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What will be Veronica Reed's new job?

Training champion wolfhounds
Training champion wolfhound breeders
Drill instructor
Publishing her own educational videos
Country music singer
Satanic librarian
Regular librarian, like Clarice
Personal trainer for Hannermom
Silly silicon sylph

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2761-2765 (4-8 August 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 44164 times)

Method of Madness

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Carl you are a bad person for posting that :psyduck:
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Very nice first post. Welcome, new person!
A small request, though, could you call Jeph Jeph? I don't think he goes by any other name - it's just common courtesy.
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I don't like bacon THAT much... :psyduck:


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A small request, though, could you call Jeph Jeph? I don't think he goes by any other name - it's just common courtesy.

Actually, he tweets under the name "Nora Jephron", so he does go by another name.  :-D

Channelore HellicottAtham

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Ok, so slightly more normal in the art style on Friday, but still out-there. The expressions are still kinda baggy.. I know Jeph described this as 'loose', but I see why someone else here described it as lazy. Compared to the awesomeness we've been used to, it does feel slapstick and a little "this'll do". Another poster here commented that the dialogue was thin too, and I agree.. but I honestly cannot tell if that is because the art feels slapstick so therefore I am biased to interpret the dialogue as 'loose' and slapped-together, too.

Yes, Marigold did immediately jump to the bad friend conclusion kinda suddenly, but she's only recently gained a set of friends herself and was pretty socially dysfunctional herself before Momo befriended Pintsize & Winslow. Still, given how blinded by love she has been recently, it's surprising for her to not only pull her head outta her own arse quickly enough to recognise how she's neglected her friends and to give Hanners the time of day, but to then jump a step further and conclude that she's been a bad friend. Feels.. rushed.

With the new comic in development I do hope Jeph is not becoming bored with the QC world...  :-\ :-( :cry:


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Nice first post.

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Okay now I recognize the look Hanners had with May a few strips back.......just I forgot the webcomics name.

Whats the one with the lunkheaded Squirrel-Chick who gets smart when her sisters are around at the same time?


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"Sequential Art".


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Carl you are a bad person for posting that :psyduck:

I can live with that.   :angel:
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Yay! to Marigold for not wanting to be a bad friend.

Hannelore -does- have a sex life. It just takes place entirely in her head.
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Nice first post.

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James The Kugai 

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Yay! to Marigold for not wanting to be a bad friend.

Hannelore -does- have a sex life. It just takes place entirely in her head.

Much tidier that way. The only things that get dirty are her thoughts. Dirty dirty thoughts.
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Explains the giant rapping penis, though. 

On second thought, nothing really explains that. 
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That Comic is a figment of your imagination
James The Kugai 

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