BUMP!Seriously though, as the sole admin on this brand new wiki I'd like to extend an invitation to visit, read and contribute.
It may not seem like a necessary resource just yet, but I expect that Alice Grove is going to throw a lot of technical, scientific and political information at us, in addition to the inter-personal complexities we can already see the beginnings of. When Jeph finally gets around to revealing more mysterious aspects of the story (such as where exactly the Vicissitudes came from), expect a lot of techno-babble.
At that point, even the most dedicated reader might start to lose track of finer details. A wiki will likely become necessary to keep track of everything.
It would be much better to develop it now, rather than later. A couple of people (literally, 2 people besides myself) have already helped out, but each new comic presents new information, and we could use some help.
It looks like there are a reasonable number of dedicated Alice Grove readers, judging by the already intense activity in this forum, and it would be great to get more of you (us?) involved.
Please check out the wiki, and consider making a contribution (it doesn't have to be much).
I hope to see you there.
Alice Grove Wiki <<