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Author Topic: comics... real ones  (Read 42058 times)


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comics... real ones
« on: 23 Dec 2004, 12:17 »

so does anyone else read actual comics (ie not webcomics)? tell me your favourites! as my avatar suggests, i am an xmen fan. some of my favourite comics are:

uncanny xmen
excalibur (1st version and new version)
generation x
xtreme xmen

i've also read some spiderman and ultimate spiderman. and, although i'm insanely pro-marvel, i've read a bit of the batgirl series...


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« Reply #1 on: 23 Dec 2004, 12:40 »

hmm mmm, i prefer a comic in the hands.  more tangible or something like that.  i'm going to copy and paste seeing as how everyone in the comics thread completly ignored my actual comics part.

paper comics that i like and don't matter how frequently i read: x-men and a bunch of it's weird spinoffs, DC's Crissis of Infinite Earths, anything by jhonen vasquez (as he hasn't put anything out in print in years it seems like), flight, the battle royale series, the flight antholgies, sandman (argh all i have is preludes and nocturnes vol 1 and when i look for others there is always usually just further along volumes or when i do see vol 2 i'm poor). sin city, calvin and hobes, get your war on. i'm almost exclusively read trade paper back. i have some different starwars darkhorse series and some of the deadpool cable series but i really like to have all of the story at hand so i can read at my leisure.

also i have a punisher/wolverine comic but just the first volume. i'm really annoyed as it seems like a decent enough story from just the first. also i found the wolverine single comic #100 where he incredibly feral.

i've heard about a marvel series or what have you...where the universe just ends that i want to find. hulk is the last living thing and i've seen this amazing panel from it...


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« Reply #2 on: 23 Dec 2004, 13:20 »

yes! haha wow you reminded me of other comics i read. where was my head when i wrote that first post? i love jhonen vasquez's comics! jthm, squee, i feel sick- all great. (although i haven't been able to find the second i feel sick). i read he was working on one or two new series but i don't know when they're due out.

and the sandman comics are great but i've been having almost the same problem! i only have both death comics ("the high cost of living" and "time of your life") as well as the manga. i really really want to read the main series, but whenever i go look for it they either don't have the first issue or i'm poor. good luck finding number two!

hmm i haven't heard of that marvel special... sounds interesting.


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« Reply #3 on: 23 Dec 2004, 13:44 »

oh man, i use to go around school when i had too much coffee quoting noodleboy, or making up my own noodleboyesque sayings.  hehehe, the interactions between johnny and squee are some of my favorite.  the second one i managed to find at the same time as the first and i made sure to get both.

how are the death comics and the manga?  i remember eyeing them but then realizing i had tallied up sixty bucks in comics in less then five minutes as it was.

and i'm not too sure about the marvel special being an actual special or if it was just a special print or something.  it's just something i remember finding a (forgotten) link to on ebay.


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« Reply #4 on: 23 Dec 2004, 16:17 »

the death comics are exceedingly good! i found the death manga (ah i forget the actual title, but there's only one) when i was manga-browsing and impulsively bought it. i loved it so much that i started looking up more sandman and death-related stuff, and soon purchased both death comics.

ahaha and i definitely know what you mean about nny-squee interaction." target="_blank">this is one of my favourite scenes. plus when nny appears in squee #4 at the sleep center thing. so great. and god i used to know all these random noodleboy sayings and just shout em out at inappropriate times... but i forget them now damn... i have to reread jthm


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« Reply #5 on: 23 Dec 2004, 16:22 »

i'll have to look them up now!  i've been hesitant about us comic to manga crossover sense the x-men ronin series, that was just...odd.

oh man that one is great.  that and the one with squees dad with nny under the bed.  and god damn, that is really good.  nice job.  "rise up against the oppresive leash wielding demon!" is all i remember now.


