I've put a few hours in and I'm really happy with it. The art style is great, the writing is really, the aesthetic in general scream Shadowrun, the soundtrack is great for a cyberpunk setting and from what I gather the editor is ridiculously powerful and there's already an alpha build out for a SNES Shadowrun remake. One of the other things I noticed early on though is that there is a refreshing number of speaking characters that are Persons of Color.
The downsides are that it's apparently not terribly long (about 12 hours or so) and it's pretty linear. I don't really consider the linearity a problem, especially with such good modding tools available, but I can understand the concern. The character creation allows for a hell of a lot of build options though and I suspect I'll be playing through at least a couple of times while waiting for the Berlin expansion and mods.
Edit: Also forgot to mention, there's no VA (not a downside as far as I'm concerned) and there is no manual saving. The game instead auto saves every time you change maps. This isn't a big deal to me, but it is an odd thing to not include.