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The Angel of Peas!
- 3 (3.9%)
Give peas a chance!
- 15 (19.5%)
Peas cannot be achieved through violence.
- 9 (11.7%)
Imagine whirled peas.
- 6 (7.8%)
A vision of peas with a Birdseye view.
- 3 (3.9%)
Peas on hurt; goodwill to all sentient beings.
- 5 (6.5%)
+5 soothe pain, -5 cause light frostbite.
- 9 (11.7%)
No justice - no peas.
- 5 (6.5%)
Peas porridge hot - no Earl Gray.
- 2 (2.6%)
Peas porridge cold - with a side of waffles.
- 6 (7.8%)
Space ham and peas?
- 3 (3.9%)
Can we peas stop the puns?
- 11 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 72

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2434-2438 (29 April-3 May, 2013) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 77128 times)


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She has seemed completely artless sometimes.

We could speculate that she got pigeonholed early on as "the odd one" and chose to make the best of the role by cultivating it.

I don't think so. I think she is completely oblivious. Unlike Raven, who is playing the airhead on purpose.
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This comic made me so happy you have no idea.

EDIT: I will allow that you have an idea, especially since I indicated it one line prior.


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IDK, I don't think raven is intentionally dim. You can have a massive IQ and be quite stupid very easily. 


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I'm disappointed in Emily. She should have had a backup peas pun since her primary joke was so easy to figure out. I'm disappointed that got mad at being out-clevered.

I don't some of the responders here have read the title of today's comic based on their reactions.


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I don't even think Raven's DIM per se, she just doesn't have knowledge about various pop culture things (and doesn't desire to expand that knowledge), and that means that she makes herself look like an idiot when she demonstrates that lack of knowledge.

And she's got a bit of the cloud cuckoolander thing going on, too. Although not to Emily's extent.

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But then, I wouldn't use a fork as appears to be the norm either. It's clearly a spoon food.
Yeah, my mom used to get mad at me for eating rice and peas with a spoon, instead of a fork like I apparently ought to. I use a fork now for both things, mostly out of convenience (I already have a fork out to eat the other stuff on my plate, why use one more utensil if I don't have to?)
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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I literally made this account because I do not understand the joke/pun?? Is it like supposed to be a play on words like.. peas a chance... pizza chance?? Is peas a chance supposed to mean something? Please I am 100% serious and this is going to be the only time I use the forum I just want some answers I feel so stupid.


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peas=peace in this case. They sound very similar. Give peace a chance.


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"Give peace a chance" - John Lennon
"Give peas a chance" - pun
a 'dčanamh nan saighdean airson cinneadh MacLeňid
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Ní féidir liom labhairt na Gaeilge.
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I am oddly jealous of that username.
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Great, even for a fictional character's twitter these people are around.. :meh:

I laughed and am a terrible person.


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That big pile of peas reminded me of a piece of doggerel I read once:

"I eat my peas with honey;
 I've done it all my life.
 It makes the peas taste funny,
 But it keeps them on the knife."

I remember reading that in one of the early "Little House..." books by Laura Ingalls Wilder when I was a kid. Can't remember which one, though.

Wait, that's the intention of the poem? If anything it gives kids an idea on how to make peas sweeter and less healthy. Also kind of badass.

I think it was just intended as a nonsense poem or song to entertain children. I don't know what the original tune was, if any, but I've heard it sung to the tune of "Oh! Susanna", which itself is full of nonsense lyrics; for example, "It rained all day the night I left / The weather was so dry". (It wasn't part of the original lyrics to "Oh! Susanna", however.)

This page has some info about the earliest known references to this poem/song.


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I literally made this account because I do not understand the joke/pun?? Is it like supposed to be a play on words like.. peas a chance... pizza chance?? Is peas a chance supposed to mean something? Please I am 100% serious and this is going to be the only time I use the forum I just want some answers I feel so stupid.

Here's the original, note the chorus:

and yes, it's a pretty simple single word pun between "peas" <> "peace"


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Hopefully Emily will realize that Claire didn't mean to steal her thunder; she should give her the beanefit of the doubt.
"The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be."


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Emily's probably more the type who would take Claire back to the lake house and toss her into the legume.

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I cannot stop cracking up over the last panel.  Emily's expression!  Storming off with her plate of peas!  Someone as punny as Claire should know better than to steal someone else's punchline.  (does that even count?)


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Emily's probably more the type who would take Claire back to the lake house and toss her into the legume.

That could be dangerous; muskrats aren't always peasful creatures.
"The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be."


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Emily's probably more the type who would take Claire back to the lake house and toss her into the legume.

To let her rest in peas, you mean?
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WTB a new peas pun.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Peas just stop this.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.

Is it cold in here?

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It all falls into place now.