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« Reply #6 on: 23 Dec 2004, 16:25 »

[quote="happybirthdaygelatin" the battle royale series, [/quote]

Battle in the film, comes in cominc version? Are we talking the novels or actual comics as I knew about the novels but a comic could be interesting


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« Reply #7 on: 23 Dec 2004, 20:26 »

oh comics. How I love them
The death manga is called at death's door, the marvel series was marvel universe, the end. I picked up the first 3 issues before discovering that it really wasn't all that good, so I can't tell you how it ended. As for other comics, There are two good x titles right now- Ultimate x-men and Astonishing x-men. I have faith that Uncanny will get better once pete milligan starts writing it though. Excalibur should be great, but magneato is supposed ot be dead, so I'm a little mad about that.
Sandman is without a doubt the greatest comic book ever written, and I can't stress highly enough how much you should read it.
And the rest. Lucifer, Human Target, The Losers, Y: The last man, Ex Machina, Sleeper, Authority: Revolution, Powers, FF, Fallen Angel, Madrox, The Witching, Walking dead, Invincible, and all the Ultimate books. There's more, but ya'll probably don't care.


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« Reply #8 on: 24 Dec 2004, 00:50 »

There is a manga series of Battle Royale, alot more violent.


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« Reply #9 on: 24 Dec 2004, 04:32 »

Um. FLCL, Calvin and Hobbes, Inu Yasha, some Ranma 1/2, very little Oh my Goddess, some Fushigi Yugi I didn't care for, Hellsing, Bloom County, 've a Megatokyo book, the Uncanny X-Men on occaision, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Trrrrrrrrrigun!, some Sandman. There are more escaping my memory at this moment.


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« Reply #10 on: 24 Dec 2004, 04:57 »

The mange series of BR looked really good, I was in the process of buying them for my ex bf but never got a chance to read them myself before we finished and now I have no money to buy them :( They'll have to wait a while, the suspense will just make them better :)


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« Reply #11 on: 24 Dec 2004, 12:27 »

There are two good x titles right now- Ultimate x-men and Astonishing x-men

eh i read about the first twenty issues of ultimate xmen and i just couldn't get into it. the only characters i really liked were storm and wolverine. as for astonishing xmen, i haven't read that one yet. is that the series joss whedon is writing for? what team is in it? i think uncanny xmen is doing great right now, with the character changes and everything. i loved xtreme xmen and i was so glad nightcrawler  and wolverine joined them. plus i love alan davis' art and naturally chris claremont's writing. to me, mystique is one of the best xmen titles out right now. the art and writing are excellent plus she is just such a great character that it's always interesting.

as for manga, as digs was mentioning, i love cowboy bebop, trigun, and tenchi. i've been getting into hellsing, demon diary, and s-cry-ed but i only have the first novel for each at the moment. gotta buy some more after xmas.


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« Reply #12 on: 24 Dec 2004, 12:37 »

Astonishing X-Men is fucking great. Every issue has had me psyched about comics like I haven't been since I was 10. Currently I'm also reading Swamp Thing, Adam Strange, New X-Mean: Academy X, Hellblazer, and Books of Magic: Life During Wartime.

Some of my all-time faves are Animal Man, Sandman, Swamp Thing (Alan Moore style), Hellblazer (classic Garth Ennis, etc), Doom Patrol, and Mark Waid Flash stuff. Plus all the other standards like Watchmen, Miracleman, Dark Knight Returns, etc.

I also read manga. My favorite manga of all time is Love Hina, but I also love most CLAMP stuff like Chobits and XXXHolic, and a lot of girl's manga like Kare Kano and Crescent Moon.

And I like Calvin and Hobbes and Little Nemo for newspaper comics.

I just read the post before me and the lineup for Astonishing is...
and ??? (a surprise for when you actually read it...its a good surprise)


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« Reply #13 on: 24 Dec 2004, 12:41 »

haha love hina is great. i've read a little of the manga and i've seen like half of the show. so funny. and i like chobits too! forgot about that one. very interesting story plus fantastic art.

i think i should go check out astonishing xmen now to see if it is really so amazing. the problem is there are no comics stores near me (especially not in walking distance) and the parentals wouldn't drive me to one. so until i drive (which will be very soon hopefully) i can only buy comics once in a while at like borders.

get fuzzy=best newspaper comic. woooo. plus zits, agnes, dilbert, boondocks, non sequitur, and doonesbury.


