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Author Topic: Yourtorbs channels!  (Read 16800 times)


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Yourtorbs channels!
« on: 14 Dec 2015, 05:48 »

Apologizes if this is the wrong subforum, but I think since this is (sort of) my own content, it's better here than in CLIKC?

Does anyone out there have a Youtube channel?  Should we have a thread for that sort of thing?

Here's mine: after years of looking at people doing Let's Plays and reviews of video games and thinking "That really looks like a lot of fun" I jumped in and started my own channel for that sort of thing!  It took a lot of experimentation and trial-and-error, but I finally got my computer able to record stuff, and upload it to Youtube.  So, I started my own video game channel.  I'm still working on how I'm going to set myself apart from the sheer avalanche of similar content out there (one thing I'd like to do is emphasize liking games earnestly, instead of ironically, and not just screaming curse words every five seconds like some of the "big names" in that genre.)   Either way, it's actually been a lot of fun recording things so far!  I'm saving up my money right now for an Elgato capture device so I can start recording newer platform games (and some old Nintendo stuff!) in addition to the older computer games I've done so far, and I'm really looking forward to that.

So far, I've done a review/Let's Play of an old DOS game, and also five videos in a series about a longer RPG (that series is still in progress.)

It's kind of jarring to go back and look at my videos once they're done.  I've learned that apparently I occasionally just drop grammatically required words out of sentences at random when I'm talking and nervous at the same time (not often, but it happens here and there.)  I also seem to sometimes use an entirely different word than I was thinking of using!  Weird.

Anyway, if you're into that kind of thing, my channel is over at  I am always interested in constructive criticism and suggestions, especially since I'm kind of new to this whole thing.


Post your own channels (do you do music, reviews, acting, other stuff?) here!


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Re: Yourtorbs channels!
« Reply #1 on: 14 Dec 2015, 13:14 »

Haven't watched any yet, but I see you do DOS games. Have you seen the Internet Archive's collection of old games?
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Re: Yourtorbs channels!
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jan 2016, 18:45 »

I have been putting one together since last march but havn't launched yet.  I think I am ready though!  I plan to finally launch the channel February 1st after my wedding.  :-D  I have 33 episodes ready but will release them 1 a day since I want a buffer for future recordings.
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