I'm actually confused by yesterday's comic. It's completely obvious that if he gets the job he would have to move, so "you don't have to move away just to go to an audition" implies she doesn't even consider that a possibility.
Okay, here is how I read it FWIW.
Faye walked into the conversation having by then come to the conclusion that Angus had already decided he wanted to move, and was just trying to break it to her (hence her opening question: "Why do you want to move to New York?").
When Angus showed her the audition advertisement, there were two possibilities for Faye. She could either:
1. Realise that her initial assumption was incorrect, and that actually he hadn't yet decided to move there (that would only happen in the remote chance that his audition was successful); OR
2. Wonder why the heck he'd made the decision to move just for an audition.
You wouldn't imagine that anyone would jump to the conclusion of #2 until you consider how difficult it can be for people in general to dislodge "truths" once they have been formed in their minds.
Re-read the comic with that in mind, and maybe it will make more sense.