Emily is a pod person.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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I cannot stop cracking up over the last panel.  Emily's expression!  Storming off with her plate of peas!  Someone as punny as Claire should know better than to steal someone else's punchline.  (does that even count?)

Quote from: Marten
You're cute when you're reasonable.


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Poor Emily.

Perhaps some herbs might help. Peas in our Thyme.
Akima wrote thus : " Besides which, forgiving other people is something you do for yourself, not for them. "


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 Does Emily eat peas just for the pun?

 Also, poor Emily :'< .

 PS: I spotted Joyce  :-D .


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Poor Emily.

Perhaps some herbs might help. Peas in our Thyme.

Poor Emily. As a typical member of the XY persuasion, I cannot stand to see a woman cry.

I sense character development for Emily.
The future is a weird place and you never know where it will take you.
the careful illusion of shit-togetherness


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Ouch. No joy for Emily.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Aw man, I laughed so hard at the comic and immediately after that felt really bad for it. Emily really can't catch a break, it would seem.


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Poor Emily.

Perhaps some herbs might help.  Peas in our Thyme.

Indeed, poor Emily.  Is it sad that I feel sad for a fictional character?

Oh, and bad pun, utterly dreadful, go to the back of the queue, with half of the other posters on here.
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Poor Emily. :cry:
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I join in with all saying poor emily. :(

Does Emily eat peas just for the pun?

i would say its not something she DOES, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did it as a one time thing just for the pun.


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I wonder how acute Emily's sadness is. It seems like she has virtually no friends, and is she now feels betrayed, somehow, by her new friends and coworkers, it might feel disproportionally bad for her. I hope she gets a break soon.
What do you know about Pokémon?


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I am sad for Emily. But puns are not everyone's cup of pea. "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run..."
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered, than answers that can't be questioned." Richard Feynman


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Enough with the jokes! It has bean enough!
What do you know about Pokémon?


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Emily is the hyperbole in all of us. :(


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I see Joyce and Daisy.  Anyone else?

Method of Madness

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cup of pea
Say this out loud and you'll realize why you should never use this pun again.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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I see Joyce and Daisy.  Anyone else?

I agree. I'm not sure the guy is supposed to be a known character, but those two are pretty obvious.
What do you know about Pokémon?


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Woah, Hanners is going to be upset that she made someone cry for (to her) no preasonable reason isn't she? This could use some analysis. Contented Questionners, activate!


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I think it makes more sense that Hanners is going to fix things for Emily - she is very good at keeping herself stable when she can be there for others.
What do you know about Pokémon?

Method of Madness

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Quote from: Jeph
RIP terrible pun
rest in peas
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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Decent pun, terrible character.

Method of Madness

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Give several reasons why.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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Poor Emily.

Perhaps some herbs might help. Peas in our Thyme.

Last time we tried that line it didn't work out so well...
"It's a futile gesture that my sense of right and wrong tells me I should make." Is It Cold Here, 19 Mar 2013, 02:12


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For a moment I thought that Emily went to CoD because she got to pea.

Edit: Ninja'd by Akima. I think?
« Last Edit: 02 May 2013, 09:39 by Skewbrow »
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Poor Emily.

Perhaps some herbs might help.  Peas in our Thyme.

Indeed, poor Emily.  Is it sad that I feel sad for a fictional character?

Oh, and bad pun, utterly dreadful, go to the back of the queue, with half of the other posters on here.
To be fair, she really needs to try it with someone other than the two most enigmatic characters in the QC-verse, outside of an alcoholic hallucination or angry stand-in avian.
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I see recent comics and this thread have induced many people to compete for the title of Pungeon Master (WARNING: TV Tropes link! Do not click if you had anything else important to do today. Like work. Or eat. Or bathe. Or sleep...)
The Vanguard - superhero space opera


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The last couple of comics with Emily as a major focus have really cemented why I don't like her character.

Emily appears to be thick headed a bit like Raven is some respects but while Raven had skills that suggested that she was actually an intelligent woman who has a naive streak a mile wide.

Emily thus far seems to be thick headed with no signs of any skills or useful traits in fact I think it will come out soon that she has a mental disorder or two to explain her level of chaos.

It's been a long time since I have last posted but Emily has finally got me riled up enough to come back and post.  :roll:
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I am sad for Emily. But puns are not everyone's cup of pea. "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run..."
She went to Coffee of Doom for the Cup o' Pea special.
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I think it makes more sense that Hanners is going to fix things for Emily - she is very good at keeping herself stable when she can be there for others.

I agree, if she can focus on someone else her own neuroses seem to loose their hold on her.

I like Emily and hope to see her happy again soon. She is a bit quirky and that is fun.


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But puns are not everyone's cup of pea.

"Cup of pea", huh? It looks a bit too much like "cup of pee" to me.  :psyduck:
What do you know about Pokémon?
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