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Author Topic: WoWCrack  (Read 66801 times)


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« on: 09 Feb 2014, 00:09 »

So I mentioned here and there that I got sucked back into the warm, enveloping and slightly cheetos flavored fold that is World of Warcraft thanks to my asshole co-workers. I haven't played in a loooooooong time. Like holy shit a long time. It took a couple days working with the Blizzard team to even recover my old account. (To their credit, getting ahold of the Blizz customer service team remains the challenge, once you do they're fantastic). First my server info (PM me for Real ID friending stuffs) and chars, then some commentary.

Primary Server Dalaran (PVE)
Lvl 80 Human Daladin - Morganebane
Lvl 58 Death Knight - Shalduin
Lvl 27 Worgen Warlock - Manegarm
Lvl 23 Pandaren Monk - Huatomoe

Theoretically I have some toons on Azjol-Nerub.... but you may as well consider them dead.

On to the commentary!
Graphics: Generally improved, the vids have always been good, but the new ones for Mists of Pandaria are a step up even from that! The next set of graphics upgrades look like they're going to be gorgeous, here's hoping it doesn't take it out of my accessibility graphics card wise.

Game Play, Balance and Leveling: I have always been pretty good at power leveling. I know how to make an hour or two in game count when it comes to grinding the ever loving hell out of an area. However in the maybe two weeks I've been playing, I've started two new toons (the Worgen and the Pandabear if you can't guess) and got them both to the mid 20s. (I also did the DK up to 58 but that's barely getting him out of the starting zone so it doesn't count). Leveling seems to have gotten massively easier, at least at the lower levels. I did note, like Yahtzee mentioned in his review below, that a lot of the "piss taking quests" have been pulled from the game for a slightly more... dynamic? and less grindy, soul crushing feel, but there's still plenty of fetch quest action. There's also a fuckload of cultural references and puns they've (Blizzard) put in... apparently in an attempt to sound like a meme? The CSI and Rambo themes fucking DOMINATE Westfall and Redridge now. I'm just starting Duskwood on my Panda and considering that's one of my favorite zones from classic WoW, so I'm hoping they didn't bugger it up with a "Thriller" (the song not the genre) theme or something. The Kalimdor leveling zones have changed a lot, with Dark Shore taking a fuck load of damage during the Cataclysm. The Ashenvale took it's share of pain, but is still generally one of my favorite places for in game ecotourism.

Game play Balance seems to be much improved, the mechanics for the new classes since I last played are pretty solid, I am very much enjoying the Monk class. Not having to go back to your trainer for your new spells every level is nice too. (I leveled five times in an afternoon on the Monk at one point, adding a trek in to Stormwind to get my new kung fu beat down skillz would add a lot of time and aggravation I'm more then happy to see go away)

Community, Social, Social Mechanics: Well, Goldshire's still a hive of scum and villainy in desperate need of smacktard fumigation, but then some things never change. Plenty of idiots abound, but lots of nice people too. Kinda a reflection of the internet and humanity at large innit? The new dungeon finder is tits, and the random dungeon finder with it's shiny cash, loot and XP bonus is very cool, though I'd really like it to stop giving me Gnomer. I hated that dungeon before and I still hate it now.

I do have a bone to pick with the new guild functions and guild bonuses. It's kinda... I dunno I don't like it for some reason. It's cool you get perks for joining up with a crew but it feels more... cynical then it used to, recruiting and joining is about gain, rather then finding a group of cool people you like and hanging out with them. Maybe it was never like that and I was doing it wrong, but it's an addition I could stand to see go the way of the dinosaur.

Over all some very positive changes since I last visited Azeroth, we'll see how long this jaunt lasts.

« Last Edit: 10 Feb 2014, 07:26 by GarandMarine »
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #1 on: 09 Feb 2014, 09:40 »

*Screams and runs away screaming, throwing everything and everyone in my path back to escape any falling back into the trap that is World of Warcraft*

Sorry, but I got sucked into WoW for three years and it took me a long time to get out of it. So that's become pretty much a standard reaction for me.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #2 on: 09 Feb 2014, 15:10 »

Alliance? Ew.

Edit: *Obviously* my rattle is the better rattle, because it is red.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #3 on: 09 Feb 2014, 20:11 »

I think I might still have a toon or two kicking around on Dalaran, actually. I've been out for three years though, so it's hard to remember. I do remember Dalaran being the server I joined back when I first started playing. My wife has gotten back into it, so I've been tempted to do the same here lately. Maybe. Just maybe.



