does cover some problem-solving, 3D visio-spatial relationship perception, language ability and other easily measurable areas, a bigger part is to do with emotional response, body language, "instincts" for want of a better term.

So while it's a good first approximation to say that Gender is entirely a social construct, that there are no differences, that approximation soon breaks down.

This is most glaringly, blindingly obvious in some Intersex conditions, where we know neurological development is anomalous in the area of sexual dimorphism. I'll give 3 examples:

Turner syndrome : women with 45,X rather than 46,XX chromosomes
Mental retardation is not a feature of Turner syndrome, despite such claims in older medical textbooks. Thorough psychological studies show that these women are normal intellectually, but often have a characteristic pattern of intellectual functioning. While their verbal IQ usually is average or above, their non-verbal IQ may be considerably lower because of problems visualizing objects in relation to each other. This difficulty may show up in poor performance in math, geometry, and tasks requiring manual dexterity or sense of direction.
- Turner Syndrome -- Human Growth Foundation.

Klinefelter syndrome - usually caused by males having 47,XXY not 46,XY chromosomes:
Although they are not mentally retarded, most XXY males have some degree of language impairment. As children, they often learn to speak much later than do other children and may have difficulty learning to read and write.
-- Understanding Klinefelter Syndrome -- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Whether you regard such people as "genetic women" masculinised by a Y chromosome (as is the official position of the Indonesian Catholic Bishops), or "genetic men" feminised by an extra X chromosome is a matter of ideology and faith, not fact. Most are just men, a few are women.

CAH - Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in females
Data show that increased male-typical toy play by girls with CAH cannot be explained by parental encouragement of male-typical toy play. Although parents encourage sex-appropriate behavior, their encouragement appears to be insufficient to override the interest of girls with CAH in cross-sexed toys.
Prenatal hormones versus postnatal socialization by parents as determinants of male-typical toy play in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia Pasterski VL, Geffner ME, Brain C, Hindmarsh P, Brook C, Hines M Child Dev 76(1):264-78 2005

For example, I am a fairly androgynous woman, I prefer styles of clothing that are more traditionally masculine and I am extremely uncomfortable in anything feminine (dresses are right out). I am also told that my behavioral patterns when it comes to sex and relationships are rather male. However, despite all that I very much identify as a woman. There is no question in my mind that I am a woman, but how I express it is somewhat atypical. I'd be interesting to know how much of this is rooted in basic brain structures. As always I am interested in the dynamic between innate characteristics (or at least predispositions) and learned behavior and the biofeedback loop between brain structure and behavior/experience. Our brain structure effects our behavior and our behavior and experiences in turn effect the structure of our brains.
Quoted in entirety, as no expert in the area could have put it better.

Some parts of the brain are plastic to varying degrees. Some parts aren't, but even then, pubescent changes happen there in some parts. It's a 1-way trip though, the pattern of development predestined or organised by hormonal variation in the womb, only activated later.

The organisation/activation model is very powerful, and is considered proven for nonhuman mammals, and nearly proven for humans."Nearly" as to prove it would require unethical experimentation on human fetuses, real Dr Mengele stuff.

 The organization-activation theory posits that the nervous system of a developing fetus responds to prenatal androgens so that, at a postnatal time, it will determine how sexual behavior is manifest. How organization-activation was or was not considered among different groups and under which circumstances it is considered is basically understood from the research and comments of different investigators and clinicians. The preponderance of evidence seems to indicate that the theory of organization-activation for the development of sexual behavior is certain for non-human mammals and almost certain for humans.
Clinical Implications of the Organizational and Activational Effects of Hormones M.Diamond Hormones and Behavior 55 (2009) 621–632

How much of your psychology is rooted in innate brain structure? At an informed guess, most. The Gender Identity, certainly. You know you're female, as does Claire, as do I, despite evidence existing to the contrary. In your case "male typical" behaviour, in my case too to a lesser extent, in Claire's case and mine too the whole "MAAB" thing. Your "male typical" behaviour is very similar to women with CAH - I have CAH BTW, just not the usual kind.( 95% of CAH is caused by 21H, 5% by 11B, <1% by all other causes (3BHSD,17AH,Lipoid). I have 3BHSD)

