Here's the next chapter of The Post-Apocalyptic Adventures of Marten Reed. I'm not altogether happy with this one - if I had more time I'd rewrite it completely, but my time for the next week or so is limited, so this will have to do.
"Oh fuckin' great. Now we're in a bad James Bond flick." May glared at the Russian woman, while slowly raising her hands above her head.
"Tortura," I said. Something about that name was familiar.
"And vat," she asked, "do you think you are doing here?"
"Wait a minute." The memory finally came to me. "Steve's Tortura?"
Tortura said something in Russian that sounded like profanity. "You know Stephen?"
"Of course I do. He was my best friend."
"Bozhemoi! You are Marten Reed?"
And then someone else stepped out from behind a tree. He was tall and muscular, though thinner than the last time I had seen him. And he was completely bald not a hair on his head, not even eyebrows. "Dude!" he shouted.
"Holy shit! Steve!"
He charged me, tossing down his weapon, and grabbed me in a bear hug. "Marten! I didn't even know you were still alive!"
"Whoa, Steve, we've talked about this," I said, laughing. "And what the fuck? You're bald!"
"Yeah, well you look like your dad, bro. Your hair is all white."
"I did not tell you to break cover," Tortura shouted.
"But Tortura, this is Marten!"
"You never break cover!" Tortura screamed. "Never, ever! Vat if they were enemies? Vat if the robot drew her weapon vile you vere not covering me?"
"You mean like this?" May said, grinning hugely as she pointed her rifle at Tortura's head.
"Da. Exactly like that," Tortura said. "See? Cannot be trusted."
"Whoa, whoa, everyone take a deep breath," I said. "Tortura, lower your weapon. You too, May. We're not here to get into a fight."
"Do it, babe," Steve said. "These are friends."
"Is not protocol," Tortura objected.
"Protocol for what?" May asked.
"Protocol for potentially hostile strangers," Steve explained. "Which you aren't. Or at least Marten isn't."
"Hey, I'm good here. If you're a friend of Marten's, I won't shoot you."
"How did you even know we were here?" I asked.
Steve shrugged. "Hey, you set off alarms from here to Boston. We figured we'd better check out what was happening."
"Really?" May raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you can read warnings from the borganism?"
"Ve neither confirm nor deny," Tortura snapped. "Ve are talking far too much."
"I'll explain it when we get back to our place," Steve said. "We have a farm outside of..."
"Stephen!" Tortura shouted.
"Outside of Lincoln," Steve said. "Come on, babe, we aren't treating them like hostiles."
"Is mistake," Tortura hissed.
"Here's the deal," Steve said firmly. "We take Marten and his friend back to Lincoln with us. On the way, he explains just what the hell he was doing marching into Boston."
"That's simple enough," I said. "I'm looking for information about Claire."
"Oh," Steve said. "She's still alive?"
"Maybe. I don't know for sure that she's dead, anyway. What I do know is that her brother was apparently at Massachusetts General Hospital about three years ago. If anyone knows where she is..."
Steve and Tortura looked at each other. "Three years ago, you say," Tortura said.
"That's right."
"That mean something to you?" May asked.
"Three years ago is ven the borganism spread beyond Boston to the outer suburbs. Vas not like this before then."
"It spared our farm in Lincoln," Steve said. "Well, mostly. But everything else got assimilated."
May nodded. "And just why did it decide to leave you guys alone?"
"That's..." Steve frowned, and turned away.
"Difficult to explain," Tortura said. "Vas hard time for Stephen. For all of us."
"All of you?"
"Is more than just me and Stephen on farm," Tortura said. "Fourteen others."
"Now who's talking too much?" Steve mumbled.
"Quiet. They are friends, nyet?"
"But why Lincoln?" I asked. "Why live in the middle of all of... this?"
Steve shrugged. "When we moved in, we figured it was a safe place. It was close enough to Boston to scare the raiding gangs none of them dared to come this close in. At the same time, we were far enough away from Boston that the borganism would leave us alone."
"Ve thought," Tortura added.
"Come on," Steve said. "We should get moving."
Steve was quiet all the way to Lincoln. Tortura wasn't much more talkative. May decided to fill the void by giving them an exhaustive account of the state of western Massachusetts, but the subject seemed to be of no interest to them. For my part, the weirdness of the landscape left me too unsettled to have much of anything to say.