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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #4 on: 09 Feb 2014, 20:17 »

Nikolai, if you want to get back to it, have the missus or myself kick you a Scroll of Resurrection, free lvl 80 toon with appropriate gear, free upgrade to Cataclysm and some other goodies.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #5 on: 09 Feb 2014, 21:56 »

I'm trying to restrict myself to only playing on raid nights, but it just seems to take forever to gather up the weekly maximum of valor points after we started doing heroic progression.  And of course checking the BMAH everyday for Dreadnaught and Redemption armor pieces...and maintaining the farm...and gathering justice points for random xmog gear (REALLY want another tab on void storage)...and soloing old instances for xmog gear and just 'cause (gonna attempt h 25man LK next week)...and reposting auctions (at least I broke myself of being a "heavy seller")...and leveling/gearing alts...

Even though I started playing in 2005 (and took Cataclysm off) I really don't know how people with multiple alts do it.  My old roommate, who's an ABM, has like four SOO-normal geared chars and still manages to farm and make gold and whatnot.  And here I have my main and one alt, plus another that I leveled just high enough so I could have an alchemist.  Contemplating leveling my shaman so I can max out her leatherworking as well, but apparently leatherworking is in a bad spot atm.

But anyway, if anyone plays on Gilneas alliance, I play as either Kataphract or Boudacious.

Community, Social, Social Mechanics: Well, Goldshire's still a hive of scum and villainy in desperate need of smacktard fumigation
Never, ever go to Moonguard.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #6 on: 10 Feb 2014, 02:15 »


Ok, so now that formalities have been taken care of we can get down to business. My really active WoW times are long gone, I mostly played back in Burning Crusade times. Ever since Wotlk, I've been on and off, never playing longer than 2 or 3 months and then taking a year off when it got boring again. It probably has a lot to do with most of my friends I used to play with quitting too and playing alone or in a guild where I didn't know anybody personally just didn't do it for me.
I played for a month a while ago, got 3 chars to lvl 90 and my Mage to itemlvl 535 or so. It was fine for a while but soon got boring again. I'll probably be back in for a while when the new addon is released, because I'd love to get back to Outland and take a look at the areas I learned to love in BC, before they bacame Outland.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #7 on: 10 Feb 2014, 07:12 »

I've been playing Warcraft since vanilla days too. Not so much these days as I used to... But I have my guild, and I try to log in at least a little bit every day. My farm isn't going to farm itself after all... The lower level experiences were seriously revamped with Cataclysm, and a lot of stuff was streamlined. Between that and the way they keep speeding up the low-level experience whenever they increase the level cap, you will zoom through the first 60 levels pretty easily. Even if you didn't do anything but questing you will outlevel every zone before you finish it. And it's not that odd to gain a couple of levels doing a dungeon at times.

Once  you hit Outland though, things go back to the way they've always been for the most part. They haven't touched the expansion zones very much. The levelling is still faster, but not as noticeably so. The Pandaria zones are beautiful, and I do love their (mostly) Chinese inspired visuals and themes. Though yes, as we've discussed elsewhere it's really Chinese Stereotypes inspired, but that's par for course for all of their races and cultures. The monk class is a bunch of fun, at least at the lower levels. I've still spent most of my time on my favorite shaman. I do have an orc monk though. I mostly play on Shadow Council, though I have characters on other servers that I created to play with friends.... and then pretty much wound up abandoned when they stopped playing, or are never around.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #8 on: 10 Feb 2014, 07:28 »

Now that you can go cross server and hang out with people, I fail to see the point in moving around or creating new toons on different servers.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #9 on: 10 Feb 2014, 07:36 »

...You can cross servers?!?

...or did you just mean through dungeon finder?

I just caved and bought Pandaria, renewed my subscription. Can't decide whether to continue with my RetPally or try something different.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #10 on: 10 Feb 2014, 07:58 »

DUDE. Please tell me you got your missus to hook you up with the Scroll.

And no, I mean in general. Let's say you, Ali and I want to hang out and bash heads. All we have to do is be franz and invite each other to a party and we'll be pulled to, I believe, the party leader's server. I was just running around questing with a dude I met in a PUG through the dungeon finder the other day. (Which btw is handy as hell that that's cross server.)
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #11 on: 10 Feb 2014, 08:57 »

Feth. No, I didn't. She's at work and I got impatient. The free 80 totally didn't click for some reason.

