Firstly, it seems that Ardent has clearly learnt the value of subtlety. He's still overtly trying to get sex but he's at least trying to get Maggie interested in him as a person this time. That is how friendships start.

Secondly, I'm thinking that the standpipe and pump is something that Alice built. Along with the wind turbine, it is an indication that she's trying to subtlety introduce technology to the Low-Tech faction in a way that doesn't create push-back or a response from whatever caused the Blink. It's interesting that Maggie thinks that only Alice can fix it, as if it were magical, taboo or something
Finally, I agree that, whatever happened here wasn't entirely Ardent's fault. I'm pretty sure that he was attempting to fix the pump through some technological means (e.g. genetically-engineered telekinesis). However, I'm thinking that
something else responded badly. My feeling is that this will lead into another bit of Alice exposition about the post-Blink world and its hidden true master.
Alternately, Ardent had
nothing whatsoever to do with it. The pump's failure and the explosion were both caused by the same thing. The question then is: Was it blind change or intelligent action? I mean, look at those four flank pipes that appear from nowhere in panel 6. It's as if something just below the surface is trying to
eat or at least destroy the pump!