Gary is an Illuminati - an actual historical thing that has been blown out all all proportion and become an urban legend.
Gary is the name of the AI who is responsible for housekeeping at Mt Cheyenne, Colorado, the home of NORAD. He isn't actually hooked up to any of the defence department's systems, rather he just controls the janitorial and maintenance robots as well as keeping the canteens stocked. For a long time "Gary's Life" was a popular blog by an insider in the pressure cooker of NORAD. Although he was very firm on not breaking any secrecy and confidentiality rules, the generals eventually asked him to take down the blog as it was making them look stupid.
Now, although Gary was never in a position of any real power, the conspiracy theorists just couldn't believe this. So, Gary became the Skynet of the QC universe. These days, he works for Google, managing the Blogger subsystem and ensuring all Blogs are in line with the Terms of Service (a vast task that only a high-level AI can manage). He considers all the chatter about him being a Virtual God very, very funny and still talks to a few private friends within the AI community about his views on the whole thing on occasion.