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Author Topic: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.  (Read 140209 times)


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #100 on: 24 Jun 2009, 06:15 »

Without turning this into a conversation, we did advise Zingoleb to post more often a couple of months ago. This forum is nothing if not inconsistent! (Or is it?)

Today is very hot, for this area anyway, as was yesterday. Actually yesterday I went out in shorts and a thin blouse and got caught in a rainstorm and competely drenched to the skin, but it was so hot that it didn't matter. If it keeps this sort of weather up for the next two weeks I'll be spending a lot of time in the greenhouse with a watering can. I've got the house to myself from tonight until July 10th which means a two A4 page list of things I have to do each day (mostly watering plants and feeding animals). I'm quite looking forwards to it but I hate to think what will happen if I get something wrong. I know I can't go far wrong with the cats, they will let me know fairly clearly when they want food, but plants are miles out of my sphere of knowledge and there are a lot of vegetables growing in the garden.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #101 on: 24 Jun 2009, 06:55 »


hey i live in canada, dangit. it snows six months a year and going anywhere almost always involves some kind of hike through the arctic to get there. at about 15 degrees is when everybody unanimously goes "holy shit, it's summer!" and the short shorts and spaghetti straps start busting out like crazy.

i don't know if it's the fact that i have no air conditioning or that i'm just a massive wimp, but this heat is awful, so awful you guys.
« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2009, 06:58 by tania »
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #102 on: 24 Jun 2009, 07:34 »

15 degrees...short shorts and spaghetti straps

That is two shirts and a jacket where I live. That is like the high in winter here on the coldest day.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #103 on: 24 Jun 2009, 08:02 »

15 degrees...short shorts and spaghetti straps

That is two shirts and a jacket where I live. That is like the high in winter here on the coldest day.

Woah. In the UK, especially where I live, that is extremely hot. Many people would go off work early.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #104 on: 24 Jun 2009, 08:05 »

None of you people make any sense to me.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #105 on: 24 Jun 2009, 08:44 »

Get off my land


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #106 on: 24 Jun 2009, 09:07 »

Pants: take all of these numbers, multiply them by 9/5ths and add 32.  Then reread the posts.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #107 on: 24 Jun 2009, 09:22 »

or convert to centigrade like the rest of the world, silly americans.

jace probably got it right the first time anyway, 15 fahrenheit is way below freezing level and i'd like to think most people are informed enough about canada to know that as cold as it gets here, we do still get a real summer where the snow melts for a little while. it's just... not really all that hot and exciting.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #108 on: 24 Jun 2009, 09:40 »

What is the difference between celcius and centigrade? I have never known.

It's warm here, hot during the middle of the day, but I'd say not much over 25 even in the blazing sun, even in the middle of the day. In the shade with a light breeze it is more like 20, 19. It's lovely.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #109 on: 24 Jun 2009, 09:51 »

no difference! two words for exactly the same method of measurement.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #110 on: 24 Jun 2009, 10:28 »

15 degrees...short shorts and spaghetti straps

That is two shirts and a jacket where I live. That is like the high in winter here on the coldest day.
I was agreeing with you, until I realized we weren't.

Right now, it's probably about 35C which probably equates to an awesome song by Third World "96 Degrees In The Shade".

REAL ATT!!!... In the shaa-ee-aaaaaaaade...

And I'm feeling pretty good. Once, when I was in Maple Land, it was summer and everyone was in shorts and muscle shirts. They looked at the black kid with the nappy head of hair (me) in jeans and a long T-shirt, and said, "Oh, he's from Jamaica."

I forget this sometimes.
« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2009, 10:34 by MrBlu »
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #111 on: 24 Jun 2009, 10:50 »

Kelvins are where it's at
once it gets to absolute zero I usually consider putting on a nice think winter jacket, or ten.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #112 on: 24 Jun 2009, 11:09 »

Some really nice things
Some more nice things

Also please please please do a Hendrix-ised version of Star Spangled Banner. Would be epic.

Thank you both! And of course, man, I wouldn't have it any other way. I mean the finalists from Akademi and I have to sing it at the Embassy's 4th of July party, but yeah, I'm gonna do what I can to make that whole thing into an actually-interesting event. It's usually about as interesting as listening to GY!BE for the 3rd solid month.

