So apparently forum newcomers do make a new thread posting their
#import <stdio.h>
int main(char** args){
printf("Hello world!"%n);
to the forums, so I'm here to go ahead and do so. Hi, I go by osaka and I'm in no way related to the city or the character with the same name (In fact, I am Spanish). I've been lurking for a while and been reading daily since
the lens flare moment. Been thinking of joining for a while, a thought that gradually became stronger by April's comments (which, asides from highly informative, were really funny at times) and that hit a maximum with today's singing dildo and the way the WCDT branched out from that.
A dildo that I still think will totally call you out on listening to horrible music
I'll try to be the best person I can be on this forum, but I can't promise anything. What I can say is that I love we have a psyduck here. He's the forum bot for a team I'm in on a game I play
So yeah. Greetings peeplz.