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« Reply #14 on: 24 Dec 2004, 13:14 »

Quote from: betteroffdead
and the parentals wouldn't drive me to one. so until i drive (which will be very soon hopefully) i can only buy comics once in a while at like borders.

Just steal their credit card and order your comics online. Duh.


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« Reply #15 on: 24 Dec 2004, 19:20 »

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Spawn, Dilbert, Calvin and Hobbes.


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« Reply #16 on: 25 Dec 2004, 14:03 »

Lots of manga readers. Weird.

Everyone here should read more Frank Miller, it seems...

The Watchmen is my favorite comic ever.
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« Reply #17 on: 25 Dec 2004, 17:57 »

Frank Miller is the shit. DKR is one of the best comics ever.
As for watchmen, have you read the originals? Dave Gibbons wrote and drew it, and it's beautiful. check it out


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« Reply #18 on: 25 Dec 2004, 21:51 »

I enjoy a lot of different stuff.  In American comics, I abolutely love The Sandman.  And old series, but a good one.  

I also like manga.  Currently I'm reading One Piece, which I would recommend to anyone that's ever liked a story about pirates.  I also own Love Hina and Negima (I'm a bit of a sucker for Akamatsu's work... I can't understand why, either =P)  I also like Hellsing... what would we ever do without vampiric nazi minions to slaughter?


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« Reply #19 on: 25 Dec 2004, 23:50 »

o yes i've read some of onepiece... i used to read shonen jump and it was featured in there. i liked it very much! cool story, funny  characters. i've been meaning to pick up some of the novels.


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« Reply #20 on: 26 Dec 2004, 14:32 »

Tank Girl, JTHM, Dilbert, (and, well the rest of Vasquez' you all probably know so well) Grrl Scouts and Skeleton Key. I have way too many single comics as i'm terrible when it comes to sticking with a series. Although, right now i'm getting into The Sandman after picking up the first graphic novel for a mere £4. Bargin!


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« Reply #21 on: 26 Dec 2004, 20:15 »

oo i'm buying tank girl off amazon this week! i love the movie and have wanted to read the comics for some time.


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« Reply #22 on: 28 Dec 2004, 14:47 »

tank girl is insane, it's awesome.  i picked up a tank girl comic for a friend for christmas and almost couldn't give it away.

one piece is a pretty cool comic, from what i read in shonen jump (which i stopped picking up, at about the point when i had ten and no book shelf or any sort of storage i was quickly becoming overwhelmed) and naruto is really really cool as well.  one piece is to pirates naruto is to ninja.

SCUD the disposable assasin was an awesome looking comic i always wanted to read.  

oh man, i forgot about the maxx.  one of my favorites.  sam keith is one of my favorite comic artists and the work he did on the first part of the sandman comics is just incredible.


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« Reply #23 on: 28 Dec 2004, 16:50 »

haha that's why i stopped buying them too! i have about 8 and with all the other manga and comics on my comic shelf i ran out of room. i loved yu yu hakusho, naruto, one piece, sandland, and shaman king. so awesome.

eee i can't wait to get tank girl. maybe i'll order it tonite if i can wrassle my mother's credit card from her.


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« Reply #24 on: 28 Dec 2004, 21:49 »

the only paper comic I read with intent is get fuzz, but it can be found online

as for comicbooks, i have a few, but never really was into them.   its like movies with subtitles or books with pictures.  you work too much (reading when there is pictures) or don't use your brain ( pictures when there are words)

So books or movies have always done the trick for me.  Webcomics I like because they take about 10 seconds each to read, and by the next day, you're ready for the next 10 seconds.


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« Reply #25 on: 28 Dec 2004, 23:58 »

yea get fuzzy is the best newspaper comic ever. i wish i had a cat like bucky. well... i guess i wish a friend had a cat like bucky, so i wouldn't have to put up with him but could still participate in his shenanigans

Tom Brazelton

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« Reply #26 on: 29 Dec 2004, 09:24 »

I used to read comics all the time from when I was about 8 to 18. Then I went to college and I couldn't afford it anymore.

Since graduating, I wanted to get back into them, but feeling like I missed out on a bunch of storylines and not really knowing where the characters stood these days, I kept my distance.

