I agree. Talking about factual topics is no problem to me. But as soon as I don't know what to talk about anymore, well then I don't know what to talk about.
My advice (and personal strategy): Go meta.
Cheerfully tell the person "And this is the part of the discussion where it looks like we don't know what to talk about. (I used to know this one guy who could magnificently get himself out of those situations. $anecdote_about_person_you_may_invent|I really hate it when this happens. It feels like $comparison. $vaguely_related_topic_to_comparison_you_just_made|Do you think we should continue the awkward silence, or should we talk about $random_topic? What is the first thing that comes to your mind about $random_topic? I think $own_opinion)."
You have to do it cheerfully. This signals "Hey, you know this is awkward, and I know this is awkward, and we both know that the other knows, so let's laugh about this together!"
This has multiple advantages:
1) Going onto the meta level is not something that people expect. That automatically makes you interesting.
2) The reaction of most people to going onto this level is laughing or at least smiling, because they are surprised and laughing seems to be one of the ways they react to surprising situations. People like it if you make them smile.
3) The other person probably feels about as awkward as you. You are "saving" them from the situation. They will be grateful, possibly not even consciously.
4) In my limited experience, people will surprisingly readily go along with a completely random topic. Random topic should not include controversial stuff like religion, politics, ethics, family, money, health... . Random stuff from your surroundings is good. ("What do you think about gas lanterns/letter boxes/door handles?")
Animals are good too. ("What do you think about dolphins? In my opinion, you cannot trust a species that keeps smiling. Did you ever touch a dolphin? I have too/I never have. $description_of_occasion/We have always only traveled to the mountains. But they have their advantages too - like that one time when $anecdote). BAM, conversation got going again.
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to strike up a conversation with the forum.Oh, that's great. Say, forum, what do you think about the color red? What would you say is your personal ranking of colors? Oh really? That's an interesting choice.
OMG. It's happening, it's really happening. IT IS HAPPENING!!!!! WE ARE AT HAPPENING DEFCON 5 HERE PEOPLE!!! I can sense the power of two gamers coming together to form a couple!!! And it shall be awesome!!!!!
Plus i've dated BBWs in the past. It is great. I really hope these two get together. Their power level will be over 9000!!! Oh and they'll probably be the first couple to get married in comic. I am calling it!
No shipping please, there is a rule against that somewhere. Out of curiosity, what's a BBW?
the first couple to get married in comic
That honor is already taken.