man i feel bad about what i bitched about joseph cause that is some real heavy shit and i'm sorry dude, condolences dude.
anyway, this is actually in sorta similar lines, but today i woke up to a text message from one of my friends saying that he was in the hospital. apparently he was riding his bike to class (which he just got back into rideable condition over spring break, the wheel got fucked up in the winter due to a snow plow and he was really stoked about actually riding it around) and he was going down a pretty steep hill and his hat flew off and i guess he broke really awkwardly and bailed out and landed on his leg, which got fucked up a year ago because some asshole hit him with their car (i didn't know him then but it was really fucked up, some asshole hit him in a crosswalk while he was going to class or whatever, and this incident happened maybe 30 feet from that crosswalk, what the fuck?) so he fucked up his leg really badly, its broken and he's going into surgery tomorrow. i feel goddamn awful for him, dude has had some shitty fuckin' luck. so, you now, i'm hoping he gets better.
also at one point i was in a shopping plaza smoking a cigarette with my friend beth and then some kids drove by us and shouted at her "GET A REAL MAN."
also it was warm as hell and i skipped rocks, that was nice in a goofy "appreciate the little things" type of way.