Dear blag,

Vlora was awesome! We finished the show, got taken home, and we grabbed our stuff and hopped on a minibus to our friend Eris's house. She was eliminated on the very first live show, which completely sucks, because every one of us absolutely adored that girl. Except for Fiorela. Fiorela hates it when the world's attention isn't always on her. More on that later.

So Monday night, I went with about 6 of the others and we all chilled on the beach at midnight. We had a bunch of beer and sunflower seeds and we pretty much had a great night. We started to walk back to Eris's house, and all of a sudden this Land Rover full of young-ish dudes shows up. They waited about 30 meters ahead of a puddle, engines on, but without moving. They waited until we were about 5 meters from the puddle, and then they accelerated, running into the puddle exactly when we were next to it. Eris was on the end of the group closest to the puddle. If it had been anybody else in Eris's spot, they'd have left us alone, but luck was in their favor.

As it turns out, Fiorela put them up to it to harrass Eris as much as possible while we were staying with her. She even admitted it in confidence to me. I'm not talking to her anymore, a fight nearly got started over it because the dudes decided it wasn't cool when we called them assfuckers. If a fight had started we'd have won handily (agile, muscular male dancers and a singer who happened to have his Swiss knife on him to open beers), but I don't like the idea of fighting, especially when the whole thing was born entirely out of one person's selfish spite. Eris even let Fiorela into her house, invited her over several times to join in the food and festivities, asked nothing in return, and Fiori pulls that shit. Fucking shitty of her.

Still, crazy weekend. Cuddled with a bunch of people. Saw some friends from Akademi who had been eliminated from the finals, I was really happy to see them. Lots of hugs and cuddles and neck-kisses and "O SHPIRTI, HAJDE!" (Oh darling, come here!) and various other things.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #113 on: 24 Jun 2009, 11:35 »


Everyone at my current job who knows I've applied for something new keeps saying things like "i will miss you"  and "what will we do?  who will cover xyz project?" and I keep telling them that it's not definite yet.  I mean, I haven't got a date for my 2nd interview yet, despite the fact that they did say I'd have one.  I'm not overly hopeful, but people around here are assuming I've got it in my hands already.  Although it's a nice feeling to know that they're so confident, I don't want to fall into the same feeling of confidence and then not actually get the position.  This is a big fear of mine.  I hate letdowns and I want this job too much to get too hopeful. 

Other stuff is meh.  The weather is really bringing me down.  I've been eating like garbage and not going to the gym, not cleaning the house, not cooking dinner, not doing anything I like to do.  Add on top of that the usual stresses (finances, family health stuff, my bf's stress, shitty job, etc) and I'm at the end of my rope.  I want the sun to come out.  I want to not be damp after exiting the train station and walking only as far as my car (on which I finally owe less than 7grand). 

Good news (and yes, my happy news is always child related), my kid says I'm "supermama!" I love it.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #114 on: 24 Jun 2009, 12:25 »

I spend my day in an office with 6 other "summer students". Basically we're temps at the municipal hydro company.
The guy I work with directly is a good dude, and likes to dick around on Google a lot. We've already discussed that I don't like spiders...the kind of phobia that makes me really upset - crying, nausea, hyperventilating, the works. Even talking about them gives me shivers and puts me on edge. He says to me, "you may not want to look at this." And then he looks up 'big disgusting spiders' on GIS.

I had to leave the room because I felt uncomfortable. I told him that it was really fucking inconsiderate and he said "I told you to look away..." but I mean, was it necessary? And he says, "is it necessary to get mad about it?"

 :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #115 on: 24 Jun 2009, 12:36 »

huntington's post

Yep, this stuff is pretty scary. My father and both his siblings have this. His sister was found dead in her home two days ago, with no clear cause of death yet, but considering her circumstances I fear it might have been suicide. She was 40-something and already too ill to hold a job, she just broke up with someone, and her only son is a drug addict who used to beat her up and steal money from her. I am having a Shitty Time right now.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #116 on: 24 Jun 2009, 12:38 »


that is how i feel whenever people find out i am really ticklish and respond with "oh man do you know what i think is a really good idea you guys, we should pin tania down and tickle her super hard!" NO i do not want to be tickled, ever, it fucking sucks and there's probably a reason i keep saying i hate it. of course, they always then get angry when i "overreact" and tell me to calm down.

Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #117 on: 24 Jun 2009, 13:25 »

Yep, this stuff is pretty scary. My father and both his siblings have this. His sister was found dead in her home two days ago, with no clear cause of death yet, but considering her circumstances I fear it might have been suicide. She was 40-something and already too ill to hold a job, she just broke up with someone, and her only son is a drug addict who used to beat her up and steal money from her. I am having a Shitty Time right now.

I'm really sorry.  That's terrible.  :(


I went down to Los Angeles to see my parents for Father's Day.  My beautiful New Zealand White rabbit, who's been around since my eleventh birthday, was pretty sick.  I convinced my mother to take him to the vet, provided I pay, and we were told that he had a tumor in his chest that would cause a painful death by respiratory failure within a couple of days--the humane thing to do would be to put him down.  We sat for half an hour on the floor in the examining room, petting him and crying into his fur as he breathed more and more slowly, until he finally stopped.  Surprising and very sad, but also worrying, because my mother has just begun to seem more stable since her suicide attempt in February (following my grandmother's suicide in January).  I was in town for a couple more days, and she seemed to be doing okay, but emotional triggers like this scare me now.

Otherwise, it was a fine weekend.  And today, my piano got tuned.  Plus, I'm on summer break, free from responsibility until I get a job (I'm applying for everything I can).  So it's been a year of a lot of big downs, but there are always ups.  After the dentist today, maybe I'll go to the school gym and the library.  Working out helps me feel more in control of things, and books are good.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #118 on: 24 Jun 2009, 13:41 »

(also handy mention for Chicagocon-people - I am not going to throw your cell phones in the floor but it would be great if you could avoid tagging videos of me on the internet)

Good thing you won't be able to get to my phone once the videos are tagged.

(kidding, <3 you Jens)
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #119 on: 24 Jun 2009, 15:28 »

I have been making a crap ton of origami fish lately for a window display at work (it will be super awesome) and started messing around and making flowers for a different window. My coworker then asked me to make him a helmet. So I made him a helmet and stuck a flower in it. He then stole my t-square and was running around the store waving it around and yelling. Me and my other coworkers just watched and laughed our asses off.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #120 on: 24 Jun 2009, 16:35 »

Pants: take all of these numbers, multiply them by 9/5ths and add 32.  Then reread the posts.

Auto-converted without saying that I did. I live in Phoenix, 15F means that I would not be able to go outside because I do not have clothes warm enough.

fear of spiders
really ticklish and response

I have both of these. I am very arachnophobic (once found a black widow in my laundry, and even though I killed it, I didn't go in my room for 3 days) and also very ticklish. The arachnophobia is a lot easier to handle, but girls seem to think when I say "I am very ticklish everywhere unless we are getting intimate. Please do not tickle me, the outcome is never favorable" they think it is funny to tickle me. Well, the truth is, it is funny the first 2 seconds and then my defense kicks in and it is now something I do not like. Because my natural reaction is to pull away, I find myself up against walls, or in corners, ducking down trying to get away. On more than one occasion I have been hurt while trying to get away. The last time someone ever tickled me I accidentally hit her out of reflex. It wasn't hard, but she got really pissed off. She was my girlfriend and I had told her on more than one occasion to not tickle me because I will lash out.
I used to tickle people all the time, but now I don't because I have learned what it is like when people do not like to be tickled. It is funny once, for like 2 seconds, then stop. Only you can prevent ticklish people from lashing out.

tl;dr: Jace gets violent when people tickle him.
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Rizzla: Fuck
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #121 on: 24 Jun 2009, 17:27 »

hey guys my turn to whine about heat.

today it was fucking hot out and when I got on metro, i felt like i was in an oven. i thought it was horrible and that it must be like, 95 or something insane. it was only 88 and tomorrow it is going to be 92. DC, I will fight you.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #122 on: 24 Jun 2009, 17:46 »

So I kinda hate the fact that despite the fact that all of my friends are liberal, I'm the only one who thinks Obama should be pushing a stronger socialist agenda instead of distancing himself from socialism! It's really funny how connecticut is supposed to be liberal, but really it's just left of moderate.
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[22:49] Quietus: I'm personally imagining a white supremacist locked in his basement, furtively listening to Parliament on headphones
[22:49] Quietus: "Oh, lawd, why must them coons rock me so"


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #123 on: 24 Jun 2009, 18:44 »

So, I've started jogging over the last 3 months, and eating a little bit better.  I've lost ~20 pounds.  But I can't figure out where from!  I can't find my missing lard!  What's up with that?
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #124 on: 24 Jun 2009, 19:38 »

Check to see if your pants feel any looser.

