Do you know who I blame for that? Tai. She's the one who introduced Marten to the concept of 'mischievously sensual'. That said, yeah, he enjoyed doing that. It's a good sign that he's got a need for contact.
Yeah, Marten enjoyed knocking Claire's 'professional decorum' sideways. However, it was just a gentle kiss on the lips. She's going to have to build up resistance or she's going to be spending a lot of her time blushing bright red!
So, I'm thinking that this week will be the consequences in the library. After all, Tai doesn't do 'professional boundaries' (although I expect her, with her manager's hat on, to forbid make-outs in the stacks). Emily, of course, doesn't even know what 'professional boundaries' are. I expect her to badger Claire with questions but they will be motivated by curiosity rather than jealousy. I wonder if Momo will be curious too. After all, we know from her Sven fantasies that she finds human males sexually attractive but I can't see Marigold having been willing to answer her questions.
I just think Claire should get used to that blush. She's going to be dealing with lots of personal questions that trigger good memories or... er... interesting fantasies.