How do we "know" what sex we are? This paper explains it:
A theory of gender development is presented that incorporates early biological factors that organize predispositions in temperament and attitudes. With activation of these factors a person interacts in society and comes to identify as male or female. The predispositions establish preferences and aversions the growing child compares with those of others. All individuals compare themselves with others deciding who they are like (same) and with whom are they different. These experiences and interpretations can then be said to determine how one comes to identify as male or female, man or woman. In retrospect, one can say the person has a gendered brain since it is the brain that structures the individual’s basic personality; first with inherent tendencies then with interactions coming from experience.
Biased-Interaction Theory of Psychosexual Development: “How Does One Know if One is Male or Female?” M.Diamond Sex Roles (2006) 55:589–600

It's obvious though that you've already grasped the essentials, and have some idea of the complexities.
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2013, 20:02 by ZoeB »
Akima wrote thus : " Besides which, forgiving other people is something you do for yourself, not for them. "


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Tl, dr due to sick in progress.  :-o
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Near Lurker

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Hey, Tai, why are you upset?  Dora could have been there! fact, Dora still could have been there.  She was invited.  But that would have been wicked awkward...

EDIT BECAUSE I HAVE THE BEST TIMING EVER: Oh, dear.  This could end... well.  Or badly.  Well badly.

On a related note, why is it people in fiction black out so easily?  They call me a drunk, but I've only ever blacked out once... and the events of that night started a sequence that got me committed.
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2013, 00:11 by Near Lurker »
After seventeen years, once again, sort of a lurker.  (he/him)


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That was quite the cute ending there.   :-)


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Today's comic is TENSE!  8-)

Edit: Warning - while you were typing an alien invasion occured. You may wish to review your living conditions.

I just CAN'T catch a break...
What do you know about Pokémon?

Is it cold in here?

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We are definitely being teased.

I hope Marten and Claire do not date while he's supervising her.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Knowing Jeph, he'll probably have Marten and Claire date off-screen, just to rub it in!  :evil:
What do you know about Pokémon?


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Though I imagine whatever their feelings towards each other turn out to be waking up in the morning might be slightly awkward.  :-D


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We are definitely being teased.
Ohhh yeah.


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They are seriously adorable in the final panel. And they look so content, too. FWIW, this scene shouldn't really cause any awkwardness in the morning - they don't seem to be drunk enough not to remember it all.
What do you know about Pokémon?


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And the shippers punch the air.


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"I'm trolling you guys pretty hard"



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Claire is better than Padma.


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That was beautiful.
Akima wrote thus : " Besides which, forgiving other people is something you do for yourself, not for them. "


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I never consciously noticed Marten's lack of chest hair.

I want to see the reception so bad :( I hope we get an achronological strip with some of the impressions, like with Claire's dress or Marten's baby photos.
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*slow clap*

I'd even say I got RickTroll'd, 'cause I did NOT see that coming.

Bravo, Jeph.  Bravo.  Troll on.
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I am smiling from buttcheek to buttcheek right now.
I am also hurting on my face because of that, which is the only reason why there are little tears in my eyes... really.

This is an odd place for the character dynamics, though. Somewhere between "staying great friendship always on the brink of being perceived as romantic setup" and "becoming romantic relationship that always appears to maintain an optional out"... something irks me and I hope Jeph manages to keep this magical thing going a while longer before it goes haywire in one direction or the other. °O
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It's like. They are in a UnresolvedSexualTension situation, except neither seem to realize it. If that makes sense.

I'm afraid it doesn't.

*must restrain myself from over-analyzing Marten's eyes in second-to-last panel*
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I must spend too much time on the internet. My first thought was:
"The pictorial menu at a zombie restaurant".

