Yeah, Jeph went to a lot of trouble when developing Clinton to make him a stereotypical nerd. I wonder if Jeph is going to build on the 'total geek' foundation during this arc? We have established that he is into the history of technology but it will be interesting to see if he knows anything else about
I suspect that his Roomie
fills the same role as Steve - the cool adviser/foil to the more academic and less experienced protagonist.
April has suggested that, in-Universe, we are at the beginning of the autumn term. At 21, Clinton may just be starting his Senior year at college. I could understand him staying in the dorms. Mrs A is a well-intentioned interfering parent and he and Claire are like sodium and water. I think that, no matter how much teasing he gets, he finds it easier to focus on his studies in the dorms
He may feel somewhat liberated by not being in an exclusively female environment too.

I agree that he'd look better with a necktie and wearing contacts. I wonder if his look will evolve if he and Emily continue to date?
Wondering if we'll get the full tale told by Friday.
Personally, I doubt it. It's more likely to be a 10-strip arc, IMHO.