Unrelated to the Chameleon, but... Is Gavia gaining weight? Her hair is certainly more unkempt than it was in her first appearance, (Nice subtle touch on the art, by the way,) but comparing her first appearance on (what is currently) Comic 91, she's gotten less skinny. She's almost twig-like there, with a narrow face, tiny neck, scrawny (almost emaciated) arms, and really thin body, but as of the last few comics, she's gained some mass and looks a lot healthier. I'd chalk it up to art development, except that Ardent and Alice look almost identical to their first appearances. (Minus wardrobe changes for Ardent and the addition of shading after Gavia's introduction.)
So... Maybe Gavia is putting on a little muscle now that she's actually having to be active and do things? (Even if she has micro machines do all the work for her, she's still moving around more than I presume she normally would.) Or am I reading too much into this?