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Author Topic: Scariest video game ever?  (Read 50435 times)

I Am Not Amused

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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #100 on: 19 Apr 2005, 19:46 »

I'm going to go with one that was only mentioned once but not really talked about: When the Flood shows up in the original Halo.

I'm sorry, but when I first started having those little crawly, thingies coming at me and then the marines...Jesus. I swear, I just ran like hell through the hole thing, going OH SHIT, whenever I saw another jump FIFTY FUCKING FEET to land RIGHT IN MY GODDAMN FACE>

I literally had to pause and regroup myself about four times during that mission.
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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #101 on: 19 Apr 2005, 20:11 »

Resident Evil 2.
christ, that game was so scary that I would stay in my room until everyone in my family woke up THEN I would dare to leave it...and it didn't help that my neighbor drove around in his motorcycle at 3am...which sounds like a zombie moaning outside my house.
...I didn't even play the game...all the fear was from watching my brother play it. :(


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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #102 on: 19 Apr 2005, 20:45 »

I haven't touched Re2 since I was about 10, because it scared the hell out of me.

Resident Evil 4 only make me scream out profanities due to the multitude of close calls I was lucky enough to live though.  

I suck at the scaryness..
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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #103 on: 19 Apr 2005, 21:19 »

when i was a wee lad i would have nightmares about the hands coming out of the walls from Legend of Zelda.  I even made my dad push my bed into the middle of the room.  

As far as being scared as an adult goes, I have to give the nod to the Silent Hill series in general.  However, I will say that on the Resident Evil Remake for Gamecube there was one spot that really messed with my head.  At one point in the mansion after you've cleared out your share of zombies and you're running across the place to get some stupid item, a zombie OPENS the door behind you when you enter a new room.  the only reason I found it frightening is because that zombie BROKE THE DAMN RULES of resident evil.  zombies can not follow you, that's a rule!


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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #104 on: 19 Apr 2005, 21:58 »

I've always found that to be a "What the hell!" moment.
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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #105 on: 19 Apr 2005, 22:25 »

This is partly my fault, because I psyched myself into it. It's doom, remade as a roguelike. Doesn't soud scary, shouldn't be scary, what the hell is going on?

Someone mentioned the Cradle mission in Thief:Deadly Shadows. I wish I got up to that part before losing my cds.
One day ends and another begins and we're never none the wiser.


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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #106 on: 20 Apr 2005, 10:07 »

Quote from: koalacrackers
Resident Evil 2.
christ, that game was so scary that I would stay in my room until everyone in my family woke up THEN I would dare to leave it...and it didn't help that my neighbor drove around in his motorcycle at 3am...which sounds like a zombie moaning outside my house.
...I didn't even play the game...all the fear was from watching my brother play it. :(

Second disk Press Room, I've lit all the torches and the little cogwheel just fell out of the painting. I go to retrieve it and BANG!: Mr X/Tyrant thing jumps through the wall. After much shittage of pants and missed shots, I down him with the M79 with the barest minimum of health remaining, compose myself and leave. I walk down the corridor outside and BLAM OHSHITMOTHERFUCKERNOTAGAINBASTARD SPLAT....*deep breathing* holy fuck!
Apologies for language, but these words are identical to those I used that same night...


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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #107 on: 20 Apr 2005, 10:13 »

For me, the scariest video games I have ever played were Silent Hill 2, Drakengard (the second alternate ending freaks me out), and Doom 3. Resident Evil never really scared me.


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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #108 on: 20 Apr 2005, 10:55 »

Man, Squaresoft hates fetuses.

Finding Emo

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Scariest video game ever?
« Reply #109 on: 21 Apr 2005, 15:49 »

The Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time used to freak me out big time.
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