I'm downloading addons right now, and then I'll probably attempt logging in a bit. Hopefully the internet over here holds up.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #12 on: 10 Feb 2014, 09:26 »

PM me your battle net email addy and I will try to send it to you right now.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #13 on: 10 Feb 2014, 10:08 »

You can't join guilds if it's not one of the linked servers though. Sure, I can come play with other people, but when a bunch of friends from a different game tell me they are starting a new guild on WoW and ask me along, it's start a new character or transfer one. Plus this was back before they added the cross server stuff. we wound up created an all-goblin guild on Misha at the start of Cataclysm, and it was pretty fun. But they've moved on from the game. I've been playing with my guildies on Shadow Council since Vanilla WoW, and officially joined their guild when the one I was in at the end of Burning Crusade fell apart. So I've been with them a loooong time.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #14 on: 10 Feb 2014, 14:15 »

Holy shit, another Shadow Councilor? I spent the vaaast majority of my years over there. Dare I ask? Or shall we leave it to the eternal mysteries?


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #15 on: 10 Feb 2014, 18:06 »

Dare you ask what?


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #17 on: 11 Feb 2014, 05:24 »

I mostly played on the Horde side. Sai'ko (Saiko in game) the troll shaman has been my main for most of the time, but I'm a well known altoholic. Lachesis my human mage was my main alliance side. My blizzard ID is nekoali#1221


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #18 on: 11 Feb 2014, 14:08 »

While we never moved in quite the same circles, I'm fairly certain I recall seeing you float about here and there, though I might be mixing you up with someone else.

I was generally known as Teng back there.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #19 on: 11 Feb 2014, 15:01 »

Ooooh, yeah. I knew a Teng. I've played with you before. An Orc, yes? You used to run with Black Omen I think? Or maybe the Deepwater Pirates? I know it was one of the guilds I used to dungeon/raid with on occasion but never joined up with. Back before the cross-server days. You might have known my original main character then, Jessa the Forsaken priestess.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #20 on: 11 Feb 2014, 16:39 »

I still play on occasion. My husband and I joined up back in December because we heard about the expansion coming up (we both quit back during Cataclysm) and we're really enjoying questing in Pandaria and I am in particular really enjoying the Raid Finder because before now the only raid I've done current to the expansion was Karazhan, because that was the last time i was in an active enough, large enough guild.

All of my characters are currently on Elune (Alliance) and are in my guild The Company of Rock (made it when a bunch of friends were playing, there's only 3 actual people in it right now :P). And my characters are:

Meabh - 86 NE Druid (Balance/Resto) - typically my main
Ártemis - 90 Draenei Shaman (Enhance/Resto) - currently my main
Worgendorfer - 40something Worgen Mage (Ice)
Muirrin - 60something Dwarf Paladin (Prot/Ret)

I plan on making a pandaren monk sometime soon because I really want to check out their starting zone, but I'm having a lot of fun doing Timeless Isle stuff and checking out raids.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #21 on: 11 Feb 2014, 18:32 »

Ooooh, yeah. I knew a Teng. I've played with you before. An Orc, yes? You used to run with Black Omen I think? Or maybe the Deepwater Pirates? I know it was one of the guilds I used to dungeon/raid with on occasion but never joined up with. Back before the cross-server days. You might have known my original main character then, Jessa the Forsaken priestess.

Holy shit, small world syndrome is invading my internet!

Yeah, I don't remember you as well as I'd like, but we *definitely* used to run in some of the same circles!

I felt like I ran with just about every group that had a foot in the roleplaying and PvP scenes at one point or another, though I was ever only actually in a few guilds. What I get for being social back when the server was new I guess, though my God there at the end of my regular Teng-playing I'd pulled back enough (and there was so much and so many!) that I couldn't keep track of all the 'big' groups anymore.

Hell, we both started in vanilla, that was...god, almost ten years ago now? Little less, but not much.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #22 on: 11 Feb 2014, 19:17 »

Eight years I believe.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #23 on: 11 Feb 2014, 20:28 »

Hehe.. I've had that happen a few times already. Meeting up with someone in a place, talking about some game we both used to play and then realizing that we knew each other and used to play together 'back in the day'. But yeah... I got pulled into WoW and MMOs in general by an ex who played on Shadow Council almost from the beginning. I stared a year or so after WoW first began. I've been playing pretty much since then. I've taken a few breaks over the years, and some times I may be subscribed by only check in every once in a while... but I've put a lot of mileage on the game.

