Hiyas. Figured I might as well delurk in order to share a few small observations!
The woman at the party in panel 2 of comic 2137, the one on the left, seems to share more than couple of similarities to the lovely and talented Ms. Azuma. Now, we already know that Emily has managed to write a program for satellites to become friends. We also know that she's said that a nebulous 'they' will kill her parents if she reveals more details about it. Jokingly, of course, but this is Emily, it's difficult to say for sure.
Hannelore was, of course, raised primarily in isolation due to her crippling social anxiety and hypochondria, something which would have precluded her from making any friends amongst the others on board Station. This means that, well, naturally she wouldn't recognize Emily even if the two's rooms were right next to one another. So there's no reason why Emily couldn't also have been raised aboard Station... and I'd not be surprised if her numerous idiosyncrasies were magnified by the fact that it's a space station full of engineers, scientists and, well, to put it politely, social misfits.
I think it's clear that Spookybot has more than a little sway over Station's internal affairs, not to mention a full collection of the data gathered upon the engineering staff: I'd also not be surprised if both Spooky and Station put Hannelore and Emily in the same town for various reasons. If you want to keep an eye on your friends, why not make it easy? And if you want to keep an eye on your projects, well, same applies.
I also think it interesting that when Hannelore wandered blearily out in comic 2330, Mrs. Azuma looked simply shocked, whereas Mr. Azuma gave what I can only assume is a glare. (That or he's just looking down at his plate.) They know something. I wonder if there was a falling out with the Ellicott-Chathams at one point.
Most of this, of course, is purest speculation, and that's not even starting to get into the Twinkie debate. (Some things, truly, are not for mortal minds.) But I'd not be surprised if Emily is just a normalish child raised in an abnormalish environment, just like Hannelore.