That article, though interesting is a bit disingenuous on nearly every point as far as I can tell. The sharks share of revenues go to the studios and their Hollywood accounting takes care of the rest. Before copyright, and even earlier the concentration of power into a few individuals at the beginning of the industrial revolution, an artist by profession lived by the sale of their wares to an appreciative audience or through patronage by a sponsor be it person or institution.
The internet of things is bringing all that back around full circle thanks to the breaking down of walls between artist and audience, and the bypassing of the gates and gate keepers who are trying every trick in the book and a few new ones to maintain their stranglehold on cultural content.
The problem is that the old model and its intricacies has been almost completely lost and forgotten and now has to be built from the ground up into a working system once again.
Copyright was created to help artists have exclusive control over their creations for a fixed period so that they may reap the benefits of their work and be encouraged to produce more. This life+60 +90 +infinity is a bastardization of the concept and just allows the holders of the copyrights to keep ripping everyone else off for zero contribution on their part.