If you're feeling really adventurous you could try making some Poire Williams. (Warning: necessitates home distilling; may not be legal.)
Very cool, and the pears I have
are Bartlett/Williams. But yeah, it involves making pear wine then distilling it, and I think one tree won't really give me enough - in a good year, I only get 150 - 300 pears of various size and quality, from huge supermarket style to little stunted nubbly things (I don't spray the tree, so it's catch-as-catch-can).
@Elysiana, I've just gotten some bottles and airlocks to finish the cider. For cider, some people add yeast, but there are naturally occuring yeasts on the skins of apples, and they'll
usually do the trick, though they sometimes introduce weird flavors. Same's true for pears. Commercial products are fully pasteurized to remove the natural stuff and then their own yeasts are added. The stuff I've got going now
was pasteurized, but it seems a few of the buggers made it through!