I’ve actually posted a few times on the WCDT already, but I figured maybe it would be good form to introduce myself here?
I forget exactly when I started reading the comic, but it would’ve been either autumn or winter 2003. I used to post regularly on a BTVS board at the time, and one of my good friends posted something like “I think I just found my new favourite comic”, and linked to QC. I followed the link and was utterly hooked from day one. I see why my friend liked it (although I don’t know how he came across it) because at the time he and Marten were quite similar. Unfortunately I have since lost touch with that friend, but he’s left me with a lot of good memories, a few regretful ones, and the legacy of a webcomic that I’ve consistently enjoyed for almost twelve years.
QC is the only comic that I consistently check every day. I’m a sucker for good characters and a good story, and it’s pulled me in completely.
As for me – I live in an OK house, in a nice town, in the UK. With my pretty great husband, two lovely cats, one horrible cat, and two of the neighbourhood cats who seem to have decided that this is a nice place to spend half of their time. I’ve done lots of different jobs and am currently unemployed. I’m usually happiest while outdoors. I have a nice family with craploads of problems. I used to play the cello, piano, and (sort of) violin. I had an amazing but painful and messed-up childhood. I’m drawn to big cities but feel most at home in the country, where I was born. I like food (and trying to cook), some videogames, gardening, the sea, almost all animals, and most of all, books. Plus loads of other stuff, but this isn’t a dating profile, so I’ll shut up now!
Pleased to meet you all. Smoke me a kipper, I'll be...there for brunch