Plus, having since been married since college, I didn't want to geek-out too hard core and scare the Mrs. away before we had a chance to settle in!

Just this year I got back into comics and I have Scott Tipton's Comics 101 column at Movie Poop Shoot to thank for it. He recaps character histories and gives insights into the current state of comics. He totally caught me up to all my favorites and now I'm back in the comic shop every week. I even have a pull box again!

Some of the titles I'm reading now are:

    Amazing Spider-Man
    Marvel Knights 4
    Marvel Knights Wolverine
    Marvel Knights Spider-Man
    Jim Lee's Superman run
    Judd Winnick's Batman run
    Green Lantern
    Iron Man
    The New Avengers
    Those are really the only books I'm picking up with any regularity, but I'll scoop up different titles if the mood strikes. For example, I just got turned on to Millar's excellent run on MK Wolverine last week and bought all the back issues.

    When I was first collecting, I wouldn't dirty my hands with a DC title to save my life. And while I still prefer to "Make Mine Marvel!", I'll grab some of the DC stuff from time to time. Tipton's column really went a long way toward introducing me to the DCU and understanding it's history.



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« Reply #27 on: 29 Dec 2004, 09:47 »

Most of what i read is manga:

One Piece
Blade of the immortal
Samurai X
Star Wars Trilogy

I used to like a lot the 2099 series, until they lost it and started the Mega-Valhalla-Cross-Over thing. People didn´t get used to the characters yet and sudenlly they´re confronted with a massive and incredibly confusing mess in the universe that involved past, present and future. No wonder the comics where cancelled.


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« Reply #28 on: 29 Dec 2004, 10:45 »

Quote from: betteroffdead
haha that's why i stopped buying them too! i have about 8 and with all the other manga and comics on my comic shelf i ran out of room. i loved yu yu hakusho, naruto, one piece, sandland, and shaman king. so awesome.

eee i can't wait to get tank girl. maybe i'll order it tonite if i can wrassle my mother's credit card from her.

haha yeah, my brother was getting sick of how they were starting to spread through out the apartment.  sandland was awesome, akira toriyama is an awesome artist and a pretty decent writer and i like the direction that sandland seemed to take compared to the dragonball series.

blade of the immortal seemed really awesome from what i've read.

oh and the manga i've been trying to remember of mine is Legal Drug and it's by Clamp productions.

and i'm the same way Tom, more of a fan of Marvel but i've more respect for DC then i did before.  sandman is still the only vertigo i really have liked that i can think of.


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« Reply #29 on: 29 Dec 2004, 12:59 »

hahaha i know i was surprised i liked sandland so much, since dragonball and dbz have too little story for me to really enjoy. they might be more intriguing than i realize but all the 15-episode-long fights kind of lose me.

that sounds like an awesome column tom. i think i'll check it out


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« Reply #30 on: 29 Dec 2004, 13:11 »

haha...i know was really suprised when dragonball z started to get popular, i use to watch it on a canadian channel at really weird times of the day sometimes.  and gaaah the comics are even more drawn out.

i want to pick up some naruto, i liked how it will break from the main story just for little bits to explain more about the world, the different ninjitsu stuff and what not.

guh, it's way to tempting to skip off from work early to go buy comics.


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« Reply #31 on: 29 Dec 2004, 13:15 »

metabarons, akira, blame!, eden, steampunk


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« Reply #32 on: 29 Dec 2004, 14:29 »

I was 100% Marvel too, but then one day something jsut clicked. If you liked sandman, you HAVE to read lucifer. It's basically the sequal, only it's compeltely different. It's the story of lucifer after he quits running hell and opens his piano bar. Vertigo really does publish the best comics, at least volume wise. There's so much terrible Marvel, that it's really a breath of fresh air. If you haven't already, check out Y: The Last Man. That, and Sleeper and Ex Machina from wildstorm are probably the best comics coming out right now. There was a great marvel book called Runaways that's on hiatus right now that you should check out too. All the trades are available for like 7 dollars.


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« Reply #33 on: 29 Dec 2004, 14:32 »

My favourite DC Vertigo Comics were Sandman (of course), Books of Magic, and Egypt.