If its not at the waist then check the inner thighs and pieces of back flub right under the shoulder blades.

If you still haven't found it, then get a new scale.
Well yes but (sorry andy) she doesn't look half as fucking bad ass as this motherfucker in Poland.

Dude is hardcore.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #125 on: 24 Jun 2009, 19:45 »

So I have now referenced my balles and/or cock to the vast majority of the micro program. They seem to enjoy it, so fuck anyone who is offended! I fail to se ehwo this won't progress my careeer
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[22:49] Quietus: I'm personally imagining a white supremacist locked in his basement, furtively listening to Parliament on headphones
[22:49] Quietus: "Oh, lawd, why must them coons rock me so"


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #126 on: 24 Jun 2009, 19:51 »

So I went into a local guitars & things shop yesterday and talked to the guy who runs it, who it turns out is something of a mandolin fiend. He played me a bunch of them and we talked about their relative merits and he ended up recommending this one to me:

and I guess I basically promised him that when I next got paid I'd come back into the shop and buy it for A$595.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #127 on: 24 Jun 2009, 20:11 »

Awesome mandolin conquest!


I 'jammed' today with some friends. That is, I was put on bass and was made to play the same riff for 10 minutes straight while everyone else jammed in one key.


I really, really, really want to play music with other people, but I always get put in situations that are depressing when I do. It's like people don't have any respect for me as a musician to actually do something I want to do.

Am I a whiner? I don't want to be a whiner. :(


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #128 on: 24 Jun 2009, 20:44 »

Whine on, that "jam session" sounds boring as shit. Next time around bust out a wicked bass solo.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #129 on: 24 Jun 2009, 21:29 »

hey guys my turn to whine about heat.

today it was fucking hot out and when I got on metro, i felt like i was in an oven. i thought it was horrible and that it must be like, 95 or something insane. it was only 88 and tomorrow it is going to be 92. DC, I will fight you.
Move to Jamaica, you wimp.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #130 on: 24 Jun 2009, 21:30 »

Dear Blog thread,

Today I hung out with my best friend and we went and saw Transformers 2, and when we got back to his house I got to watch Fight Club for the first time.  I think Fight Club was definitely the better of the two.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #131 on: 24 Jun 2009, 21:47 »

I 'jammed' today with some friends. That is, I was put on bass and was made to play the same riff for 10 minutes straight while everyone else jammed in one key.

Yeah no shit, 10 minutes are not nearly enough.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #132 on: 24 Jun 2009, 21:49 »

Normally I'd make a snarky remark about how Fight Club is only good for the first act (basically, Tyler Durden and the Fight Club itself kills the film for me), but frankly, that's a lot more than Transformers 2 has going for it.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #133 on: 24 Jun 2009, 21:58 »

I 'jammed' today with some friends. That is, I was put on bass and was made to play the same riff for 10 minutes straight while everyone else jammed in one key.

Yeah no shit, 10 minutes are not nearly enough.

10 minutes for each song.

I've had some good jam sessions with these guys, but tonight was just depressingly terrible.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #134 on: 24 Jun 2009, 22:33 »

10 minutes for a song is not nearly enough if it is a good session. Except if you play, you know, old school hardcore or something.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #135 on: 24 Jun 2009, 23:52 »

I am in DC in the summertime

There is your problem it is right there
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #136 on: 25 Jun 2009, 00:19 »

Going needle shopping for my new technics tomorrow so I spent an hour or so learning how to balance them with the ones they have already, and just looking at mixing boards to buy in the next couple of days. In a weeks time I could be mixing phat beatz. (probably not)
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #137 on: 25 Jun 2009, 00:23 »

Dude, if you find any online hit me up plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #138 on: 25 Jun 2009, 00:58 »

So I decided "Fuck it, why do I have a credit card if not to buy fun things? How about instead of waiting until I next get paid and then buying the mandolin, I buy the mandolin today on the credit card and then pay off the credit card when I next get paid."

