I hope I'm not the only one here who loves this little gem. If you don't know the game but you like building/city Simulations you should take a look at this. It's relaxing and challenging at the same time. There's no fighting, all you have to do is take care of your people. But that takes a lot of work. They need food to not starve to death, houses to not become depressed due to being homeless, firewood to heat those houses and thus not freeze to death in the Winter and many more things. All this presented in simple but beautiful graphics and a soundtrack that is just awesome. It's one of those games were you start in the afternoon and suddenly it's dark outside and your stomach feels as empty as the stomachs of your citizens when you forgot to pay attention to the food supply.
So I guess what I'm saying is this game is awesome and we should talk about it. Right here. In this thread.