I started on Shadow Council, and it's always felt like home to me, no matter what other server I've played on. I've been in a few guilds... I started with Eternal Path, a heavy roleplaying guild in Vanilla. I had a lot of fun there, and did a lot more roleplaying back then than I do now. Eventually the guild faded away and I split off with a bunch of others that formed There and Back, which was more pve and less RP, though we still did that as well. We had some amazing raids... you might be able to find some of our videos of Karazhan online still. Eventually they broke up as well and I joined Swiftstride Clan, where I've been for years now. It's really like a little family. I may not play as much as I used to, but I don't see myself ever quitting entirely. At least not until the servers go dark for good, eventually.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #24 on: 11 Feb 2014, 22:22 »

Yeah, I remember all of those. Ruzska, Artaois, a bunch of others.

Is Gaark/Elledro and his lady still in T&B and playing? Or am I getting my wires crossed?


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #25 on: 12 Feb 2014, 07:44 »

Yup, they are in Swiftstride Clan and good friends of mine. Gaark the character has been retired. I was there for his final walk, it was a very emotional time. Elledro is still around, but mostly he mains a Tauren Warrior and is our Raid Dad. His wife mostly plays a Tauren Druid. But they've both got a bunch of other characters. Nearly everyone is Swiftstride is an altoholic. :)


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #26 on: 12 Feb 2014, 15:03 »

Yeah, Gaark and...Lueli? Damnit why can't I remember her name. Anyway, we kept up for a long time. I remember the Gaark march, though I missed it.

If you don't mind, give them a wave for me sometime.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #27 on: 12 Feb 2014, 15:45 »

Sure thing, next time I see them. :)


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #28 on: 14 Feb 2014, 22:23 »

Ran in to the worst pugs ever tonight. Dear Tank, STOP RUNNING YOU SHIT. Your DPS are ALL CASTERS. All the pulling you're doing even when we're on a fucking boss is just getting us killed. Asshole.

But I made it to 42 from 38, not bad for a relatively short session.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #29 on: 15 Feb 2014, 02:29 »

Sometimes, I remember wanting to tell people that they just needed to take their hands off their fucking keyboard for a second. Maybe put on some less high-tempo music. Smoke marijuana instead of meth.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #30 on: 15 Feb 2014, 09:13 »

I normally play healers, so I really feel that 'stop pulling you shits!' thing. As I like to point out.. My blue bar becomes your green bar. If my blue bar is empty, so will your green bar be soon...


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #31 on: 17 Feb 2014, 08:34 »

The trick is, in some well-balanced, heirloom-heavy groups, you can get away with chain-pulling ludicrously large groups of mobs.  But yes, I've certainly ran into some tanks that need to remember that that's not every group ever. 

Or even worse, I had a Stockades group a couple of weeks ago where the tank was pulling like that ... as a restoration spec'd druid.  ("Who is that casting swiftmend.  Oh God, it's the tank.  Well that explains *that*.)  After the full couple of pulls, I managed to adapt (I was the healer), but it was very confusing.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #32 on: 17 Feb 2014, 09:13 »

I kinda hate Heirloom gear. I hate it alot.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #33 on: 17 Feb 2014, 09:16 »

Well, druids can be a lot of fun for being so adaptable.. but I've never actually tried to run as a healing specced tank.. I've wound up tanking on runs as the healer and if you're quick on the change you can do a pretty respectable job. It certainly makes you feel like a boss power-shifting between forms to heal and tank at the same time. But I don't think I would want to do it on purpose, for a whole dungeon. :)


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #34 on: 17 Feb 2014, 09:56 »

Oh, this guy wasn't shifting in and out of forms.  He spent nearly the entire run in caster form.  It was a weird run.

And I can understand not entirely loving heirloom gear.  I'm a serial altaholic, and I sometime deliberately go without.  And on the plus side, I've seldom run into people who actually care.  People who actually care about the damage meters except as a way to gauge one's own personal progress are, well, I'll call them silly.  Because I'm a nice guy.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #35 on: 17 Feb 2014, 13:03 »

I was horrible at alts. Heirlooms meant my poor little character ideas had a much higher chance, back in the day, of getting actual development.

Dunno what it's like now, though, last time I did that was the final days before Cataclysm.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #36 on: 17 Feb 2014, 19:49 »

Last time I played heirlooms weren't a thing yet
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #37 on: 18 Feb 2014, 19:09 »

I like and dislike heirlooms. I like that you can have them. I do not like that if you have multiple alts, they get expensive really fast, are only useful for like one or maybe two classes, and are rendered useless at 85(?). I'm sure this isn't a problem for people who regularly raid or whatever, but they're a pain to get for multiple characters.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #38 on: 19 Feb 2014, 10:11 »

That's kinda the idea I guess? You grind the shit out of your main, then use all the gold and honor from that toon to hook up some critical pieces for your various alts you've been planning. Someone like me who's leveling multiple toons at once? Yeah... not helping.