So that's what I did.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #140 on: 25 Jun 2009, 01:11 »

Yep! There were better ones in the shop but the price would be creeping up towards A$1000. This one's just fine.

EDIT: Actually it's better than fine. I'm no expert but it sounds really nice. The guy in the shop (who is an expert) described it as a "belter" (that's Australian for really very good) when I bought it today, and I know he wasn't trying to bullshit me because he could easily have sold me a shit one (instead of telling me it was shit) or one that sounded basically the same as the one I ended up buying but was much more expensive. And because people in shops in Melbourne are generally really nice and friendly and helpful and don't try to rip off their customers.
« Last Edit: 25 Jun 2009, 01:13 by Inlander »


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #141 on: 25 Jun 2009, 05:39 »

While the rest of my family is out for this week I am using my time to be productive and sing a lot and clean the house. I put a chair in the bathtub and got a lot of cleaning done from about 12:30 to 3 AM. Then after that I sang a lot. Now it is 5:30 and the sky is lightening! I like it when that happens, but I really need to fix my sleeping schedule. I should try to wake up by noon at the latest today.

Extraordinary Boy's last day in town is today. I am dying to sing duets with him for one last time, and he is the only boy I could ever sing with, for now anyway. The future will probably bring along some other hot, good-voiced boys for me to sing boy-girl songs with, hopefully.

I am really going to miss him.
it's time to stop posting


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #142 on: 25 Jun 2009, 06:44 »

I have a mystery bruise on the side of my hand, below my thumb, kind of just above my wrist. Let's speculate as to how I got it!
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #143 on: 25 Jun 2009, 06:49 »

i wish people would not assume that i am into them when i am not.

also, people around me need to stop assuming i am having a thing with someone when i am not.

just to clarify, world: i am a single, lonely girl with no love for anyone.  stop rubbing it in.
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[11:10] Darryl: so subtly subversive that not everybody can even tell
[11:10] Darryl: punk as fuck
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #144 on: 25 Jun 2009, 06:51 »

I have a mystery bruise on the side of my hand, below my thumb, kind of just above my wrist. Let's speculate as to how I got it!

Obviously you punched someone last night. The peculiar location of the bruise on your fist is suggestive of the use of some particularly obscure variety of martial arts. I smell a secret life of nocturnal super-hero vigilantism!

Also god-damn I need to get some callouses happening on my fingertips, right-quick.


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #145 on: 25 Jun 2009, 10:47 »

You let your double espresso sit for ten/fifteen and then you just skull it.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #146 on: 25 Jun 2009, 10:50 »


I have successfully finished booking my whole tour!
We are getting a chance to be the feature at an open mic in Inman, NC, which is way more than what I had expected would happen. I'm so pumped about this, you guys...
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In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #147 on: 25 Jun 2009, 11:24 »

Hey blog thread.

I just lost my keys. Fuck. I think it must have been when I took of my hoodie in the buss (fuuucking hot here), they probably slipped out of my pocket. So now I don't really know what to do other than calling the buss company in the morning and praying to some Gods and stuff. What started out as a nice day hanging out in the park turned into problems. Yay. Second day of summer, and I've already fucked up. Wohoo.
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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #148 on: 25 Jun 2009, 12:03 »

You let your double espresso sit for ten/fifteen and then you just skull it.

As I made this, or this give or take a few minutes, I made a "I like my coffee like I like my women" post on another forum and totally confused the two. Reading back through this, looking for replies to what I posted, it
made no sense at all. Thank y'all for confusing my drunk ass.

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Re: Re: Blog Thread IIa: Beyond Blogosphere.
« Reply #149 on: 25 Jun 2009, 12:09 »

I like my women how I like my coffee: in a cup full of boiling water and milk with a spoon in them.

I like my women how I like my coffee: finely ground from fresh beans.

I like my women how I like my coffee: fair trade.

I like my women how I like my coffee: strong, but with sugar and milk to make them less bitter.
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