Putting it here because it's technology-related, at least (and you can connect computers to amateur radios and have fun that way, too).
Annoyingly, I live in a basement apartment. Got a MFJ mag loop in my window (the apartment is only half underground at one side), and have made a couple HF contacts that way (too many other hobbies to spend that much time on it). I use a Yaesu FT-847 as my base, and an ICOM IC-7000 as my mobile (essentially, how it worked... I decided working HF from my apartment would be completely unworkable, so I got the IC-7000 as a mobile, and then realized I wasn't so hot on working HF mobile (can't do digital modes, that's for sure), so I picked up the FT-847 from a local ham at Hamvention, and picked up the MFJ loop while I was there).
Lately I've decided to start getting into APRS stuff, and decided to upgrade my HT at the same time, so I got a Kenwood TH-D72 yesterday.
Anyone else here a ham? I'm KD8KXK. 73s.