So... Still quiet. Pray your pardon for a bit of self-indulgence.
WEDNESDAY (4-panel frame)
PANEL 1 (half height) - A pair of sneaker-wearing feet walking along a sidewalk in Northampton
PANEL 2 (half height) - Headshot of MARTEN, whistling
PANEL 3 (half height) - MARTEN's POV of ringing a doorbell
PANEL 4 (half height) - MRS A opening the door and looking out
MRS A: "Hello, Marten! Come in! Claire's just finishing getting dressed!"
PANEL 5 (half height) - MARTEN talking to MRS A in the lounge
MRS A: "So, isn't tonight the big party? I'm glad you talked Claire into going; she needs to socialise more!"
MARTEN: "Well, all I needed to do was remind her that all her friends will be there!"
PANEL 6 (half height) - MARTEN and MRS A now looking out of the panel at something
MRS A: "Friends that she only has because you persuaded her to come out of her shell. You're very good for... Ah, here she comes!"
PANEL 7 (full height) - CLAIRE coming down the stairs in a new outfit - horizontally-striped cardigan off one shoulder with the shoulder strap of her vest visible, long skirt, cut up to knee length on the left and her heeled boots.
MARTEN (off panel): "... whoa..."
THURSDAY - Six panel frame
PANEL 1 (page width) - MARTEN and CLAIRE walking along an autumnal Northampton street
MARTEN: "So, new look?"
CLAIRE: "I might mock Clinton about his new look but he was right; it was time to stop being the geeky, mousey Augustus kids!"
PANEL 2 - Close-up of MARTEN and CLAIRE walking hand-in-hand
CLAIRE: "Seriously, though, it was something I needed to do. I'm through apologising for being a woman!"
MARTEN: "Hey, you know me! I say you've got
nothing to apologise for!"
PANEL 3 - Close-up on CLAIRE doing her teasing smile.
CLAIRE: [[Okay, I'm putting up my hands here - I don't know ANYTHING about Indie music -- Please take it as read that she makes an Indie reference to being proud of yourself that only an affectionado would really understand.]]
PANEL 4 - Close-up on MARTEN, grinning at CLAIRE
MARTEN: "An Indie reference! Where did this come from, Ms 'I don't know anything about Indie'?"
CLAIRE: "I have hidden depths Mr 'Encyclopaedia of Indie Music'!"
PANEL 5 - Rear view of the couple walking away from us
MARTEN: "Hidden depths, huh? Guess I'm going to have to go exploring tonight!"
CLAIRE: "Quiet you! If you get me hot now, I'm never gonna stop blushing all day!"
FRIDAY - Six-panel frame
PANEL 1 - MARTEN, carrying a four-pack of coffees and (and EMILY's 'smoothie') leaving CoD; CLAIRE is holding the door open; in the background, we can see HANNELORE working the espresso machine.
CLAIRE: "So, Faye's looking for a new job now?"
MARTEN: "She's got to; she had enough savings to meet last month's rent but she hasn't got enough this time."
PANEL 2 - MARTEN and CLAIRE walking through the town. There are few young people around, reminding us that school (and college) are in term
CLAIRE: "I think it's time she climbed out of that rut! She's spent too long sitting in the apartment and... well, basically just feeling sorry for herself!"
MARTEN: "It isn't that simple, Claire. Faye put a little bit of herself into that job and losing it has been losing a part of her."
PANEL 3 - MARTEN looking upwards thoughtfully; CLAIRE looks concerned
MARTEN: "When you're in this situation, it can be hard moving forwards again; it sometimes seems
safer not to do anything. I know I felt that way after Dora and I broke up!"
PANEL 4 - MARTEN and CLAIRE standing in front of the library.
CLAIRE: "And here we are. Darn 'keep things professional' rule! What was I thinking?"
MARTEN: "There's only one way to handle something like this - Build up your reserves!"
PANEL 5 - Close-up of MARTEN and CLAIRE's lips touching.
PANEL 6 - MARTEN going into the library; CLAIRE is still at the bottom of the stairs, smiling in a goofy way
MARTEN: "I'll see you inside, Miss Augustus."
CLAIRE: "I'll be there, Mr Reed."
That's how I do Claireten when I've got too much time on my hands, BTW.

Just an explanation about Claire talking down Faye. I don't see them as being antagonistic in the future but I do think that they might be a bit frosty and 'arms length' for a while. Add onto that money worries and Claire could be critical of Faye thinking that she's only saying what Marten is too nice and loyal to say himself. Also remember that Claire can be judgemental, so I thought that her saying something like that was in-character.
As well as being a time skip forward a few weeks, this would be at the start of the 'Claire stays at the apartment over the weekend' arc idea I had. After the party, Claire is going to be staying with Marten and that means she and Faye are going to be pretty much forced to be in continual close contact for two days. The whole thing would be geared towards Claire and Faye coming to some sort of agreement (for Marten's sake if nothing else) that basically turns into a greater understanding of each other (both for them and us). It wouldn't be one-way either; Faye would call out Claire and vice-versa, all whilst trying not to get Marten involved.