One thing I hope they "fix" in ME:A is more logical outfits for you alien crew members. The humans, and Shepard of course, had normal clothes on while on Normandy etc, combat armor while on mission and then the combat armor with a space helmet when in vacuum or other hazardous environments.
The alien crew members, on the other hand, wear their combat suits everywhere (or in Liara's case she wears her normal(?) clothing to battle). And also without a hazard suit/helmet. Sure, a breathing mask will help you suvive vacuum. (Yeah, yeah, something something biotic protection. That's stupid.)
Anyways, considering they have casual clothes for at least turians, asari and salarians I don't see why they all walk around in combat armor 24/7. At least for quarians they have an excuse, and korgan I don't believe they made any non-combat outfits?!