been mulling over this idea for a while, going off a few ideas and between the encouragement of friends and a few outside factors, I've decided to have a crack at writing/making a series of videos where i look at various species from fantasy, mythology and possibly gaming and working out if they could work as an organism, in terms of the anatomical/physiological structure.
planning to be presenting them as thought experiments rather than concrete facts, and i'm going to be keeping the explanations at "layman's terms" levels to make them more accessible. the wording will reasonably lighthearted in presentation too (for those who've seen it, Extra Credits stuff is a good barometer for the tone i'll be aiming for). currently going under the working title of "Bio-Logical".
the reason i'm making this post is to pick some brains; would people be interested in seeing a series like this, what kind of thing you'd like to see in it, and general critique of the ideas and concept. working on the first couple of scripts at the moment, i'll post one up here when it's finished to my satisfaction.