Alternating Sonic games from the Sega bundle. The Sonic story in Adventure DX is the single most annoying piece of platforming I've ever played. All the game is baby difficulty except for the final boss, which has like 25 different mechanics.
On the other side, levelling up AGES in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed is an exercise of futility. Superboost AGES only has 2/5 top speed, accel and handling. Like, really Sega. What's the point of making a dude that's only unlockable after finishing the world tour in hard when he's going to be THIS BAD. And to unlock AGES mod for AGES you need to finish the world tour in expert. Although 4/5 speed and 6/5 boost seem pretty nice for the game, but at that point it's basically pointless.
Best car is still speed mod team TF2. And you get to drive as a Pyro, which is nice. A close second is Dreamcast Shadow (5-1-1-5), several different levels of impossible to handle but SO GODDAMN EFFING FAST OH MY GOD. And utterly unbeatable in a Boost Race (no items, extra boost pads) context.
Oh how different it is to the original SASR. Where the OP dudes were Amigo's "maraca" (it looks like a Sriracha bottle to me) and Alex Kidd's bike (which looks like a Kawa ZX4), both severely lacking in the top speed department (in fact, I think Amigo had the lowest). In my opinion, that game was more about the driving and had better level design. But it lacked a bit of "object fairness", and some tracks were pretty knowledge-dependant. While Race of AGES, in Transformed, still is (if you manage to land a 1-2 second difference after lap 1 and evade all hits in lap 2, you can pretty much consider yourself victor), it's just 1 track that's also the final one. I'd say "Sorta like Rainbow Road", but there's a track set in Sonic Colors that's literally Aeropolis - Screw Drive from F-Zero AX on the Rainbow Road roads.