So, now we know something new about Claire: In the end, all she has ever wanted is to make a positive contribution. Doing so is clearly the secret of her happiness.
Poor Faye, though! She's just going to have to learn to handle the fact that Marten likes to choose girls who are exotic and unique in some way. This is even true of the normal ones, like Claire. You just wonder how long that Claire's been waiting to hear that she's helped someone! So, shake those moves, girl! We'll see if the others join in!
Marten's pleased reaction tells the stoy: He
likes to have girlfriends who get such joy out of life!
I think that we're seeing a bit of Claire's struggle here. All the evidence to date suggests that Claire, pre-Internship, was lonely and badly socialised. Not in the "alien in human form" of Hannelore but in a more subtle "I don't know how to do casual interactions" way. Fitting into the group and interacting positively is something that she really wants to do but made her nervous and insecure. Tai's party is an obvious next learning step.