Jeph is indeed a terrible, terrible tease.
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On a related note, why is it people in fiction black out so easily?  They call me a drunk, but I've only ever blacked out once... and the events of that night started a sequence that got me committed.

I don't think that was blacking out from drunkenness, I think that was passing out from exhaustion.




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We are definitely being teased.

You're just now figuring this out?
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Careful... you see I met someone at a new years party once.
After spending hours talking, we fell asleep next to each other like that. It was... comfy.

We've just celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary.
Akima wrote thus : " Besides which, forgiving other people is something you do for yourself, not for them. "


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On a related note, why is it people in fiction black out so easily?  They call me a drunk, but I've only ever blacked out once... and the events of that night started a sequence that got me committed.

I don't think that was blacking out from drunkenness, I think that was passing out from exhaustion.

I think that was... falling asleep...


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I'm getting the feeling of back-to-back callbacks. Dora has used that distraction technique before, and I got a definite Hanners and Sven vibe from today's strip.


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He's really rocking the last panel swerve this week.

My questions are, how much do both of them move while sleeping, and is the door locked?


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It's like. They are in a UnresolvedSexualTension situation, except neither seem to realize it. If that makes sense.
[ ... ]

Actually, that does make a lot of sense... and is a much simpler way to get across the gist I was going for.

And if you want to analyze something, analyze that Claire curdled up towards Marten. That can mean one, both or neither of two things. °O
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I got nothing to really add. That is simply a beautiful end to the week...

Which means that the Awkward Zone is going to be in overdrive next week. EMERGENCY FANCY CLOTHES AND HATS! STAT!

Still, awesome work Jeph. You magnificent bastard.
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Yep. We've been trolled hardcore.


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Marten didn't even get a chance to say "Oh, pass out and drool on my shoulder. That's exactly what I was hoping for."


But really, nice trolling Jeph. I always go "Uh-oh..." whenever Jeph says anything after posting the strip like "Muahahahahaha" or "Oh god, what have I done?" :P


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Seems she is comfortable enough with Marten to change with bathroom door open, especially if there's a possibility of a reflection visible from the small bathroom mirror .

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Thank you for trolling, please continue.
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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Trolling aside, it was quite sweet. 

And true-to-life. 
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2013, 04:55 by Carl-E »
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Seems she is comfortable enough with Marten to change with bathroom door open, especially if there's a possibility of a reflection visible from the small bathroom mirror .
Or the fact that she's somewhere between buzzed and drunk means she wasn't really thinking about it and was just going.

Man, the way I was scrolling the comic, I got down to panel 6 and wasn't able to see panel 7, so my eyes were like  :-o until I hit the last panel. Well done, Jeph!

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Quote from: Jeph
I am trolling you guys pretty hard
Lil' bit, yeah. It's ok, though. Marten must be drunk/tired, though, those don't look like comfortable sleeping clothes!
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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Trolled so hard that I actually followed this link, registered, waited for the registration email and came back just to say Bravo, Sir.

Bra. Vo.

Method of Madness

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Welcome, TRB. You came for the trolling, hopefully you stay for the, uh... :psyduck:
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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I burst out laughing when I saw the second panel because it was obvious where it was going. By the time that subsided, I read "I am trolling you guys pretty hard" and just started laughing again.

Yeah, I'm breaking my self-imposed vacation from the forums just to post about this. So sue me.  :roll:
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Welcome, TRB. You came for the trolling, hopefully you stay for the, uh... :psyduck:

Well said, well said.

I'd suggest "for the obsessive over-analyzis of comic minutiae".
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Haven't logged into this forum in a long time... people are really shipping Martin and Claire? You guys realize she has a penis, right? I don't think Martin has previously expressed any interest in another male's sexual anatomy before... having Martin end up bisexual would be kind of unexpected at this point, although I suppose it's possible it's something he's repressed for a long time. I dunno.

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« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2013, 06:06 by pwhodges »
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