No, my point is that she didn't say 'no you're an asshole, that's a massively assholey thing to say'. Nor was it even played for laughs. It's become an actual plot development, which I find baffling.
What? He threatened to not be happy for her unless she got him an introduction. After saying he was ok with her and Marten. That's not an assholely thing to say, that's him asking for a favour in a safe-for-him way (that is, without pointing out how desperately he needs it).
I feel like Clinton's "demand" is being taken
way too seriously. To me, it sounded like he was fine with the situation, but like you said, trying to ask a favour without it sounding awkward, and failing to do so. Him being happy for Claire and supportive of the relationship isn't truly contingent on being set up with one of Marten's friends; it was just an awkward segue, an attempt to not sound too desperate while asking if she and Marten know any single ladies that he could be introduced to, because frankly, he'd like to find someone as well.
In its own way, it's a conciliatory remark. Like when you talk through a situation with someone and assure them that yes, you're fine, as long as they get you a coffee/help move this table/something else mundane. It's not intended to be a condition for you being cool with the situation, a task they must do to ensure that you are.
I guess what we've seen of Clinton so far, the abrasiveness he's shown, has people less inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm not feeling the hate myself, though. I am souring on Claire though, as the way she talks to and about Clinton, the fact she was hoping to upset him upon revealing her relationship with Marten to him, and her admission that he's fun to pick be honest, she's got a bit of a nasty streak that I don't much care for. In bagging out Clinton, some poor behaviour on Claire's part is being swept under the rug.