It's one catagory of items I'd probably be cool with seeing sold for cash... with a restriction, like you have to level a character to 85 first.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #39 on: 19 Feb 2014, 11:28 »

One of the new additions is going to be similar to the way pets work now. Once you earn the item, all your characters can use that heirloom. No more having to shuffle them back and forth through the mail system, and two or more characters can use the same item without having to buy it twice. I like that... I'm a well known crazy altoholic. But heirlooms are still an expensive and/or time consuming thing to gather full sets of because of different armor types and specs... Some characters like paladins, druids or shaman you'll probably be gathering two armor sets for, unless you power through with somewhat sub-optimal stats. Which is what I did with my tauren paladin. I have the strength plate armor heirloom set, which I got to 85 with, using it while healing for dungeons. I didn't find that much of an efficiency loss. Some people might have wondered why I was healing in strength gear, but that 30% experience bonus was worth more to me than a few hundred extra mana...


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #40 on: 19 Feb 2014, 12:03 »

I thought they had it already set up like that, that heirloom gear binded to accounts.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #41 on: 19 Feb 2014, 14:42 »

Yeah, but what she means is that you don't have to mail it back and forth; that it's a permanent 'summonable' item, like pets are these days to the character that has them.

Like let's say I have my main Teng, my alt Tatiahna, and my alt Lohnda. The current system (at least when I left) was that Teng could be the mad money warlock who buys the item, then mails it to Tatiahna, who can use it because she's on my account. Lohnda, however, can't access it until Tatiahna mails it to her.

The proposed system that Neko_Ali is saying, Teng would buy the item, use it, and now he, Tatiahna, and Lohnda can all summon it into existence, regardless of anyone having the McGuffin.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #42 on: 19 Feb 2014, 15:41 »

Oh! Nice! I figured that WAS how it worked. Or rather it worked just like mounts, they bind to the account, so any one who can use it, can use it.
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #43 on: 19 Feb 2014, 15:51 »

Mounts bind to accounts now? I really haven't paid a lot of attention I guess.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #44 on: 19 Feb 2014, 16:17 »

Yeah, pets and mounts can be accessed by all characters, but obvs some mounts won't be usable by low level characters. It made me realize that I had a shit ton of pets (over 100) and the few mounts I have are not that interesting. Hooray for having a main who had no need for flying mounts! I didn't try to collect any! And now I'm le sad about it!

But I am SO CLOSE to having Exalted with Order of the Cloud Serpent and being able to have all of the pretty pretty dragons. And whenever I get the gold, I am making all of the jewelcrafting panthers.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #45 on: 19 Feb 2014, 17:05 »

 :psyduck: How the (WoW) times change...


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #46 on: 19 Feb 2014, 17:56 »

Yeah, most but not all mounts are shared. Stuff like class mounts aren't. And if it's a faction mount, you get the opposite faction version of it. And other rules still apply.. You can't use a flying carpet without high enough tailoring. Reputation doesn't though.. So all my characters can use the flying nether rays or nether drakes without doing the faction grind quest. And I can use racial mounts bought by another character without being exalted first.


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #47 on: 19 Feb 2014, 20:09 »

That's the big one for me, the racials. Sabers are my favorite mounts <3
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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #48 on: 19 Feb 2014, 22:27 »

mm hmm. It is nice. I'm glad that my new character, the Dark Ranger, is able to ride around on a skeletal steed from level 20... Even though she's technically a blood elf, and I haven't quite hit exalted with Undercity yet. What I'm most happy about with that though is being able to use special, hard to obtain mounts on all my characters. After several years of trying, I wound up finally getting the Headless Horseman's mount... On a character I didn't play all that often. And this was before shared mounts, so it was bittersweet to finally have it, but not really use it much. When  they added that feature, I was very happy. The same with my Brewfest ram and the engineering motorcycle that takes forever to grind for. And soon eventually, that flying goblin mount that I'm a week or so away from having the materials for. :)


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Re: WoWCrack
« Reply #49 on: 20 Feb 2014, 09:23 »

Speaking of WoW mounts, as my tax season splurge I let myself buy one of Blizzard's payable mounts. Some people might say it's silly to pay money for electronic goods, but those people don't own a pony made of fucking stars so I think it's safe to discount their opinions.

I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.
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