Male or female, SEX ON THE FIRST DATE IS SLUTTY, NOT EMPOWERING. Please note that I am including BOTH genders. Penis or vagina, there's no solid justification.
First off, it wasn't really their first date, they've known each other for a while, even if this was their first formal date (which trainwrecked). That being said, yeah I think they probably did rush sex, because they haven't known each other that long, and yes I agree it's not empowering, but it's also not slutty. It's just sorta, rushing things and poor decision making.
There is a pretty wide shade of gray between empowering and slutty.
Also for what it's worth, one of the best relationships I ever had (still with him) was with a guy I just had sex with one day because I was horny, and really wanted to fuck someone, and he was a friend of a friend and seemed nice enough. Then AFTERWARDS I got to know him, and found out we were extremely compatible. I hardly remotely recommend this as a technique for finding a long term partner, as it was mostly a fluke, but for crying out loud, doesn't make you slutty to enjoy having sex with someone. Just wear a fucking condom.
For men and women, one's first sexual experience is considered a mark of becoming an adult.
I said it up higher on this page, but I'll say it again.
Sex is neither as good or as evil as you've built it up to be. The media, the people, who tell you it's the greatest thing ever? That it's what makes you an adult? They're bloody fucking crazy, you're the same person before and after having sex, just a little stinkier after sex, until after you've showered. Hell, for the average person, their first time having sex is kinda lame, because they're too wrapped up in the nonsense of trying to perform right, or rush to the orgasm, instead of just enjoying it. That's something you learn to do over time, nobody seems to get it at first.
Even after the likely heartbreak, sex remains something special, something shared with someone important. Sex isn't just sex, it's emotions, drives, needs, desires, and more besides. I'd even go so far as to say that sex is a sacred experience for humans because of all the intangibles that go into it. Trust, attraction, creation, vulnerability, and more that I don't even have names for.
For some people yes, but for some people no. For me? Yeah, it is. I can't have sex with someone I don't share an emotionally bond with because the emotions are too sloppy. Many other people can and there is nothing wrong with them, OR with people like me (and Martin). It's just natural variations on human sexuality.
For what it's worth? Dale and Marigold did have emotion behind it, they weren't having sex for the sake of sex, they were having sex because they were caught up in powerful infatuation emotions. Perhaps not the wisest thing, but they were not having sex to just to have sex or to get rid of their virginities.
I'm saying that that biological imperative to stick it in to guarantee your genes being passed on is not the be-all, end-all to everything! There's more to it than just pleasure, dammit.