All had such excellent story lines.
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« Reply #34 on: 29 Dec 2004, 16:33 »

I have around 3,000 comics.  

My favorites are:

Milk & Cheese
In The Shadow of Two Towers
Complete Peanuts
Astro City
The Defenders(so campy it's hilarious)
Love and Rockets
World War III Illustrated

There's so many...


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« Reply #35 on: 29 Dec 2004, 16:38 »

How fucking Boss Is watchmen? Best twist ending ever.
They're making a movie, starring John Cusack as Nite Owl. I'm psyched, but nervously.
And If you dug watchmen, pick up the originals. Dave Gibbons Wrote and Drew it. The story is odd but great, and his art is about 15 times better than it was on watchmen


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« Reply #36 on: 30 Dec 2004, 08:56 »

I loved Watchmen, but it seemed as though all the parts that should have been compressed were drawn-out, and vice-versa. Still, very good, but From Hell was better.

I used to avidly collect The Phantom, as one of the few easily-available comics around here, same for 2000AD, and I once found a copy of Heavy Metal but have never been able to again. Ghost In the Shell (excellent but the scene preceeding the merge is rambling and pointless, or am I just not getting it?), Tank Girl 1 & 2, and LXG.

Fu Manchu rocked evilly.


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« Reply #37 on: 30 Dec 2004, 09:12 »

My collection as it stands right now... I don't buy the weeklies, just compilation books.

Reading from bottom to top.

Hellbrandt Grimm - Some Swift and Brutal Hand (Black Library)

"Eternal Damnation" - a Warhammer 40,000 anthology (Black Library)

"Preacher" books 1-4 (Ennis/Dillon, Vertigo)

Transmetropolitan - Tales of Human Waste (Vertigo)

Lucifer - A Dalliance with the damned (Vertigo/DC)

Superman - Red Son (DC. Interesting one this. Superman as a soviet hero? Da, comrade)

Joss Whedon's "Fray" (Dark Horse)

Tom Brazelton

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« Reply #38 on: 30 Dec 2004, 10:53 »

Quote from: SeanBateman
If you haven't already, check out Y: The Last Man...

That's been on my "to-buy" list for a while. I need to catch up with the trades before I start buying the regular titles.

Is no one else reading Invincible? It's a really great twist on the entire superhero genre without devaluing it. Basically, it's about this 15 year old kid who's Dad is a Superman-type figure. One day, while taking out the trash, he accidentally launches it into orbit. Instead of being freaked out, he's like, "Finally!"

Things start out innocently enough. They even take the kid to a tailor who makes costumes for superheros. But the book takes a really interesting turn and there's a much bigger story involved. I don't want to spoil any of it. It's so good.

The first two trades are out now. I think you can pick them up for $9 or $10.

Speaking of Invicible, what about The Walking Dead? I'm sorry, but I think Robert Kirkman is probably one of the better writers working in comics right now.


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« Reply #39 on: 30 Dec 2004, 11:14 »

I tried to rep both of those earlier in the thread. Invincible was great at first, but it feels like it's gotten a little bit slow recently. But I'm missing some of the earlier issues(I'm a completeist), so maybe I'm just missing some of the pieces.
Walking dead, on the other hand, is one of my top 3 favorite books on the stands. I don't know if you read the newest issue yet, but it has maybe my favorite cliff hanger of the series so far. I love the series, utterly, and I'm terrified that Kirkman's just gonna kill Rick off for kicks. I have no faith in the longevity of any of the characters after this issue. Kirkman does rock, but I haven't been too impressed with much of his Marvel work so far. Except for Jubilee, which I like for reasons I can't explain.
You have to read Y:TLM. And Ex Machina. And Sleeper. Y:TLM I've already given big ups to, but Ex Machina and sleeper. Well, if people care, I can praise them later.


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« Reply #40 on: 30 Dec 2004, 13:02 »

American comics:
The Punisher
Silver Surfer
The uncanny X-men (only the first ones)
Batman (the ones with azrael, the name eludes me.)