Finally, late in the afternoon, we reached the outskirts of the town of Lincoln. "This way," Steve said, heading down a dirt path.
Steve's home looked like something out of the old world. A classic New England farmhouse stood on a hill, surrounded by fields of corn and wheat and potatoes, with low rock walls dividing one field from another. A relatively unmutated cow eyed us curiously from a pasture. Several women stopped their work in the fields to look at us as we passed. I waved at them, and Tortura gave them some kind of hand signal that clearly meant "Get back to work."
"Fuck," May said, her face turning furious. "They're all women."
"Huh?" I looked around, suddenly realizing May was right. There were no other men to be seen but myself and Steve.
"Da. All vomen," Tortura confirmed. "Stephen is only man left here."
"Oh, this is just fuckin' great," May snarled. "What the fuck is this, Craster's Keep? Nice harem, bro."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh, your friend's got a great setup, Marten. All these women to do the work for him, and he gets to choose who to bang every night."
"Is not like that," Tortura objected. "Ve vish it vere."
"You wish..." May was genuinely taken aback. "What, you mean he isn't banging two or three of you every night?"
Steve shrugged. "I can't."
"There was a strain of super-mumps that went around just after things crashed," Steve explained.
"So wait," I said. "That means you can't..."
"I don't even want to any more. I can hardly remember what it was like."
"Oh, fuck," May whispered.
"Is harder on us than him," Tortura said. "I still vant him. Stephen knew how to treat a lady."
"I'll just shut up now," May said.
"There were other men here, when we started," Steve explained. "The mumps took out about half. The rest died of well, various other things. It's a dangerous world."
Steve led us into the house, and we found ourselves in a well-stocked kitchen. "Dinner will be ready in an hour," Steve said. "So let's get the next part over with."
"What would that be?" I asked.
"You wanted to know how we knew you were there. You're right we have a way to communicate with the borganism."
"Come on down to the basement and I'll show you."
We followed Steve down a rickety flight of stairs. Most of the house's basement was piled high with potatoes and dried vegetables. But there was a wooden door in one corner. Steve opened it and stepped into the small room that lay behind it.
There was a petite woman in the room, sitting in a chair. She was covered with a tangle of tiny wires that emerged from her skin and wove themselves into a thick cable that exited through one wall. She was otherwise naked, and completely hairless. She didn't seem to notice us at all.
"Holy shit," May said. "She's part of the borganism."
I suddenly recognized the woman's face. "Oh, fuck," I said. "Is that..."
Steve nodded. "Cosette. All that's left of her."
"What happened?"
"When the borganism started expanding, she got caught in it. We thought she was lost for good, but then one day she turned up on our doorstep with an offer."
"An offer?"
"The borganism would spare us, and allow us to keep living here. In exchange, we would... investigate any intrusions from outside, and deal with them. The borganism, big as it was, couldn't react fast enough to handle human intruders. It needs us for that."
"So that's how you talk to it? Through her?"
"She came down here and kind of rooted herself. She's been here ever since. That cable is what connects her to the larger borganism." Steve sighed. "I don't even know how much of this is really her. Her mind is... Well, there's no sign of anything I recognize as Cosette. Just her body."
"You knew about us as soon as we crossed 495, didn't you?" I asked.
Steve nodded. "Didn't know it was you, but yeah, we knew someone was headed in to Boston. Cosette told us."
"And now what?"
Steve shrugged. "If you turn back, you can probably make it back to the outside world before the borganism can catch you. Or you can stay here with us."
"No chance, bro. I'm going to Boston."
Steve shook his head. "Come on, Marten, do you really think there's any chance that Claire is still alive after all this time?"
"Maybe. I don't know." I clenched my fist. "I have to know, Steve. Even if it kills me."
"It vill," Tortura said. "You go to Boston, you not come back. End of line, Marten Reed."
"Marten Reed," Cosette suddenly announced. Everyone in the room jumped in surprise.
"Marten, you don't have much time," she continued. "I can divert the borganism's response for a day, maybe two. You have to make it to the neurosciences intensive care unit on the sixth floor of the Lunder Building at Massachusetts General Hospital as fast as you can."
"How... Who is this message coming from?" I asked.
"This is Clinton," Cosette said. "I've hacked into the communications subroutines. It won't last. Hurry, Marten. There's no more time."
And then Cosette's eyes unfocused, and she went back to staring at the wall.
"Oh, shit," Steve said.
"I have very bad feeling about this," Tortura announced.