Sure! That's why there's a whole subforum for stuff like that.
You mean like this one, dedicated to talking about the plot and stuff happening in Alice Grove? (That's what it's here for, right?) If I want to talk about other movies, books, or comics I can do that anywhere, but Alice Grove is a bit too niche to talk about elsewhere.
*whispers* I don't mean to cause trouble but have you ever read Shakespeare? He was all about telling the jokes in his tragedies. And his comedies. And probably his historical plays too but I've not read any of those. And people seem to like him all right.
You can have humor in serious and/or non comedy plots, sure. Iron Man is funny without being a comedy. Firefly. Skulduggery Pleasant. Lots of things. Fine.
The problem is, Alice Grove has a punchline in almost every comic. I actually went and counted: Only a around twenty five comics don't have a punchline, and 2/3rds of those are from the fight scene and the intro. Everywhere else, the strips are used soley to tell jokes. Many strips have practically no bearing on the plot except to tell jokes, and even plot heavy strips usually take a panel or two to tell a joke.
Jokes don't need to be cut out entirely, but right now they're taking up a huge amount of the focus. I wouldn't mind it being a comedy, except it's working against the plot. (Just off the top of my head, the two panels used for the 'Is that a farm implement' joke could have been used to better setup Jeb as being stubborn and bullheaded, rather than legitimately worried. This in turn would help Alice's character and make her future actions feel less like she's bullying him around.)
If a guy goes up on stage and plays rock music, but tells a joke between one or two of his songs, he's a musician with a sense of humor. If he plays one rock song and then tells jokes the rest of the time, he's a comedian with a weird and pointless rock song in the middle of his set. Shakespeare is the musician, Alice Grove is the comedian.
It's all about where you put your effort and time.