Vampire game
Dragon hunter
Samurai deeper: Kyo


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« Reply #41 on: 30 Dec 2004, 13:05 »

sorry for the double post.
Quote from: happybirthdaygelatin
There is a manga series of Battle Royale, alot more violent.

I saw that movie... loved it. isn't it banned in the US, though?

Tom Brazelton

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« Reply #42 on: 30 Dec 2004, 14:20 »

I don't think it's been banned. It just hasn't found a distributor.


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« Reply #43 on: 30 Dec 2004, 16:00 »

I keep seeing people saying Battle Royale is banned in the US, which it really, really isn't. It's been shown at several film festivals.

I'm not sure there are any movies banned in the US short of child pornography and actual snuff films(not simulated snuff films, like The Passion of the Christ).
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« Reply #44 on: 30 Dec 2004, 16:57 »

it was banned when it was made, that i know for sure, and it was never in theatres here. buuuuttt, it was made in the 80s, and since then we've (thankfully) been desensitized to violence in all of it's forms, so it's acceptable, even entertaining, viewing.

oh by the way... just because something is shown at a film festival doesn't mean it's not banned in the country. they're privately run. i have a copy of battle royale, i bought it in japan. i dont believe people are allowed to sell it here, but again, i'm not positive.


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« Reply #45 on: 30 Dec 2004, 17:16 »

There has never been a reported case of a snuff film, ever. Snuff films are purely an urban legend...or at least according to the FBI they are.


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« Reply #46 on: 31 Dec 2004, 09:17 »

I remembered some others

Flaming Carrot


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« Reply #47 on: 31 Dec 2004, 11:41 »

Wow, I'm a bit late to the party. I just wanted to point out- betteroffdead, if you know the general backstory (there are seven Endless, Morpheus is the Lord of Dreams, he was trapped for a long time and lost power) there's really no need to start with the first volume. It's actually my least favorite of the trades- the art is pretty crappy, especially compared with some of the fantastic stuff done later in the series, and you can really tell Gaiman hasn't found his feet in regards to what he wants to do with the series (especially with the inclusion of Doctor Destiny and the Martian Manhunter). The second volume is much better, and I think Sandman really came into its own there- try flipping through it. I hate to see any poor soul deprived of Sandman for any longer than they have to. :P

As far as the comics I read- my uncle was an avid collector and Marvel fan, so I grew up on a lot of 80's X-titles and the like. But... *covers face* I have to admit that I love the Ultimate universe so much more than most of the stuff I grew up on. The art is spectacular, the writing is vastly improved over most of the classic stuff (Ultimate Spider-Man is an especially good example of this, I think) and the universe as a whole has been given a chance to recreate without the huge amount of backstory bogging it down. Come to think of it, the only Marvel titles I pick up regularly anymore are Exiles (which is pretty fantastic, definitely miles above nearly everything else Marvel is putting out) and Uncanny X-Men from force of habit. I also read quite a few Vertigo and indie-ish titles, most in trade form- Preacher, Transmetropolitan, Fables, Nightmares & Fairytales, Gloom Cookie, the Hellsing manga and Lucifer. (Not all at once, obviously- I'd go bankrupt. My usual strategy is to check out what I can of the backlog at ZCult [the best BitTorrent comic tracker out there] and if I like it, start collecting the hard copy.)


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« Reply #48 on: 31 Dec 2004, 12:19 »

If you skip the first Sandman, you miss some of the groundwork for the series. It's true that it's not as great as the rest, but It needs to all be read, since characters are introduced in vol 1 that play roles in 5, 9, and 10. Plus the 24 hours story is one of the scariest things ever


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« Reply #49 on: 02 Jan 2005, 01:19 »

i have a copy of battle royale, i bought it in japan. i dont believe people are allowed to sell it here, but again, i'm not positive.

One of my friends has a copy that I think he bought out here.  And I'm fairly certain that the local DVD rental place has a copy of both Battle Royale and the sequel.  Then again, they also routinely import movies like Hero or Dogville long before they see stateside release.

Honestly, I'm not sure why it would be banned.  It's actually a surprisingly good movie, with a decent amount to say.  And the violence didn't seem unusually graphic or anything besides the odd bit of "arterial spray" which never appears in US movies...
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