Okay, so I wrote a small theatric fanfic (fanplay?) for an OT3 ship I have and hopefully it's better quality than Marigold's?
(a "play" by someone who most certainly has no idea how to write plays)
[Clinton and Brunhilde are hanging out at Brunhilde's house, playing Mario Kart (or some other video game). Clinton decides to broach a subject that has been weighing on his mind.]
CLINTON: Hey, Brun? I was... Uhhh, how do I put this...
BRUNHILDE [tilting head curiously]: Hmm?
CLINTON: Well, er, you know Elliot, right?
BRUNHILDE: Elliot from the bakery?
CLINTON: Yeah, that's him. I was wondering what you thought about him.
BRUNHILDE: Hmm... He reminds me of the BFG. Because he's big and friendly... and maybe a giant?
CLINTON: He's not a giant!
BRUNHILDE: Well, he could be a small one.
BRUNHILDE: But I guess then he wouldn't be a BIG friendly giant.

BRUNHILDE: Or maybe he's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man!
CLINTON: ...The villain who destroyed the city in Ghostbusters?
BRUNHILDE: Yeah! But not because of the destroying the city part. He just reminds me of a marshmallow. ...Crossed with a giant.
CLINTON: OK, this isn't exactly what I was getting at.
BRUNHILDE: What do you mean?
CLINTON: I was thinking... Elliot's a nice guy, right? Do you like him?
BRUNHILDE: Yeah. He seems fun. And he's really big, which is also nice.
BRUNHILDE: ...Oh, but I like you too, even though you're not big! You're both nice.
C [blushing a bit]: Um, th-thank you. I'm not really... Well, I try to be nice, but I'm not like Elliot.
BRUNHILDE: Huh? ...You can be nice without being like Elliot.
CLINTON: Yeah, but... He's a really sweet guy, you know?
BRUNHILDE: Yes! He is sweet. So are you.
CLINTON: Heh, well, if you say so... [leaning in] So is that the kind of guy you'd like, romantically? Someone who's sweet and kind? And maybe physically attractive?
BRUNHILDE: Hmm... I think so. Nice guys are cute.
CLINTON: So then, do you think... How do I put this...
BRUNHILDE: ...Ohh! Are you asking me out?
C [blushing hard]: Wait, what?!
BRUNHILDE: You're... not? But you are sweet and attractive. It makes sense that I would like you.
CLINTON: Thanks, but... I mean, it's not like I never thought about you that way... I definitely had a bit of a crush on you when we first met... but I was asking about Elliot.
BRUNHILDE: Ohh! Are you asking if he likes you?
CLINTON: H-huh?! No, Elliot doesn't like... I mean, I don't think...
BRUNHILDE: But he always acts so flustered around you. Just like you're acting now.
CLINTON: D-does he...? And hey, I'm not flustered!
BRUNHILDE: I just figured he probably had a crush on you.
CLINTON: Wait, then... Maybe he was talking about... Augh, but that's not who
I was talking about! I meant
you, Brun, not me! Elliot likes
CLINTON: Crap, I didn't mean to tell you he said that!
BRUNHILDE: Oh. Sorry. Should I try to forget it?
CLINTON: No, wait! Just listen for a sec! I was thinking maybe you should see if Elliot and you both like each other... Maybe you could go out on a date?
BRUNHILDE: Ohh! So you're his wingman!
CLINTON: No, he didn't ask me to talk to you! I just thought I could... Well, to be honest, I don't know why I did this. I wanted to help Elliot, but my sister tried to set me up one time, and things went so badly...
BRUNHILDE: Wait, but if Elliot likes you, and you like Elliot, maybe YOU could go out with him! And then I can be [Batman voice] the wingman!
CLINTON: No! I mean... maybe? But I was asking you... AUGH! This is so complicated!

BRUNHILDE: Well, maybe we can both go out with him?
CLINTON: Wait, how could BOTH of us go on a date with him?
BRUNHILDE: Well, it's not like you can expect someone to be exclusive on a first date!
CLINTON: But then, it'd be like we're in a competition.
BRUNHILDE: But we're not. I mean, I don't expect us to fall in love or anything, do you?
CLINTON: It's way too early to think about falling in love with him. I don't even really know if I'm into guys.
BRUNHILDE: So we're just seeing what happens. I don't think we should keep each other from seeing someone.
CLINTON: I guess you're right. I can't ask you to just ignore what you might have with him.
BRUNHILDE: And I don't want you to give up seeing him for me, either.
CLINTON: When you put it that way, it makes sense.
BRUNHILDE: So let's go ask him out together!
CLINTON: W-wait! Th-that'd be way too weird... But I can ask him out the next time I see him alone...
BRUNHILDE: Me too! Let's do it! [raises a hand for a high-five]
CLINTON: Okay! [starts to raise his robot hand, then pauses] Oh... but, what if whatever Elliot decides affects our friendship?
BRUNHILDE: We have to make a promise... No matter what happens, we'll still be friends. Do you promise?
CLINTON: I promise!
[CLINTON gives BRUNHILDE a high-five]
BRUNHILDE: ...Oh, wait. Should we have shaken hands instead?
CLINTON: Nah, I think a high-five can work as a handshake... [stares at the palm of his robot hand] Wow, I really can't believe we're doing this. But... nothing ventured, nothing gained! [fist-pumps]
BRUNHILDE: [nods, then puts a hand on Clinton's shoulder] Good luck, Clinton!
CLINTON: Yeah! You too, Brun!
These guys are all adorable in their own way, and maybe it's silly to want a poly relationship out of this when it's doubtful that the characters (at least Clinton and Elliot) have ever had that kind of relationship before... but it's just so cute! Augh, I'm sure I messed up writing Brun's voice... she's such a fun and quirky character, it's hard to think of exactly how she'd approach things. I tried to channel that side of myself, but... well, I know I'm not great at letting the characters affect the direction of the story instead of the other way around, and I hope that things didn't seem totally out of the blue.
While I'm interested at writing I know there are a lot of areas I'm not great at. But I guess I'd better submit this now before I get too self-conscious. Hope you like!